Archive for 2016


Yes, it reads like Steve was relatively sober when he wrote that and no, it’s not a leftover April Fools post. Honest.

REMINDER: Claire Berlinski is crowdfunding a book on Europe’s crisis. She’s a keen observer and an excellent writer; her earlier works have been terrific. I donated to this project, and I’d encourage you to do so as well, if you can spare a bit of change.

COLONEL SANDERS, OR BERNIE SANDERS? Not even close. Col. Sanders’ very first restaurant created more jobs than Bernie has in his whole career.

THIS SHOULD HAPPEN A LOT IN THE GENERAL ELECTION: Wyoming Coal Miners Who Lost Their Jobs Come Out to Protest Clinton Campaign.

Bill Clinton, who was campaigning for his wife, made a campaign stop in Wyoming on Tuesday and talked about a variety of topics, including Medicaid expansion and energy production in the West. Local news station CBS 5 reported that there were 500 people in attendance.

During his campaign speech, Clinton spoke about the importance of clean energy and the effort to move away from coal energy. Coal is a hot topic for the people of Wyoming, and Clinton was met with protesters, some of whom were coal miners who had lost their jobs.

“Hillary had in one of her speeches said specifically she intends to put coal mines and coal miners out of work,” Yvette Land said. “We have families. We have kids and grandkids that rely upon the coal industry.”

At a CNN town hall in March, Hillary Clinton said that if she were elected president, she would put coal mines and coal miners out of business.

She wants them dependent on the government, and voting Democrat for life. Also, coal mining is ickily masculine.

REMINDER: Panama Papers Are About Government Corruption, Not ‘Tax Evasion.’ “In general, this is why politicians have off-shore accounts, to hide wrong-doing, and not just to ‘evade taxes.'”

The political class wants to talk about tax evasion, because then they don’t have to talk about how corrupt the political class is.

ANY ONE OR MORE OF THESE FOUR LAWS COULD MEAN JAIL FOR HILLARY AND HER TOP AIDES: That’s the assessment of a former FBI assistant director and multiple national security experts, according to the Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group’s Richard Pollock. They aren’t certain that indictments will be filed but what is certain is they, along with a lot of others in the law enforcement and national security communities, will be dumbfounded and outraged if there aren’t indictments.

“As a former career senior intelligence officer and special operations special mission intelligence officer and National Security Council staff member, I believe it is inconceivable that if it is verified that Hillary Clinton’s server contained or had SAP information on it that she could possibly escape indictment and criminal prosecution,” retired Col. James Waurishuk, a 30-year veteran in the national security field, told Pollock.

To date, 22 emails found on Clinton’s private, home-brew server contained Top Secret and SAP materials. The latter contain information related to the nation’s highest national security secrets. Intelligence experts believe hackers working for foreign intelligence agencies hacked Hillary’s server to glean the most sensitive information.

ACTUALLY, THAT IS THE GOAL: Unless the Goal Is Lower Living Standards, Bernie Sanders Has Learned the Wrong Lesson from Europe.

Earlier: “‘A couple of years ago, [socialist Venezuela’s] then-minister of education admitted that the aim of the regime’s policies was ‘not to take the people out of poverty so they become middle class and then turn into escuálidos’ (a derogatory term to denote opposition members). In other words, the government wanted grateful, dependent voters, not prosperous Venezuelans.’”

SINCE IT’S CLEAR IT WAS A HOAX, WHY ISN’T HER NAME PUBLICIZED? Judge orders Rolling Stone rape hoaxer to testify.

The University of Virginia student whose fantastical tale of fraternity gang-rape captivated the country until it was exposed as fraudulent will have to testify as part of a lawsuit against the magazine that printed the story.

U.Va.’s “Jackie”* will be deposed for at least three-and-a-half hours by lawyers for Nicole Eramo, the assistant dean of students at the university. Rolling Stone, which printed Jackie’s claims, will also be allowed to depose the former student for three-and-a-half hours.

Judge Glen Conrad, Chief U.S. District Judge for the Western District of Virginia, dismissed Jackie’s lawyer’s claims that their client was still a “victim” of a sexual assault and ordered the young woman to testify. Jackie’s lawyers had previously tried to quash the deposition, claiming it would cause her “significant and undeniable psychological harm.”

She’s not a victim, she’s a victimizer. Now she’s playing the “fragile female” card to escape accountability.

YEP. Roll Call: Is Bernie Sanders Getting A Free Pass?

Bernie Sanders’ supporters argue that his campaign isn’t being taken seriously.

He’s been “marginalized” by the mainstream media, wrote Robert Reich, former secretary of labor for President Bill Clinton and an ardent Sanders supporter, in Salon on Thursday. Others in Sanders’s corner demonstrated on Monday outside CNN in Los Angeles, claiming the network is flat out ignoring their man.

Still others would argue that it’s not about the tone or volume of coverage, but that the Vermont senator simply hasn’t gotten the kind of bark-scraping scrutiny from the press that others seeking the White House have endured.

Democrats for Hillary Clinton, for instance, see a persistent double-standard on the part of the media regarding her rival for the party’s nomination.

Well, they cover for Hillary plenty, too, but in a different way.