Archive for 2013

BUT EVERYBODY’S FOCUSING ON GUNS: Holmes’ doctor warned police before Colo. movie attack. “A University of Colorado psychiatrist told campus police a month before the Aurora movie theater attack that James Holmes had homicidal thoughts and was a public danger, according to records unsealed Thursday.”

DEALING WITH MEDICAL EMERGENCIES AT 40,000 FEET. “Over the past seven years, I have responded to five in-flight medical events, three of which were true emergencies. It’s estimated that a medical event of some sort occurs once for every 10,000 to 40,000 passengers on intercontinental flights. Information about these incidents is limited by underreporting, variable data quality, and the inability to determine what happens to patient-passengers when they leave the plane. In the United States, an airline is only required to report an incident to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) when a passenger dies or if the plane is diverted due to a death or medical emergency.”

CHANGE: Cohabitation first is new norm for unmarrieds with kids. “For almost half of women ages 15-44, their ‘first union’ was cohabitation rather than marriage, says the report from the National Center for Health Statistics. For less than one-quarter, the first union was marriage.”

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Britain’s bubble looks kinda like ours. Some details vary, but the government tried to push supply above demand, with similar results: “It is hard to fathom what Tony Blair was thinking when he promised that half of 18-year-olds would go to university. The result has been betrayal, broken dreams, graduates working in coffee shops, a business community that still cannot find the right people with the right soft and hard skills, and a generation of young people crumbling under ever larger student debts. It’s a social catastrophe for which nobody has yet paid the price; even worse, it remains politically unacceptable for those in a position of power to point any of this out.”

That’s what happens when you violate Reynolds’ Law.

SEAN TRENDE: Why 2012 Postmortems Overstate Republican Woes. “I’ve long argued that these postmortems are overwrought, and nothing about the results altered that. After all, the demographic changes in that election were more attributable to a surprisingly large number of white voters staying home (fewer whites voted last year than in 2004, despite steady growth in absolute numbers) than to any rapid growth in minority votes. The GOP performed about as well in November as we would have expected given the state of the economy; in fact, the exit polls suggest that the GOP actually fared quite well on key policy questions, demographic changes notwithstanding.”

CHARGING AIR PASSENGERS BY THE POUND. I’m all for this, if it offsets the trend of seats getting smaller as passengers get larger.


At the last stop of his California fundraising swing Thursday, Obama couldn’t help but take notice of California Attorney General Kamala Harris — and not just for her legislative work.

“She’s brilliant and she’s dedicated, she’s tough,” Obama said according to a pool report of the event. “She also happens to be, by far, the best looking attorney general …. It’s true! C’mon.”

No word yet on Michelle Obama’s reaction, but Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden must be steaming about his omission from the president’s list.

No word on whether this is connected to Michelle Obama’s reference to herself as a “single mother.”

WELL, IT’S GOLD, IT’S A RING, AND THERE’S A CURSE: Ring that may have inspired Tolkien goes on show. “The ring is believed to be linked to a curse tablet found separately at the site of a Roman temple dedicated to a god named Nodens in Gloucestershire, western England. The tablet says a man called Silvianus had lost a ring, and it asks Nodens to place a curse of ill health on Senicianus until he returned it to the temple. An archaeologist who looked into the connection between the ring and the curse tablet asked Tolkien, who was an Anglo-Saxon professor at Oxford University, to work on the etymology of the name Nodens in 1929.”

A GREEN METEORITE? KEEP IT AWAY FROM SUPERMAN, JUST IN CASE: Green meteorite may be from Mercury, a first. “The green rock found in Morocco last year may be the first known visitor from the solar system’s innermost planet, according to meteorite scientist Anthony Irving, who unveiled the new findings this month at the 44th annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in The Woodlands, Texas. The study suggests that a space rock called NWA 7325 came from Mercury, and not an asteroid or Mars.”