Archive for 2022

I IMAGINE THERE WAS AN EARTH-SHATTERING KABOOM: New study of moon rocks finds they contain gases from Earth. “A new study of six moon rocks has discovered proof that the moon includes chemical elements from Earth’s interior — a finding that supports the theory that the moon was created when something smashed into Earth.”

21ST CENTURY RELATIONSHIPS: The Rise of Lonely, Single Men.

A couple of points: First, in my own observation, there seem to be a lot more lonely single women. But that’s just anecdotage.

Second, one of the takeaways here is that men need to raise their game. This may in fact be true, but if the article were about lonely single women, the takeaway would be that . . . men need to raise their game. Because rule number one in articles about dating and relationships is that men are always the problem.

FLORIDA MAN FRIDAY: He’s Got an Appetite for Destruction. “This week we have a joyriding construction equipment thief, the quickest case of recidivism ever, and Utah Man’s stolen raccoon.”

It’s VIP, so don’t forget that VODKAPUNDIT promo code if you’ve been thinking of joining us.

SO I WAS DONATING BLOOD EARLIER TODAY, and as I’m lying there filling the bag, a guy walks past me on the way out and says he passed his donation time by catching up on InstaPundit. Glad blog readers are out there donating too.

WAR ON WOMEN UPDATE: Gender-neutral Joan of Arc at Globe. “Joan of Arc will be portrayed as a gender-neutral character in a new play at the home of Shakespeare in London, in a radical departure from the usual depiction of the historic figure. Audiences for I, Joan, which will open on August 25 at the Globe and run for two months, will hear Joan use the pronouns ‘they’ and ‘them.’”


JIM TREACHER: Wait. The Bad Orange Man Had… Nuclear Documents? Seriously? “It’s been seven years since You-Know-Who rode down that escalator and threw his hat into the ring, and the Democrats have learned absolutely nothing. The more they try to hurt this guy, the more they end up helping him. Now they’re galvanizing the right behind him. Even traitors like me, who think 1/6 was bad and probably wanted Hillary to win, are incredulous that they’re abusing their power like this. It’s already backfiring, but at least the libs can still air out their bloodthirsty fantasies:”