Archive for 2013


Forget bed bugs. There’s a new parasite moving into apartments. This one has two feet, a sex drive, and travels with a duffel bag. The now defunct williamsboard .com called them “sex gypsies” — people who hook up largely so they have a place to stay.

Kids today. Doing things we used to do, that they think are new. . . .

ANN ALTHOUSE DISSECTS OBAMA’S CONSTITUTIONAL THEORY: “It’s an idea of constitutional government as a political system, within which rights are only another manifestation of what the people want. And, in the ultimate scary twist on the idea of rights: Government is not to be regarded as in need of limits, because the government is us. Anything we — the government — want to do is never tyranny, but freedom.”

It’s a kind of coverture writ large, with Obama as national husband. . . .

IN THE MAIL: From Charles E. Gannon, Fire with Fire.

UH OH: ObamaCare’s Target Audience Doesn’t Much Want It. “If basic insurance coverage was the goal, wouldn’t giving people some sort of voucher or payment ticket to buy insurance be a cleaner, easier solution (and one that could have been implemented overnight)?” Insufficient opportunities for control.

WALTER RUSSELL MEAD: Senate Poised To Ruin Obama’s Treaty Party:

The United Nations yesterday approved the first ever global arms trade treaty in an effort to regulate the multibillion-dollar international weapons trade. The treaty is supposed curb the ability of countries like Iran and Russia to sell weapons to countries like Syria, though implementation of the agreement is still years away and no actual enforcement system has been drawn up. As of now, the treaty’s only real effect is enabling some countries to flag other countries’ weapons sales as illegal under international law.

President Obama has backed this treaty, but for the US to actually become a party at least 67 Senators will have to get on board. And as we’ve noted before, this is a long shot. Over half the Senate has already signed an amendment pledging to defeat the treaty, citing concerns about ceding authority over US interests to foreign governments. And while the treaty does not grant the UN jurisdiction over any domestic sales, the NRA has also been active in stirring up opposition, capitalizing on the parallels with gun control measures at home.

President Obama may come to regret pushing for a global treaty that has little hope of passing the Senate.

It certainly won’t make life easier for swing-state Senate Democrats.