Archive for 2010

MORE EXTREMIST ELIMINATIONIST HATE RHETORIC: “As the mainstream media hyperventilate over what is now regularly being referred to as rightwing hate speak, liberal talk radio host Mike Malloy Friday actually called for conservative talkers Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Bill O’Reilly to commit suicide.”

UH OH: Fears About Treasuries. “A long period of stability for the US government bond market showed signs of cracking this week as a lack of investor appetite for new debt sent the benchmark 10-year yield to its highest level since last June. For more than a year, analysts have been warning that record sized debt sales by the US Treasury were at odds with a 10-year yield sitting comfortably below 4 per cent. This week, the yield on 10-year notes jumped from 3.65 per cent to a peak of 3.92 per cent on Thursday. . . . For now, other key markets such as equities and the dollar have not been affected by the rise in yields, but that may change if the 10-year rises decisively above 4 per cent and big auctions next month are also poorly received.”

WHY HAS BARACK OBAMA TREATED NETANYAHU SO RUDELY? “Obama would never treat the president of Equatorial Guinea that way.”

Possibly Obama just hates Israel and hates Jews. That’s plausible — certainly nothing in his actions suggests otherwise, really.

But it’s also possible — I’d say likely — that there’s something else going on. I think Obama expects Israel to strike Iran, and wants to put distance between the United States and Israel in advance of that happening. (Perhaps he even thinks that treating Israel rudely will provoke such a response, saving him the trouble of doing anything about Iran himself, and avoiding the risk that things might go wrong if he does). On the most optimistic level, maybe this whole thing is a sham, and the U.S. is really helping Israel strike Iran, with this as distraction. The question for readers is which of these — not necessarily mutually exclusive — explanations is most plausible.

UPDATE: Glenn Greenwald refers to the above speculation — which I regard as favorable to Obama, since it suggests he knows what he’s doing instead of merely being, you know, a snot — as “bizarre conspiracy theories.” He then proceeds to demonstrate his usual lack of comprehension by conflating treatment of Israel by the United States with treatment of Netanyahu by Obama. Yeah, Israel gets a lot of support from the United States, because the United States electorate is pretty supportive, which over the years has led Congress to appropriate money and pass laws in ways that help Israel. This hardly suggests that Obama himself is equally supportive, and, in fact, his behavior suggests quite the opposite. It’s telling that — as usual — Greenwald can only criticize a post of mine by misrepresenting it and attacking a straw man. Pathetic.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Some related thoughts from Prof. William Jacobson.

MORE: The Obama Administration’s Naive Outrage At Israel.

MORE STILL: Unlike Greenwald — or those hacks at Media Matters — picking up on the real point.

STILL MORE: Obama’s rudeness not selling with Congress. “The letter had only circulated for three days last week before garnering 327 signatures, probably the most bipartisan effort seen on Capitol Hill in this session of Congress. It provides a measure of just how far out of the mainstream the Obama administration has gotten on relations with Israel.”

Meanwhile, Moe Lane thinks I’m too optimistic about Obama’s intentions.

JEFF GOLDSTEIN: “It is an Orwellian world in which we live when fucking novelists want to distance themselves from those who criticize the government.”

ANOTHER BUSTED APPOINTMENT: 2nd pick for transportation security chief is out. “President Barack Obama’s second nominee for transportation security chief withdrew from consideration Friday because of questions over his background as a defense contractor.”

INSTAPUNDIT GETS RESULTS: Last night I noted an error in a Seattle Times story about “vandalism” at Rep. Driehaus’s office — vandalism that couldn’t have occurred because the window through which a rock was allegedly thrown was on the 30th floor. Tonight I received this from the Seattle Times:

This is Leon Espinoza, executive news editor of The Seattle Times. A reader called us Friday afternoon after having seen some Web postings questioning the accuracy of a wire story we ran in Thursday’s paper.

We picked up the information in question from the Bloomberg News wire service. Today, our wire editor called Tim Mulvey, the spokesman for Ohio Democratic Rep. Steve Driehaus. Mulvey, who was quoted in the article, said he was misquoted about where the rock was thrown. When contacted, Bloomberg investigated and has since sent out a corrected version of the story. We are publishing a correction in print and have fixed the article on our Web site.

We take matters of accuracy extremely seriously. In the future, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly, by phone [] or via e-mail, [], so that we may take care of these matters more quickly.

That’s how it’s supposed to work. Thanks. And I didn’t even have to get Retracto on the case!

GOVERNMENT HEALTHCARE IN BRITAIN: Hospital wards to shut in secret NHS cuts. “Tens of thousands of NHS workers would be sacked, hospital units closed and patients denied treatments under secret plans for £20 billion of health cuts.” Running out of other people’s money, are they?

EMPOWERING THE DISENFRANCHISED: Tea Party has accomplished what ACORN only promised. “Yet, bizarrely, those supposed champions of grassroots democracy who mourned the death of ACORN have no patience – let alone tea and sympathy – for the Tea Party.” It’s not that bizarre. ACORN “empowered” the disenfranchised to do what they were told.


NEW WORDS TO REPLACE “HIPSTER:” Personally, I like “Doucheoisie.”