Archive for 2010

JASON MATTERA: Why would Alan Grayson want to give your money over to Native American child molesters? It’s an amusing interview, where Grayson doesn’t seem to know what’s in his own bill.

Mattera’s got a new book out, too: Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation.

UPDATE: Reader Phil Horn writes:

Regarding your post of Jason Mattera’s video this morning, I think it should be pointed out that the section of HR 3962 that he references doesn’t exactly hand money to child molesters. It is a provision providing funding for studying and treating abusers and their victims (I found this on page 1925, rather than 1950 as cited in the video).

One could make the argument that it is still outside the scope of what the government should be doing — especially in restricting it to a specific ethnic group — but it isn’t quite as outrageous as the video suggests. It all seems a bit contrived, which isn’t really necessary given what a target-rich environment the healthcare overhaul has become.

Well, that’s a better answer than Alan Grayson was able to come up with!

BYRON YORK: Polls: People Still Don’t Like Obamacare. “Republicans have been portrayed as erupting in one long, irrational cry of anger about losing the vote. But they’re watching the polls closely and believe they will benefit by continuing to oppose the bill as it slowly becomes policy.”

DAVID HARSANYI on the bogus concern about “threats” and “mobs.”

For those grappling with history, here’s what a “mob” looks like: furious citizens raiding the Bastille, stabbing and decapitating its governor, Marquis Bernard de Launay, and placing his head on a pike to parade around Paris streets to cheering crowds.

Or, to put it in more contemporary terms, think anti-capitalist, stone-throwing, Starbucks-hating, economic-justice thugs. Or perhaps radical environmentalists who burn down housing projects and research facilities for Mother Earth. For a domestic terrorist, you won’t need to go farther than your local Chicago university to spot a Weatherman.

But if you bring up Bill Ayers, that’s a sign you’re an “extremist.”

PROF. TOM SMITH: “This latest Dem hysteria over the scariness of tea partiers is just beneath contempt. . . . The reaction of our masters to a little popular anger is a lot more chilling IMHO than a few rednecks gone wild, if even that has actually occurred, about which it seems there is considerable doubt.”