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ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: The Left’s Eating Itself. Let them Fight.

Blue on blue violence is not my problem. The left eating itself is not my problem. In fact, the only feeling all this mayhem emits from me — and I’m not terribly proud of this — is a twinge of smug satisfaction in the form of Toldjaso.

The moment Barack Obama embraced and legitimized the left-wing terrorists in Occupy Wall Street (that have now morphed into Antifa and Black Lives Matter), I toldjaso. The moment Obama and the corporate media embraced the Trayvon Martin, Hands Up, Don’t Shoot, and Baltimore hoaxes, I toldjaso. I saw the writing on the wall and got the hell out of Los Angeles in 2011.

The left is eating itself.

Watching conservatives stress over this baffles me.

As the meme goes Let them fight.

I can understand the stress if you’re a Republican living in a Democrat-run city, but you need to get out. It’s just that simple… You need to get out. Unfortunately, things are going to get a lot worse before they get better — but they will get better, just like things got better after all the unrest of the 60s.

Eventually, even Democrats will sue for peace by voting for a Rudy Giuliani, because all this baloney about social justice is just the Democrat Party reverting to the soft-on-crime party that  imploded in 1972.


Sit back.

You get what you vote for and Democrats voted for this.

Sorry, but it’s a waste of time to care about people more than they care about themselves.

I’m certainly not happy about what’s happening. It just it what it is. So…

Let them fight.

Read the whole thing, but note that it was a long and painful quarter-century between New York’s fall from grace starting in the Lindsey years of the late ‘60s and early ‘70s, until Giuliani’s election in 1994. To mix and match Tom Wolfe and H.L. Mencken, in the coming months and years, the voters in New York and other riot-torn cities will be getting their “great relearning” good and hard.

ANNALS OF KAREN AUTOPHAGY. Cooped up: A shameful Central Park encounter demands all New Yorkers be better people.

The fallout has been typical. Despite apologizing, she’s since been fired. Her dog’s been taken into protective custody. (I’m not joking). Those are pretty high prices to pay.

But while Christian’s video evidence (and his sister’s Twitter account) damn Amy’s actions, Christian’s Facebook post is actually the best evidence that he is not guilt-free here:

“ME: Ma’am, dogs in the [Bramble] have to be on the leash at all times. The sign is right there.

“HER: The dog runs are closed. He needs his exercise.”

At this point, Christian performs a self-own for the ages:

“ME: Look, if you’re going to do what you want, I’m going to do what I want, but you’re not going to like it. HER: What’s that? ME [to the dog]: Come here, puppy!

“HER: He won’t come to you.”

“ME: We’ll see about that… I pull out the dog treats I carry for just such intransigence. I didn’t even get a chance to toss any treats to the pooch before Karen scrambled to grab the dog.


ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Cancel Culture Comes For Michael Moore, Christian Toto writes.

Socialist filmmaker Michael Moore is used to fawning media coverage. It started when he unveiled his debut documentary “Roger and Me” and never let up – despite creating a ream of fact-challenged films, including the abominable 2018 “documentary” “Fahrenheit 11/9.”

Until now.

Moore’s newest project, “Planet of the Humans,” is a dire look at climate change and the so-called heroes trying to save the planet.

Falling under the banner is Al Gore, considered an enviro-prophet second only to Greta Thunberg by most global warming advocates.

Religions get quite cross when their central tenets are called into question.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY, PART I: Green Brownshirts Strike at Michael Moore.

UPDATE: Michael Moore’s Planet Of The Humans: This Is Not The Movie Review You Were Looking For.

On one level, the movie tries to be a hard-hitting exposé of the movers and shakers in the ‘green energy’ space, and it sort-of succeeds at that. I think viewers whose knowledge of ‘green’ energy begins and ends with proclamations from MSNBC and Greta Thunberg will be genuinely shocked by the revelations in this film. On the other hand, those of us who live in the real world and disbelieve media propaganda will probably find far less here that we didn’t already know. But even so: the skewering that several well-known ‘green’ energy promoters receive in PotH is long overdue. Al Gore is a frequent target of Moore’s (and of Jeff Gibbs, the film’s writer and director; Moore was the executive producer), portraying Gore as cloaking himself in a robe of environmentalism but really being in the game for the money.

Flashback: Al Gore Declares Mission Accomplished.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: “I’m sorry, what?” Bloomberg adviser hints at mother of all oppo-research drops on Bernie: “Bernie has all of this loopy stuff in his background, saying things like women get cancer from having too many orgasms or toddlers should run around naked and touch each other’s genitals to insulate themselves from porn.”

“That’s not even the most shocking  part of this story,” Ed Morrissey adds. “The fact that [CNN’s Alisyn Camerota] got blindsided by this when it’s been in plain sight since 1969 is a massive indictment of the mainstream media, which has covered Sanders for decades without ever bothering to do any kind of actual research on his politics or ideology. This is the same media that made Mitt Romney’s high-school hazing antics a national headline story in 2012, let’s not forget.”

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Bernie Sanders calls out MSNBC over campaign coverage.

Bernie Sanders went ballistic at NBC and MSNBC execs ahead of the Democratic debate this week — jabbing one top TV exec repeatedly in the face with his finger and accusing the networks of offensive negative coverage.

Surging Sanders stormed through the walk-through for the Las Vegas debate, singling out one top producer at the end and aggressively sticking his finger in his face. One shocked witness said, “Bernie marched right up to NBC and MSNBC’s head of creative production and began jabbing his finger right in his face, yelling, ‘Your coverage of my campaign is not fair . . . Your questions tonight are not going to be fair to me.’ ”

Communists take the idea of controlling the media quite literally.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: CNN goes full conspiracist on Twitter user who posted viral Bloomberg audio.

[Cristina] Alesci, who, by the way, is an alumna of the Bloomberg News empire, added, “We don’t know how he got the sound to begin with.”

It is right there on YouTube! It has been there for five years! Google the damn thing! Also, what do Dixon’s alleged political affiliations have to do with anything? Surely Alesci is not suggesting that this could be a non-story because, well, a Bernie Bro tweeted about it.

“A lot of questions are being asked especially on the timing of this,” the CNN reporter said, “so, the timing here and the mission here all calling into question.”

Alesci then added for good measure that President Trump had already “seized on” Bloomberg’s remarks.

None of this is relevant. None of this has anything to do with the actual news story at hand, which is that a top-polling Democratic candidate is on record endorsing racist, anti-Second Amendment, big-government policies.

The audio, by the way, is pretty bad.

“Arendt had it right,” the late Sen. Pat Moynihan once told an interviewer. “She said one of the great advantages of the totalitarian elites of the twenties and thirties was to turn any statement of fact into a question of motive.”


ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: When The Political Guerrillas Come For You.

These appalling (and occasionally criminal) displays of contempt for common standards of civic engagement are, to some observers, utterly inexplicable. How did these fringe activists come to adopt these guerrilla tactics? Vaccine advocates who spoke with NBC News speculated that this behavior was modeled after the Westboro Baptist church—a peripheral religious group that achieved infamy in the mid-2000s for picketing the funerals of U.S. soldiers and deploying grotesque anti-gay rhetoric. To the journalism advocacy organization Poynter, however, these maneuvers were too “similar to how anti-abortion protesters will stake out women’s health clinics” to be a coincidence.

It’s revealing that these primarily Democratic victims of the new normal must reach into the annals of history to find parallels that approximate their ordeals. It’s even more telling that the examples that leap to mind are only those committed by their political adversaries. The intellectual energy it must take to avoid acknowledging the obvious—that these tactics have recently been routinized by progressive activists—can’t be worth the effort.

As an early “‘Progressive’ in a hurry” once said, “No enemies to the left.”