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ELIMINATIONIST RHETORIC: Chris Matthews: Global Warming Deniers Are “Pigs.” Video at link:

Well Professor [Michael] Oppenheimer, back in the 60s, we called such people pigs. Pigs. No, really. They don’t care about the planet, they don’t care about the destruction of war. All they want is what they got, their stuff, and they want more of it.

The reference to “stuff” and wanting “more of it” is an odd remark from a man who is reported to make five million dollars a year, but setting that aside, when Chris calls half the country “pigs,” (and it’s not the first time he used the p-word in reference to global warming) he must know that in the context of the 1960s, it reminds many viewers of some rather unsavory historical connotations.

RELATED: Rand Simberg on The Climate-Change Ambulance Chasers.

I BLAME THE HATE-FILLED ELIMINATIONIST RHETORIC OF THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION AND ITS SUPPORTERS: Domestic Terrorism? Gunman Taken Into Custody After Shooting At Family Research Council. “Authorities were treating the attack as a case of domestic terrorism.”

UPDATE: Crosshairs.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Is the Southern Poverty Law Center to blame for incitement?

More here.

YET ANOTHER UPDATE: More from Prof. Jacobson.

MORE: Reader Russ Meyer writes:

What I find most interesting about the Family Research Council shooting that you’ve linked to is that the story is on Fox News’ website and Drudge, but it’s nowhere to be found on CNN. I’m sure that’s just an oversight they’ll quickly correct. I mean, it’s not like they’d selectively ignore stories that don’t fit their narrative…right?


MORE STILL: Meyer follows up: “Just wanted to let you know that CNN has now put up a story on the shooting today…two hours after you pointed it out. Maybe someone over there reads Instapundit!” Could be.

ELIMINATIONIST RHETORIC: White House Official on Cory Booker: “He’s Dead To Us.” Maybe he should cross over and become a Republican.

But wait there’s more:

Cory and Barack Obama have never been besties, but that was the final nail. It’s like, ‘You’re dead and done.’ The firing squad is out,” said a Democratic source in contact with both sides.

Remember when people were calling Sarah Palin a murderer for language far more moderate? But that stuff is no longer operative. But just imagine if Republicans were talking about a black man this way.

UPDATE: “Cory Booker is about to be reclassified as white.” Hey, they did it to George Zimmerman.

DEATH THREATS? I blame the President’s violent, eliminationist rhetoric.

Threats of the sort described by Charles Koch go with the territory if you are a conservative. We have gotten threats, harassing phone calls, etc., over the years–although none lately, as far as I know–and anyone active in politics on the conservative side has had the same experience. With the bizarre campaign of hate that the Left has orchestrated against the Koch brothers over the last year or two, one can hardly imagine the vitriol they must get from liberals.

Of course, that is of little concern to liberal reporters. The civility campaign of 2011 is so…2011. Thus, the Associated Press picked up the story yesterday, but the only thing the AP reporter added was a note of skepticism.

As usual, the “have you no decency?” crowd has none.

“STRING HIM UP:” James Taranto reflects on racist and eliminationist rhetoric at a Common Cause rally. “To be sure, there is no reason to think that Bob Edgar or other officials of Common Cause advocate violence against Supreme Court justices or media executives, that they approve of such violent fantasies, or that they personally hold racially or ethnically bigoted opinions. But Common Cause does describe itself as a ‘grassroots organization.'”

INTRODUCING Academic Death Panels. This sounds like more of that “eliminationist rhetoric” to me.

JAMES TARANTO: Eliminationist rhetoric against Sarah Palin: a production of the Missoula Children’s Theater. “In all seriousness, though, like much of what we have been writing about in the past few weeks, this incident is shocking but not surprising. For all the bogus accusations being thrown at Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, genuinely hateful political rhetoric is commonplace in the art world, even in art that is not overtly political.”

MORE HATE-FILLED ELIMINATIONIST RHETORIC: Kanjorski on Gov.-Elect Rick Scott: “Shoot Him.” “Congressman Paul Kanjorski, the Pennsylvania Democrat who just lost his seat to Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta, a Republican, had another target on his mind before he lost his election. Curiously, that would be Rick Scott, now the Republican Governor-elect of Florida. Kanjorski is clearly not a Scott fan. In fact, he has suggested that the Governor-elect should be…shot.”

Related: Should Libtalker Be Held Accountable For Hateful Rantings? Do Low Ratings Excuse Dangerous Outbursts?

ISN’T THAT “ELIMINATIONIST RHETORIC?” Humans as an “invasive species.” Personally, I think it’s good to be an invasive species.

HATE-FILLED ELIMINATIONIST RHETORIC UPDATE: Maybe Cable TV does promote violence! Man Sentenced To Prison For Threatening Congresswoman.

A 66-year-old man was sentenced Thursday to more than two years in federal prison for threatening Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite (R-Fla.) in the aftermath of the healthcare debate. . . .”I’m terribly sorry that it ever happened,” Pidrman said before his sentencing Thursday morning, according to the Tribune. “I very often watch the recycled news shows on MSNBC,” at the time at which he made the call, he said.

Inflammatory extremists!