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He’s not wrong.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Sues Hillary Clinton for Defamation Over ‘Russian’ Claim.

More here: “Following Clinton’s initial comments, Gabbard responded on Twitter by calling the former secretary of state ‘the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long,’ and challenged her to join the primary.”

And at Twitchy: “Tulsi Gabbard is suing Hillary Clinton and the first page of the filing is WILD AF… ‘Tulsi Gabbard is running for President of the United States, a position Clinton has long coveted, but has not been able to attain.’”

Pass the popcorn.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Not Manly Enough: Femmephobia’s Stinging Impact on the Transmasculine Community. “Hoskin’s most recent study on femme identity, published in the journal Sex Roles, describes femmephobia as a ‘regulatory power’ within the LGBTQ community.”

Well, lately the LGBT community wants to regulate everybody, it seems, so why should you be immune from their censoriousness?


“She could never take me seriously with being trans. She was always, like, But you like to wear skirts and dresses.”

Belderiver describes his gender expression as androgynous and femme. A typical outfit includes shredded jeans with a pair of fishnet stockings and a crop top. Belderiver’s hair is partially shaved. He wears black eyeliner and occasionally tops off the look with an electric-green lipstick.

“I’ve accepted a long time ago that I won’t be the most masculine guy,” Belderiver said. “Growing up I felt very stifled. I felt like I didn’t have a personality of my own. It has meant a lot to me to branch out and define who I am as a person.”

For Belderiver, the clothing he wears is about more than just gender expression. Dressing is an act of resistance against his overbearing parents.

I believe that.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders accuse each other of lying in post-debate confrontation.

More here: “Sanders supporters immediately flooded Twitter with images likening Warren to a snake. Warren defenders hurled back charges of misogyny, an accusation that plagued Sanders’ 2016 campaign against Hillary Clinton. Those caught between them despaired.”

And Joe Biden thinks of Henry Kissinger’s quote on the Iran-Iraq War, and laughs.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Tulsi Gabbard Volunteers Find Dozens of Signs Defaced With Hammer-and-Sickle Logos.

Related! “Socialist Bernie Sanders Raises $34.5 Million In Last Quarter Of 2019, Beating All Democrat Rivals,” despite* spending his honeymoon in the Soviet Union.

* Potential Fox Butterfield alert. Or as Peter Ingemi of DaTechGuy blog tweets regarding Gabbard’s signs being defaced, “The most amazing thing about this story is the quaint idea that in 2020 there is still at least one Democrat candidate who thinks being associated with the hammer & sickle might be considered an insult to them rather than an incentive for the current party base to support them.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: The WaPo publishes a piece titled “How Star Wars reinforces our prejudices.”

All fantasy worlds draw from reality, and the Star Wars universe is no exception. As fans flock to theaters to see “The Rise of Skywalker” this holiday week, most of their minds will be on the grand visuals, enduring characters and exciting storytelling, and not on how the films reflect our culture — including its prejudices. But if we take a moment to think about it, George Lucas’s galaxy is, and has always been, far, far away from being an original or an inclusive creation.

Star Wars is shot with “Orientalizing” stereotypes — patronizing tropes that represent an imagined East, or the Orient, as inferior to the rational, heroic West. Think, for example, of the uniformed conformity of the evil Empire vs. the scrappy (American) individualism of the rebel heroes, the vague Eastern mysticism of the Force and its Shaolin-cum-Samurai practitioners, and the uncomfortable racial stereotypes embodied in the hookah-smoking Jabba and the miserly Watto.

In 1977, just two years after the Vietnam War concluded, Marin Marxist George Lucas got all of America to warmly embrace a film whose subtext was that America was the evil empire, defeated by the rebel good guys, who were modeled on the communist North Vietnamese. 42 years later, the Washington Post red-lines the woke meter, by publishing an article written by a Stanford student, who makes Star Wars sound like the second coming of Amos and Andy or the Charlie Chan movies. Shades of when the New York Times published an article penned by two students at Columbia College equipped with Bletchley Park levels of grievance detection, who somehow managed to found anti-Semitism everywhere…in Michael Keaton’s 1992 movie, Batman Returns.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: TX Democratic Congressional Candidate wishes cancer on Obama and all Hell breaks loose (he deleted but we got it).

However, San Antonio’s Justin Lecea 34, a self-professed socialist, wishes that you communicate politely to him. At the top of his Twitter page, he lists his preferred pronouns: “He/They.”

Exit quote: “Y’all are defending a war criminal who was in authority during the deportation of over 3 million immigrants, continued the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, allowed the continued poisoning of citizens in places like Flint, and also recently bought an 11 million dollar home in Martha’s Vinyard, and demonstrated privilege so great that he gives zero fucks about y’all. Obama is part of the club that is going to let y’all burn in climate change. So @ me all you want I said nothing directly threatening.”

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Bernie Sanders Retracts Endorsement of Young Turks’ Cenk Uygur. “Sanders (I-VT) on Friday retracted his endorsement of Cenk Uygur, the Young Turks founder vying for former Rep. Katie Hill’s (D-CA) congressional seat.”

More from CNN, astonishingly enough:

Uygur — who had already backed Sanders’ bid for president and is a candidate in the competitive race to replace Katie Hill in California’s 25th Congressional District — has built a following around his popular progressive talk show “The Young Turks,” which started as a radio program before becoming a well-watched YouTube channel.

But he was forced from the group Justice Democrats in 2017 after old blog posts were unearthed in which he objectified women. He had also made controversial comments on his program, including arguing that bestiality should be legal in some cases, demeaning the sex lives of lesbians and inviting former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke for a segment about his anti-Semitic view of Judaism.

And more from Power Line’s Paul Mirengoff:

John and I clashed with Uygur years ago on an AOL blog in which Power Line, the Young Turks, and others participated. Uygur suffered from a serious case of Bush derangement syndrome. He posted one rubbish rant after another, many of which featured ad hominem attacks and distortion of the facts.

We called him on this from time to time. He didn’t like it. Politico reported the highlight of our feud as follows:

A post [by Paul Mirengoff] generally defending the Bush administration’s handling of the war on terror, even though Osama bin Laden ha[d] not been captured, earned a response post from Uygur with the headline “Paul Mirengoff Celebrates Osama’s Freedom.”

Sadly, this was typical of Uygur’s work.

Some of Uygur’s posts contained gratuitous references to sex. I was among the least surprised people in America when news of his vile, misogynist writing emerged.

According to Washington Post, Uygur once claimed that “the genes of women are flawed” and that women are “poorly designed creatures who do not want to have sex nearly as often as needed for the human race to get along peaceably and fruitfully.” Other comments were more graphic.

Nor did Uygur change much with the times. According to the Post, as recently as 2013, he posted crass commentary on Twitter about women’s bodies.

Fortunately though for Uygur, based on current “Progressive” trends in both America and Canada, “Basically, all Cenk has to do is wear blackface and he’s in the clear,” Stephen Miller tweets.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Taylor Swift Says Soros Family Funded Deal to Buy Her Music.

“This just happened to me without my approval, consultation, or consent,” Swift said. “After I was denied the chance to purchase my music outright, my entire catalog was sold to Scooter Braun’s Ithaca Holdings in a deal that I’m told was funded by the Soros family, 23 Capital, and that Carlyle Group.”

The House of Stephanopoulos assured me on Wednesday that merely mentioning Soros’ name runs the risk of anti-Semitism; I can’t wait for them to ask Swift what her motives are here.