Archive for 2022

THINKING ABOUT JOINING THE IRS? Babylon Bee helpfully provides the 17 job requirements you must satisfy in order to be considered. Instapunditeers should pay particular attention to #14.

COLORADO: What’s Happening With ‘South Park’ Creators’ Casa Bonita? “The answer to that question’s a complicated one, and first, we need to review exactly what’s going on with the South Park creators’ quest to reopen the shuttered landmark with actual ‘good food,’ not the stuff that makes everyone only remember the fountain-waterfall attractions and maybe the sopaipillas.”

RESEARCHERS SAY REGULAR BIBLE READING IS HEALTHY? Well, yes, according to HillFaith, that’s what the authors of the American Bible Society’s (ABS) 2022 State of the Bible Report say they found among Gen Zers, the youngest and typically least happy generation. The report is a product of a joint effort between University of Chicago’s National Opinion Research Center (NORC) analysts and those with the ABS.

SALMAN RUSHDIE ATTACKED ON LECTURE STAGE IN WESTERN NEW YORK. “An Associated Press reporter witnessed a man storm the stage at the Chautauqua Institution and begin punching or stabbing Rushdie as he was being introduced. The author was taken or fell to the floor, and the man was restrained.”


THE HOME FRONT: Russians Fleeing Crimea. “For all the talk of how Crimea is ‘inseparable’ from Russia, it seems like an awful lot of actual Russians are separating from it as quickly as they possibly can.”

This is fallout from the mysterious explosions at Russia’s Saki airbase, previously thought to be safe behind the front lines.

NO, 87K NEW IRS AGENTS WON’T JUST AUDIT MILLIONAIRES: The Heritage Foundation’s Rachel Greszler digs into the data and the history and concludes that “even increasing recent audit rates 30-fold for taxpayers making over $400,000 — including 100 percent audit rates on taxpayers with incomes over $10 million — still would fall more than 20% short of raising the estimated $35.3 billion in new revenues in 2031.” 

Ergo – the auditors will focus on everybody making less than $400,000, especially those filing W-2 and 1099-based returns claiming multiple deductions. Those claims will be red flags for the auditors.

HELPFUL BOOK: Stretching Anatomy. #CommissionEarned