Archive for 2016

I GUESS THEY DON’T TEACH THE FIRST AMENDMENT AT UT-CHATTANOOGA: Student Government At Public University Kicks Out Member Over Pro-Trump Chalking.

Student government leaders at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga have demanded one of its members to resign over chalking a message on campus supporting Donald Trump.

In a message posted to Twitter early Wednesday morning, the incoming government slate called “Empower UTC” said they asked one of the participants in their coalition, Hailey Puckett, to leave student government over her pro-Trump artwork.

According to the message, Puckett’s values “do not line up with the pillars we’ve established ourselves on.”

Which pillars would be totalitarianism, censorship, and thuggery, I guess.

SPACE: Inflatable Living. “Somewhere spacious, and safe. Portable, but comfy. Lightweight, but robust to the dangers of space. Something like a big bouncy castle for kids, but built to house astronauts and solar system colonists and tourists looking for an out-of-this-world vacation. It sounds like a sci-fi fever dream, but it’s becoming reality. On Friday, SpaceX will launch a so-called ‘expandable’—a prototype called the Bigelow Expandable Activity Module—to the International Space Station. It will remain there, attached to the Tranquility module, for two years. Bigelow Aerospace hopes its time in orbit will prove the technology worthy of inhabitants.”

WHEN ROBOPHOBIA REARS ITS UGLY HEAD: Ultra-realistic robot sex dolls face UK ban. “Dr Kathleen Richardson, who is leading the fight, wants the development of robots that can be used for sex top be stopped. She says that such a use of the technology is unnecessary and undesirable.” Sounds like she’s sexually insecure.

THE INTERNET OF USELESS THINGS: “Alphabet-owned Nest recently revealed that it will be disabling the Revolv smart home hub on May 15, which will make the $300 device worthless.


To be clear, Nest is not only ending support for Revolv, but rather rendering it completely unusable. This is because of the development on the Works with Nest system going well, which meant that Revolv had to go.

Early on, there was no indication that Nest will be providing a replacement for Revolv owners or at least a refund for the $300 device. However, through the Nest Support account on Twitter, the company has revealed that it will work with customers on a case-by-case basis to come up with the best resolution, which includes compensation.

Rumor is that Nest is in deep trouble, losing hundreds of millions of dollars and many of the company’s best people.

GAY TALESE: The Voyeur’s Motel.

Funny, this guy’s views of middle-class unhappiness seem to match James Agee’s observations from Havana in a different era. Agee was a different sort of voyeur, but I wonder: Are ordinary people as unhappy as they often seem to outside observers, or are outside observers suffering from a lack of perspective and a desire to be entertained?

And, of course, the Stoics — and, actually, most of the Greeks of various philosophical schools — would have told us that looking for what we moderns call “happiness” is a fool’s errand, and that basing a society on that would be disastrous. Luckily, they were idiots who had no idea what they were talking about. Stupid ancients.

FASTER, PLEASE: Stem cell therapy halves deaths from heart failure. “Now, in the largest trial ever conducted, doctors in the US have proven that even the most serious cases of heart failure can be repaired using stem cells harvested from a patient’s own bone marrow. End-stage patients, whose only hope was a heart transplant, were treated with stem cells in a single operation. Doctors found the group were 37 per cent less likely to have been admitted to hospital in the 12 months following the operation and half as likely to have died than those on placebo. The procedure takes just two hours and most patients were discharged a day after surgery.”

When I started InstaPundit, the talk was all about embryonic stem cells. But it appears that much of the real action is in adult stem cells. I remember in 2004 Michael J. Fox flushed half (or more) of his fan base with an ad calling Republicans unscientific haters over this very issue.