Archive for 2016

THE SOFT BIGOTRY OF JIMMY KIMMEL’S LOW MUSLIM EXPECTATIONS: “The Left’s fear that Muslim-Americans will be radicalized if challenged isn’t just outlandish, it’s dismissive of the fact that these types of Muslims are already politically and culturally radical. The Islamist agenda isn’t just politically driven, it’s also culturally driven parasite that relies on its host for survival. Last week, host Jimmy Kimmel and his over-exuberant audience did a fantastic job of scoring a win for radical Islam.”

Read the whole thing.


Related: The London Guardian really doesn’t care that we can Google their past headlines:

Shot: “President ‘has four years to save Earth.’”

—Headline, the Guardian, January 17, 2009, quoting “NASA scientist and leading climate expert Jim Hansen.”

Chaser: “Climate change threat to public health worse than polio, White House warns.”

—Headline, the Guardian Monday.

Wow, not only that, but snowfalls are now just a thing of the past, to boot!

SECURITY: WhatsApp’s Encryption Embrace Is a Landmark Event.

An important factor in WhatsApp’s encryption push is the pedigree of the people behind the technology. The outfit is called Open Whisper Systems and it’s led by a very highly regarded cryptographer who uses the name “Moxie Marlinspike” and was once a key member of Twitter’s TWTR -0.23% security team (Twitter bought an earlier company of his, Whisper Systems, to beef up its own security).

Open Whisper Systems created an app called Signal that provides encrypted text messaging and voice calls (functions that were originally marketed on Android as TextSecure and RedPhone respectively). It is this technology that is now incorporated into WhatsApp, across all its mobile platforms — iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, Nokia S40, Nokia S60, Blackberry, and BB10.

The tech is state-of-the-art and uses clever tricks such as “forward secrecy” — each conversation uses a new key, so if an attacker steals the key, they cannot decrypt earlier conversations (a big problem with encrypted email). The code is open-source and has been audited. Users can even verify the security of their conversations by comparing their “security codes”. Snowden himself promotes it.

Sounds good — but you have to wonder that since Snowden is promoting it, does that mean his Russian hosts already have a skeleton key?

GOV. MOONBEAM SHRUGS: Jerry Brown Admits $15 Minimum Wage Does Not Make Economic Sense, Approves It Anyway.

And note this bit of incredible spin in the Sacramento Bee: “Brown, a fiscal moderate, had previously expressed reservations about a wage increase.”

I’m not sure which is worse; the Sacramento Bee calling a man who said in 1995, “The conventional viewpoint says we need a jobs program and we need to cut welfare. Just the opposite! We need more welfare and fewer jobs,” a “fiscal moderate,” or the fact that maybe, they could be right, insomuch as Brown just might qualify for the phrase in loony left Sacramento in 2016.

In any case, I’m glad to now be observing the formerly Golden State from the outside, rather than, as Obama ally Bernardine Dohrn would say, “living inside the belly of the beast.”

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Footing The Bill For Higher Education.

Federal and state policymakers are often working on similar policy challenges from different vantage points. And when they do not coordinate their decision-making, what may start as a promising response to a major public need can end up being difficult to implement, unsustainable, and in some cases, counterproductive.

Higher education illustrates the point.

The cost of higher education and growing student debt levels are being discussed everywhere from the kitchen table to the campaign trail. And while there is no consensus about a solution, members of both political parties have expressed concern about college affordability.

At no time of year is that more important than now. Students will soon find out where they’ve been accepted to college; they and their parents will immediately want to know how much financial help they can expect when the bill comes due. Unfortunately, while there have been significant increases in federal financial aid in recent years, many schools had even bigger tuition increases in the wake of state budget cuts. . . .

Over roughly the past decade, federal spending on higher education per full-time student grew by 32 percent in real terms, with the Pell grant seeing a substantial increase since the start of the recession. Over the same time frame, however, state government spending on higher education has shrunk by 37 percent, and public colleges and universities across the country have significantly increased tuition. At many schools, the increases in federal financial aid have not been enough to offset rising tuition.

And they never will be, since tuition increases to capture the subsidies.

BEING A FILMMAKER IS HELL IN THE ERA OF HOPE AND CHANGE: California authorities raid home of anti-Planned Parenthood Filmmaker. “Authorities seized a laptop and multiple hard drives from his Orange County apartment, Daleiden said in an email. The equipment contained all of the video Daleiden had filmed as part of his 30-month project, ‘including some very damning footage that has yet to be released to the public,’ he said.”