Archive for 2010

CINCINNATI TEA PARTY condemns protest at Rep. Driehaus’s home. “We strongly believe that it is not appropriate to engage an elected official outside of their official capacity. We are urging our members and supporters to show the same respect to his family that we expect for our own.”

Well, good for them, though I’ll note that when ACORN sent protesters to the homes of Wall Street executives, the media was very supportive. And those weren’t even elected officials.

UPDATE: Chicago-based “National People’s Action” didn’t have any concerns about protesting on Karl Rove’s doorstep:

More than a dozen yellow school buses filled with demonstrators paid a house call to Rove on Sunday afternoon. The boisterous group gathered in the yard of his tony northwest Washington home and sent a delegate to knock on the door. . . .

Van Slyke said the demonstration quickly escalated to confrontation.

“We got there and we had whistles and signs, and when we got to the front door, he yelled at us to get off his property,” she said. . . . “Basically what he wanted to do was say that we had scared his kid.”

I don’t recall a lot of media outrage at that. I guess this sort of thing is fine when it’s done to Republicans.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Unions Protest Outside McCain’s Va. Condo. Nothing in the Washington Post story suggesting that there’s anything wrong with that.

ANOTHER OBAMACARE TRIUMPH: AT&T will take $1B non-cash charge for health care.

AT&T Inc. will take a $1 billion non-cash accounting charge in the first quarter because of the health care overhaul and may cut benefits it offers to current and retired workers.

The charge is the largest disclosed so far. Earlier this week, AK Steel Corp., Caterpillar Inc., Deere & Co. and Valero Energy announced similar accounting charges, saying the health care law that President Barack Obama signed Tuesday will raise their expenses. On Friday, 3M Co. said it will also take a charge of $85 million to $90 million.

Hope and change!

UPDATE: Claire McCaskill: Hey, maybe we “overpromised” on ObamaCare. Ya think?

RESISTANCE is not futile.

SIX WEEKS TO A perfect lawn.

OUCH: “It’s a sad day when the President of the United States uses taxpayer dollars to travel around the country ridiculing and provoking those taxpayers with whom he disagrees, but this is what we get when the ‘cool’ guy wins. How I long for the days of a ‘cowboy’ President I didn’t always agree with, but always respected.” The “provoking” part is a deliberate strategy, designed to inflame and produce things they can use to call the opposition extremist.

UPDATE: Faking the hate: “If you can’t stand the heat, manufacture a hate crime epidemic.”

FASTER, PLEASE: Grow your own blood vessels. “Using your own stem cells—extracted from your fat or bone marrow—a San Diego company called Organovo is offering a $200,000 bioprinter that prints human tissue in 3D. While the current model, which ships this year, can only handle simple stuff like blood vessels, printing up whole organs is very close.”

From the comments: “In other news, Lexmark will release a home version for $175.00. Unfortunately the four DNA component cartridges will be $11,000 apiece, and only let you print something about the size of a tonsil before needing to be replaced.”

FIGHTING HIV with bananas.


UPDATE: From the comments:

95 percent of Democrats who use the term “neo-con” are just employing it as a generalized term of abuse, like a dimwitted 8 year old who hears a new dirty word from the big kids on the playground but doesn’t really know what it means.

The other 5 percent use it as a polite euphemism for “dirty Jew.”

Pretty much.

DOG eats police car. Now if a police car ate a dog, that would be news!

ROLLING OUT this season’s gas grills. Too cold and gloomy here for grilling today, but it’s supposed to be nice and springlike tomorrow. Faster, please!

UPDATE: Reader Dan Brass writes:

I live in the Cleveland area (alas). I use the grill year round. The way I look at it, if “neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night” prevents the USPS from delivering me requests for donations, I can at least grill some tasty animals any day of the year!

Yeah, but that’s Cleveland. To live in that town, you must be tough tough tough tough. Luckily, the meat doesn’t have to be . . .


Every time I write anything about Social Security, I get at least one person arguing that everything is fine because after all, the trust fund is not going to run out until 2036 or so.

I want to assume good faith, but I have a hard time believing that anyone takes this argument seriously. Today, because social security payments exceeded revenue, we’re going to either have to raise taxes, or borrow more money, in order to cover the benefits.

How would this be different if we didn’t have the trust fund?

Well, it would be a little more obvious.

JAMES PETHOKOUKIS: A Wall Street conspiracy to kill Social Security? We can hope. “Letting Americans shift at least some of their government-directed savings into the real economy would generate a bigger nest egg. This is done in Chile and Sweden, for instance. Yes, stocks are risky. But the market ultimately reflect the real economy. If it booms, so will portfolios. And if doesn’t, Social Security is in even deeper trouble. If there isn’t a conspiracy, someone should hatch one.”


JOURNALISM: AP: Say, guess what we just found in ObamaCare! “Congress passed the bill without knowing what was in it. Barack Obama signed it without reading it. Now it looks as though the Associated Press reported on ObamaCare without comprehending its content. Readers will have to scroll far down to discover that the elimination of a key tax break that kept retirees on company prescription-medication plans will mean dumping millions of seniors onto Medicare — and that the AP ignored it until now.”

PROVOCATIVE, CONFRONTATIONAL RHETORIC FROM JAMES CARVILLE AND THE DCCC: “Narrow-minded tea party nut jobs,” “vile two-bit wing-nuts,” “slimy thugs.” This kind of unhinged, eliminationist rhetoric might lead some of his followers to acts of violence, for which he would surely be condemned by all right-thinking people.