Archive for 2013

HOW SANDRA FLUKE gets it wrong.


Oh, wait — that’s how it would have been spun if it had been Mitt Romney. Never mind.

UPDATE: Reader Sarah Rolph writes: “When Romney was Governor of Massachusetts, he refused his entire salary, taking just a token $1. I never noticed anyone giving him credit for that.” Heck, I don’t think I even heard about that.

LEGAL EDUCATION UPDATE: Jones: The U.S. News Law School Academic Reputation Scores, 1998-2013. My favorite bit: Academics’ view of law schools has declined, even as lawyers and judges see them as improving, and this disparity is probably because of “strategic voting” on the U.S. News questionnaires:

Interestingly, the declines in academic reputation scores were in stark contrast to the substantial improvements that law schools enjoyed with respect to the reputation scores they received from lawyers and judges. The study revealed that 142 of the 172 law schools in the data set (83%) finished the period with higher lawyer/judge reputation scores. The improvements to these scores, furthermore, were often substantial. . . . The improvements to the lawyer/judge reputation scores would seem consistent with the recent advances in legal academia and the large expenditures that have been devoted to improving reputation scores. Why, then, have the academic reputation scores declined so significantly over the last sixteen years? This author contends in the article that the declines reflect the influence of the U.S. News rankings themselves. The U.S. News rankings now exert an inordinate degree of influence in the world of legal education. The academics who fill out the surveys each year undoubtedly understand that their schools cannot improve in the rankings without a corresponding decline by their competitors. The zero sum nature of the rankings, therefore, provides academics with a powerful incentive to employ increasingly stringent standards in their evaluations of competing institutions.

The lawyers and judges, of course, have little reason to vote strategically.

CHANGE: FBI Documents Connect Aryan Brotherhood with Mexican Cartels. “Evidence suggests that the Aryan Brotherhood has morphed into what is primarily a drug-trafficking gang, and there is a more frightening possibility: that the Aryan Brotherhood is acting as a conduit, doing the dirty work for a Mexican drug cartel criminal insurgency into the United States.”

K-12 IMPLOSION UPDATE: George Will: Schools push a curriculum of propaganda. “Wisconsin’s DPI, in collaboration with the Orwellian-named federal program VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America; the ‘volunteers’ are paid), urged white students to wear white wristbands ‘as a reminder about your privilege, and as a personal commitment to explain why you wear the wristband.'”

The more public schools are about pushing a political agenda, the less political — and budgetary — support they’ll enjoy from those who don’t share that agenda.

POLITICAL PRESSURE TO SOFTEN THE TEST WILL BE HUGE: Female Marines Fail Infantry Officer Course. “The only two women to participate in the Marine Corps Infantry Officer Course (IOC) failed ongoing tests to determine which infantry positions should be available to women, according to the Marine Corps Times. . . . The two women both volunteered to participate in the IOC. Two other women had previously volunteered in September but also failed.”

THE GOP MAY NOT BE THE “STUPID PARTY” AFTER ALL: Congresswoman Doesn’t Know How Guns Work. “A couple of days ago, I noted that Kathleen Sebelius doesn’t seem to know how insurance works. Now Colorado’s senior Democratic representative, who wants to ban extended magazines, appears to reveal that she doesn’t know how the magazines that she wants to ban actually work.” Remember, there are no IQ tests for elective office.