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HARVEY WEINSTEIN’S ELIMINATIONIST RHETORIC. Here’s the founder of Miramax in early 2014, channeling the left’s post-Tucson “new civililty” tone:

A day after he announced he was going to make a film taking on the NRA with Meryl Streep, Harvey Weinstein — the producer of several violent films — told CNN’s Piers Morgan in an interview to air tonight that he has had a change of heart about violent content in film. Asked by Morgan about his hypocrisy of making these violent films, Weinstein said, “They have a point. You have to look in the mirror, too. I have to choose movies that aren’t violent or as violent as they used to be. I know for me personally, you know, I can’t continue to do that. The change starts here. It has already. For me, I can’t do it. I can’t make one movie and say this is what I want for my kids and then just go out and be a hypocrite.”

As Deadline Hollywood noted at the time, “Harvey Weinstein Has Change of Heart On Violence In Films.” But not violent eliminationist rhetoric in his language, as this Hollywood Reporter headline from yesterday vividly illustrates: “Oscars: Harvey Weinstein Discourages Boycott, Predicts Chris Rock Will ‘Annihilate’ Hollywood.”

Well, I’d tune in for that — as Red Skelton famously said after all of Hollywood seemed to show up for the 1958 funeral of Harry Cohn, an even more reviled studio head, “It proves what Harry always said: give the public what they want and they’ll come out for it.”

ELIMINATIONIST RHETORIC: Chicago pastors warn of political “friendly fire” as anti-Rahm battle continues:

Pssst, Democrats — they’re talking about you. A group of pastors in Chicago warned today that the battle for justice after the Laquan McDonald killing would be a political war in which “there are going to be casualties,” and that “friends of ours are going to go down.” They want a petition drive for a call of “no confidence” in Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and they also want the video of another police shooting released. So far, Emanuel’s administration has refused, but the community is organizing protests to push harder:

* * * * * *

That warning about “friends” wasn’t aimed at Rahm Emanuel. It’s aimed at Democrats who might be inclined to circle the wagons to protect him. It’s a warning to the state legislature not to bottle up the recall-election bill introduced this week for the specific purpose of ousting Emanuel. And at least to some degree, it’s a warning to Hillary Clinton to quit supporting the longtime family friend.

“Casualties”? “Friends of ours are going to go down”? Why are Chicago pastors using gun-related metaphors that MSNBC has deemed the equivalent of the N-word? Particularly after President Obama called for “a New Era of Civility in U.S. Politics:”

“At a time when our discourse has become so sharply polarized, at a time when we are far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who think differently than we do,” he said, “it’s important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we are talking with each other in a way that heals, not a way that wounds.”

You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. As legendary pacifist Alec Baldwin also asked of his fellow Democrats in 2011, “What Changes Will We Make After the Giffords Shooting?”

When will their fellow Democrats finally heed these idealistic cri de cœurs?

ELIMINATIONIST RHETORIC IN THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: A Better World, Run by Women: Male biology has brought the world war, corruption and scandal. Women are poised to lead us to a better place.

I know this is just more pro-Hillary battlespace prep — but Hillary herself is the best argument against this gauzy, dishonest thinking. And for that matter, it takes a peculiar sort of person to look at America today and conclude that its problem is too much testosterone.

ELIMINATIONIST RHETORIC FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES: “Ultimately the question is, does ‘mankind’ really need men?” “That’s from the NYT, which is, of course, written for women. Stuff like this is considered light entertainment. It will be interspersed with serious articles about the ‘war on women.’ Enjoy!”


“A random individual, unknown to the congressman, began screaming at him and grabbed his arm,” said spokeswoman Cassie Smedile in a Thursday morning statement. “Mr. Duffy was unharmed. He reported the incident in compliance with House security procedures. Congressman Duffy has requested no further action be taken and there will be no further comment on the matter at this time.”

The confrontation may have stemmed from frustration over the federal government shutdown, according to sources.

They told me if I supported the Tea Party, violent yahoos would be attacking members of Congress. And they were right!

DEHUMANIZING ELIMINATIONIST RHETORIC:  “[Anyone] who would run out to buy an assault rifle after the Newtown massacre has very little left in their body or soul worth protecting,” tweets Jim Carrey, in-between sparring with moviegoers on Twitter who disagree with his anti-Second Amendment viewpoint.

Presumably Carrey is wishing for his box office appeal to become increasingly “selective,” as Spinal Tap manager Ian Faith euphemistically explained his charges’ own declining popularity.

Update: An Insta-reader emails that Carrey’s hateful rhetoric is “a pretty harsh thing to say about Gabby Gifford’s husband….”

Meanwhile, Greg Gutfeld and Dana Loesch punch back twice as hard; including Loesch asking Carrey if he’ll be denouncing his own upcoming Kick Ass 2 movie, to remain consistent with his anti-gun rhetoric; Carrey bravely runs away in response. Unexpectedly.

(Bumped to top.)

ELIMINATIONIST RHETORIC: Teachers union leader jokes about killing the rich. But this is my favorite part:

“The thing is, [the rich] think nothing about killing us,” she said. “They think nothing about putting our people in harm’s way. They think nothing about lethal working conditions.”

She cited the fact that not all Chicago schools have air conditioning as evidence that the union’s opponents want teachers to work in dangerous conditions.

Well, that is dangerous when you’re morbidly obese, I guess. (See photo). Plus this:

Lewis is no stranger to controversial comments. In the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting, she charged Teach for America with helping to “kill and disenfranchise children from schools across the nation.”

Nice to know that someone like this is playing a major role in America’s public education system.

UPDATE: In case you thought I was exaggerating with that “morbidly obese” line.


• Declare the NRA a terrorist organization and make membership illegal. Hey! We did it to the Communist Party, and the NRA has led to the deaths of more of us than American Commies ever did. (I would also raze the organization’s headquarters, clear the rubble and salt the earth, but that’s optional.) Make ownership of unlicensed assault rifles a felony. If some people refused to give up their guns, that “prying the guns from their cold, dead hands” thing works for me.

• Then I would tie Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, our esteemed Republican leaders, to the back of a Chevy pickup truck and drag them around a parking lot until they saw the light on gun control.

This kind of talk makes me want to buy an assault rifle. Or twelve. And really, dude, the fact that you’re angry doesn’t give you some sort of a pass from the norms of civil society. Or, if it does, be prepared to tolerate a lot of things that you’ll find intolerable. Because, you know, a lot of people are angry.

MORE ELIMINATIONIST RHETORIC: Prof. Richard Parncutt: Death Penalty for Global Warming Deniers? People certainly do seem to be trying to push the idea of violence against folks on the right lately, don’t they?

UPDATE: Reader Allen S. Thorpe writes:

What amuses me is how so many of these people claim to be anti-violence and pacifistic until someone disagrees with them. Apparently it never occurs to them that these ideals can never be met until we learn to disagree without rancor. It’s a symptom of childishness to throw a tantrum when you don’t get your way.

That’s probably obvious, but it keeps happening and they never seem to get it. You can’t maintain a republic when there are too many people like that allowed to vote.

It’s a problem.

ELIMINATIONIST RHETORIC: Rhode Island prof demands NRA chief’s “head on a stick” — Then declares himself a Twitter martyr because people quoted what he said. Then he softened his stance to say that imprisonment for life would be enough. All for the crime of political disagreement.

The anti-NRA syllogism seems to work this way: (1) Something bad happened; (2) I hate you; so (3) It’s your fault. This sort of reasoning has played out in all sorts of places over the past century, with poor results. One would expect a history professor to know better.