Archive for 2023


No sooner had we forgiven Jane Fonda for her sins of many years ago than she gives fresh reason to condemn her. Today on The View–my God, does someone actually watch that show?–she suggested that pro-lifers should be murdered:

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Unfortunately, liberals’ tolerance of this kind of talk has had real consequences. Most notable, of course, is James Hodgkinson’s devastating attack on the Republican Congressional baseball team. And when Nicholas Roske set out to murder Justice Brett Kavanaugh, it is likely that he had extremist pro-abortion rhetoric in mind. But I see no significant effort by sane Democrats (assuming their increasingly unicorn-like existence) to distance themselves from the excesses of “activists” like Jane Fonda.

When someone who once sat atop a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun grinning from ear to ear says she wants half of America to be killed, I’m prepared to take her at her word. Naturally though, she’ll avoid any consequences among her fellow leftists by playing the “botched joke” get out of jail free card: Oh, sure! Jane Fonda says comment about murdering pro-life Republicans was ‘obviously in jest.’

DAVID LAT: Yale Law Is No Longer #1—For Free-Speech Debacles: Congratulations, Stanford Law, you’re the new poster child for intolerance.

Associate Dean Tirien Steinbach should be fired for this disgraceful treatment of a guest at the law school, and her direct role in it.

Meanwhile, from Judge Duncan: “I do feel bad—and outraged—for the Stanford FedSoc students. They are awesome people who just want to invite interesting judges to come talk to them. They’re a small group, obviously way outnumbered. They are the ones who lack power and status at Stanford Law. It’s ridiculous that they can’t get treated with civility, and it’s grotesquely unfair.”

Plus: “I get the protesters, they are socialized into thinking the right approach to a federal judge you don’t agree with is to call him a f**ker and make jokes about his sex life. Awesome. I don’t care what they think about my sex life. But it took a surreal turn when the associate dean of DEI got up to speak…. She opens up her portfolio and lo and behold, there is a printed speech. It was a set up—and the fact that the administration was in on it to a certain degree makes me mad.”

Plus: “You don’t invite someone to your campus to scream and hurl invective at them. Did I speak sharply to some of the students? I did. Do I feel sorry about it? I don’t.”

No one should feel bad about speaking harshly to spoiled, entitled children, which is what they were.

But people on the right should thank those children for doing more to weaken and marginalize our elite institutions than anyone on the right could ever manage.

And in the Stanford students’ — well, not defense, exactly — as Judge Duncan said, “they are socialized into thinking the right approach to a federal judge you don’t agree with is to call him a f**ker and make jokes about his sex life.” That’s the fault of Stanford Law — for admitting people like that, and for allowing, and even encouraging, them to behave that way.

Question for the experts: Would a federal civil rights action would lie against both Stanford Law and the student protesters, for a conspiracy to violate civil rights?

MATT TAIBBI: The Democrats Have Lost The Plot: Reclaiming some time, from a House hearing on free speech.

Testifying with Michael Shellenberger before a House Subcommittee was one of the more surreal experiences of my life. I expected serious attacks and spent a nervous night before preparing for them. Then the hearing began, and an episode of Black Adder: Congress broke out. The attacks happened, but it was more farcical horror and a parade of self-owns that made me more sad than upset.

The Democrats made it clear they were not interested in talking about free speech except as it pertains to Chrissy Teigen, seemed to suggest a journalist should not make a living, and finally made the incredible claim that Michael and I represented a “direct threat to people who oppose them.” Of all that transpired yesterday, this was the most ominous development — perhaps not for me but for reporters generally, given our government’s recent history of dealing with people deemed “threats.”

Beyond that, much of the hubbub yesterday involved the many “When did Elon Musk start beating your wife?” questions, and the line about me being a “so-called journalist.”

Regarding the former, both ranking member Stacey Plaskett and Texas Democrat Sylvia Garcia repeatedly asked questions about when I first got Twitter Files information, and from whom. It was a bizarre collective display of a whole group of politicians not understanding some pretty basic things about how not to act around journalists.

To be fair, they’re never around journalists, just Democratic Party scribes who work for newspapers and TV.

FROM CAROLINE FURLONG:  American Mage and Other Stories.

The Guardian Cycle, Vol. 2: American Mage and Other Stories by [Caroline Furlong]

It is said that war is hell. But what of the Prisoners of War, or the war orphans who grow up amidst the chaos, and what of those who escape their enemy’s prisons?

In Halcyon, meet a man who has been abused in a prison camp for so long that he has forgotten his own name – but not the desire to survive. Follow the adult orphans Warlock Ruthers produced in his campaign for power as they protect two children whom he seeks to murder to defeat a prophecy of his downfall in American Mage.

Meanwhile, Allan Kearney and Michio Oshika work on removing the demon tattoos from the former’s back at the same time they seek the means to end the persecution of Allan’s fellow prisoners. But demons do not release their prey without a fight, as the young Torránese soldier knows all too well. If he is to survive, let alone help rescue his comrades, first he will have to face the monsters clawing for his soul. It will be a battle that will require all his strength – and more…


FIRST, IT’S NOT ILLEGAL MOST PLACES. SECOND, WELL, SHE’S TOLD US WHAT SHE IS:  Jane Fonda Thinks ‘Murder’ is a Way to Make Abortion Legal Again.

Fourth what in actual heck is wrong with her head that she thinks the only way to control how many and when you have children is abortion? what century is she living in.


The enemy needs an enema.


I don’t know what the equivalent of that is for the situation the country is in, but I know right now not all hope is lost, and the best we can do is force them to obviously fraud in front of G-d and everyone, instead of giving them a seeming willing majority. Because as the late great Jerry Pournelle often reminded me: Despair is a sin. It’s also a liar. Half the time there’s no reason to despair.