Archive for 2016


In The Revolt of the Elites Lasch foresaw the disconnect between the nation’s political classes and the governed, as UCLA law professor Stephen Bainbridge has recently observed. America’s elites have devoted so much energy to building their collective moral system that they expect ideological obedience. When Trumpists say strong families in the 1950s were a positive, the cognoscenti respond: “So what. It was a terrible time for minorities and gays.”

Trump’s armies feel the sting of comfortable, upscale, post-industrial winners who can barely conceal their contempt for those they dismiss as Wal-Mart people. The disdain for yeoman America—which is overwhelmingly white—is visceral, longstanding, and profound.

“Middle Americans, as they appear to the makers of educated opinion, are hopelessly shabby, unfashionable, and provincial, ill informed about changes in taste or intellectual trends, addicted to trashy novels of romance and adventure, and stupefied by prolonged exposure to television,” Lasch wrote in 1995, not yesterday. “They are at once absurd and vaguely menacing.”

Read the whole thing.

Related: Monday’s Newsweek headline: “I’d Like to Sincerely Apologize for Texas.”

Why? As National Interest noted in a 2014 article headlined, “Texas: America’s Economic Miracle?”, “Since the peak of U.S. GDP in 2007, Texas has contributed 32 percent of all economic growth in the United States. That is an astounding number. From 2007 through the end of 2013, the U.S. economy grew by $702 billion, and Texas grew by $220.5 billion.”

In 2010, the Washington Post offloaded the Newsweek brand name to a private investor for one dollar.

BJØRN LOMBORG: Don’t be fooled – Elon Musk’s electric cars aren’t about to save the planet.

While electric cars typically emit less CO₂, the savings are smaller than most imagine. Over a 150,000 km lifetime, the top-line Tesla S will emit about 13 tonnes of CO₂. But the production of its batteries alone will emit 14 tonnes, along with seven more from the rest of its production and eventual decommissioning.

Compare this with the diesel-powered, but similarly performing, Audi A7 Sportback, which uses about seven litres per 100km, so about 10,500 litres over its lifetime. This makes 26 tonnes of CO₂. The Audi will also emit slightly more than 7 tons in production and end-of-life. In total, the Tesla will emit 34 tonnes and the Audi 35. So over a decade, the Tesla will save the world 1.2 tonnes of CO₂.

Reducing 1.2 tonnes of CO₂ on the EU emissions trading system costs £5; but instead, the UK Government subsidises each car with £4,500.

It’s almost as though the whole industry were just a scam to divert tax dollars into the pockets of cronies and favored constituents.

RELIGION OF PEACE: Secular Bangladeshi writer murdered in the street.

Samad, described by Bangladesh police as a masters student at Jagannath University, is the sixth secularist writer or publisher to have been murdered in Dhaka in the last 16 months. Police called the murder a pre-planned attack.

“He was on his way back home from his evening classes when he was circled by a group of three to four people,” Senior Assistant Police Commissioner Nurul Amin of the Dhaka Police, told CNN.

“First the attackers hacked Samad with machetes, then shot him.”

Samad’s offense? Posting on Facebook about “religious fundamentalism, war crimes, minority issues, corruption and injustice against women.”

DOING JOBS HILLARY CAN’T DO: Obama emerges as key anti-Trump messenger.

President Obama is increasingly taking on Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner in the race to succeed him.

Obama, who is officially neutral in the Democratic race between Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and his former secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, is in prime position to advance his party’s anti-Trump message.

I wonder if, and how, Trump will hit back.

CAMPUS PANIC UPDATE: Indiana University terrified by “Klansman with a whip” who turned out to be a priest in white robes with a rosary.

On Facebook, Jason van Steenwyk comments: “Campus liberals successfully identify 139,563 out of every five actual racists.”