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GLENN GREENWALD: Your Top Priority is The Emotional Comfort of the Most Powerful Elites, Which You Fulfill by Never Criticizing Them.

It cannot be overstated how often and casually corporate media employees like this destroy people’s lives. They confront old women on their Florida front lawn for having promoted a pro-Trump event on Facebook that was supposedly organized by Russians. They threaten to expose their critics unless they promise to cease voicing critiques. They dox workers or the crime of producing videos that mock the richest and most powerful politicians in the country such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

And Lorenz has left behind a long list of victims — from teenagers whose old tweets and family history she dug up and published to a businesswoman whose life she destroyed to journalists and others about whom she maliciously lied. She was one of the media leaders mocking and shaming a college student for having published an op-ed in The New York Times on how intolerance for dissent from liberal pieties on college campuses has made her afraid to speak out. She’s the vintage mean girl. So malignant and deceitful and destructive are Lorenz’s shoddy journalistic methods that it took more than an hour for this investigative reporter to document in this great YouTube video all the lies and destruction Lorenz has left in her wake.

Yet look at what NBC just did. While flamboyantly displaying his newly minted credential as a Great Male Ally, Meet the Press host Chuck Todd ended the segment with this sermon: “folks who live online know exactly what they’re doing when they target a journalist.” Do Todd and his fellow weeping actors not realize that they just spent five minutes doing exactly that: targeting journalists by blaming us for the trauma and suicidal ideation of the weeping Washington Post columnist? Why is it permissible for employees of NBC and The Washington Post and the rest to constantly use their platform to malign and demonize journalists, but we cannot criticize them without being accused of unleashing misogynistic violence?

And what about all of Lorenz’s victims? Why do their trauma and the wreckage of their lives from her reports not matter? The answer is obvious. What elites have succeeded in training people to believe is that, somehow, what matters most is the emotional comfort of the society’s most powerful and influential political and media figures. They have the unfettered right to demean and denounce and vilify whomever they want, no matter how powerless, but you cannot speak up or object when they do just that.

Read the whole thing. Back in 2010 at the New Criterion, the late Kenneth Minogue warned:

My concern with democracy is highly specific. It begins in observing the remarkable fact that, while democracy means a government accountable to the electorate, our rulers now make us accountable to them. Most Western governments hate me smoking, or eating the wrong kind of food, or hunting foxes, or drinking too much, and these are merely the surface disapprovals, the ones that provoke legislation or public campaigns. We also borrow too much money for our personal pleasures, and many of us are very bad parents. Ministers of state have been known to instruct us in elementary matters, such as the importance of reading stories to our children. Again, many of us have unsound views about people of other races, cultures, or religions, and the distribution of our friends does not always correspond, as governments think that it ought, to the cultural diversity of our society. We must face up to the grim fact that the rulers we elect are losing patience with us.

And their leftist operatives with bylines, as well.

WHITE HOUSE: We offered to call Nicki Minaj and have her talk to one of our doctors about the safety of the vaccine.

Why are they worried? Nicki Minaj tweets spark protest outside CDC headquarters. “The demonstrators – who all wore masks and medical gloves – chanted, ‘Nicki Minaj told me the truth! Fauci lied to me!’ according to footage taken by WGCL-TV.”

So I guess banning her on Twitter didn’t work.

Plus, as a famous African-American leader said, get in their face, punch back twice as hard: Nicki Minaj Sics Her Fans on Reporters.

And: Nicki Minaj Just Tried to Dox Two Reporters.

Given the way the press — *cough* CNN *cough* — has gloried in doxing and smearing ordinary people who threaten the narrative, a bit of turnabout seems fair.

Related: Rose McGowan supports Nicki Minaj for standing up to ‘powerful elite’ amid White House drama.

So for the record, I’m not particularly concerned with the safety of the vaccines. The Insta-Daughter even took part in one of the clinical trials. But I am particularly concerned with the government-fostered bullying and intimidation aimed at anyone who doesn’t follow the party line. If Nicki Minaj can give them some heartburn over that, it’s well-deserved heartburn. And really — if you want people to believe you, don’t send Jen Psaki.

The real failure — and I’ve warned about it since the beginning — is that our “public health” establishment has been so obviously corrupt and politicized that people who would have trusted it a decade or two ago now don’t. And the reason they don’t is that it’s been so obviously corrupt and politicized as to be untrustworthy.

That’s a colossal institutional failure. It’s what you get when your institutions are controlled by people who are smug, inept, and lacking in moral fiber or self discipline. Which, sadly, is most of our institutions today. And that’s a much bigger threat to America than Covid, and one for which there are no vaccines.

Flashback: CNN Analyst and Yale Lecturer Asha Rangappa Under Fire For Doxxing A Journalism Intern.

Also: Journalists are having a meltdown over journalism being done to them.

Plus: Pro-Trump Memesmith Carpe Donktum says Buzzfeed is threatening to dox him and his family.

And: “In 2014, the Times published Officer Darren Wilson’s address at the height of the Ferguson riots.”

And: CNN Threatens To Reveal Identity Of Reddit Man Who Made Trump-CNN Bodyslam Meme If He Disobeys Them.

UPDATE: Oh, and the reporters in this case made the doxxing threats.

Journalists: If you don’t want to be treated like garbage, stop being garbage people from a garbage industry.

And, from the comments: “Don’t expect to hear any F Nicki Minaj chants.” Right?

Also in the comments, people are calling this “Ballsgate.”

ANOTHER UPDATE: Via a friend:

MORE: From the comments: “Trump was right again. The press is the enemy.”



Along with his naughty words, Hunter also describes the God his father believes in as ‘a fictional character from the imagination of the collective frightened’. The exchange also suggests that Hunter may have accidentally sent George a sext, attempting to reach a woman named Georgia.

This would all be very, very bad for Hunter and his parents, if he were a local TV anchor or a cake-shop owner or a middle schooler or something. If he were any of those things then this story might conceivably consume the national news cycle for at least a day.

Fear not, though. Hunter Biden will be fine. His story will be restricted to the pages of the Mail and a few conservative-ish outlets. To his immense good fortune, he’s merely the son of a US president who has inexplicably piled up one lucrative opportunity after another despite being a druggie and all-around screwup. Nobody at CNN finds his story interesting.

Now, if Hunter were someone really powerful and important, like an anonymous high-schooler dreaming of cheerleading at the University of Tennessee, then this story would be important. Then, he might get a 2,500-word essay in the New York Times about him and the psychopathic classmate who doxxed him for a two-year-old video.

Of course Hunter will get a pass — no DNC operative with a byline wants to be attacked by his boss: Biden persecutes journalists.

After Biden took office, the department continued to pursue subpoenas for reporters’ email logs issued to Google, which operates the New York Times’ email systems, and it obtained a gag order compelling a Times attorney to keep silent about the fact that federal authorities were seeking to seize his colleagues’ records. Later, when the Justice Department broadened the number of those permitted to know about the effort, it barred Times executives from discussing the legal battle with the Times newsroom, including the paper’s top editor.

This escalation, on Biden’s watch, represents an unprecedented assault on American news organizations and their efforts to inform the public about government wrongdoing.

That’s from the Washington Post, and spotted by Richard Fernandez. Also from the Washington Post, back in September: Washington Post editorial board endorses Biden.

Good and hard, fellas.

THE BANNINGS WILL CONTINUE UNTIL MORALE IMPROVES: Twitter permanently bans Project Veritas account.

Twitter permanently banned an account on Thursday belonging to Project Veritas, a conservative group founded by controversial activist James O’Keefe.

The decision followed what a Twitter spokesperson described to CNN Business as repeated violations of the platform’s policies prohibiting sharing — or threats of sharing — other people’s private information without consent.

Twitter declined to say what specific tweets may have triggered the enforcement action. But in a post on Project Veritas’s public Telegram channel Thursday afternoon, the group said the suspension occurred after it published a video in which Project Veritas accosted Facebook VP of Integrity at his home.

If that’s the standard at Twitter, then I’m really genuinely curious to see the repercussions of Jack banning CBS and the New York Times in the coming days…

BRYAN PRESTON: LA Times Editor Has a Real Problem With Her Nice, Helpful Trump-Supporting Neighbors.

“Trumpites.” “Q fans.” They support blue lives (meaning, the police)! Why, that only describes 80 percent of the country! And she finishes the section with a racial flourish because the mainstream media and the left are literally obsessed with race. The author could have a side hustle writing unfunny political jokes for Samantha Bee.

The author of the above is Virginia Heffernan. She’s an opinion editor at the Los Angeles Times. She’s also protected her tweets, probably thanks to the due backlash this article has generated. Heffernan also hosts this, which is surely as pure and unbiased as the driven snow her nice neighbors plowed for her.

Should — can — this person fairly cover the news? Take a look at this.

Hezbollah, the Shiite Islamist political party in Lebanon, also gives things away for free. The favors Hezbollah does for people in the cities Tyre and Sidon probably don’t involve snowplows, but, like other mafias, Hezbollah tends to its own — the Shiite sick, elderly and hungry. They offer protection and hospitality and win loyalty that way. And they also demand devotion to their brutal, us-versus-them anti-Sunni cause. Some of us are family, the favors say; the rest are infidels.

This is deeply, almost insanely, unfair to about half the country. It’s certainly unfair to her neighbors, who we can presume support Israel against Hezbollah and have literally nothing in common with the terrorists. Just who is creating an “us-versus-them” here? The nice neighbor who helps out plowing the snow without checking your politics first, or the snooty writer who compares that person to a violent terrorist army backed by the totalitarian mullahs in Tehran? Which person in this is dehumanizing and othering someone?

Which one thought it was a smart take to go public with the virtue signaling?

This op-ed just may reveal the extent to which those who run the mainstream media hate the rest of us. They don’t merely oppose Trump supporters’ politics.

It’s hatred. Heffernan doesn’t view her neighbors as fellow countrymen.

Related: Marcy Kaptur’s warning:

Kaptur is the longest-serving woman in the current Congress.

She has also been in the U.S. House of Representatives longer than any woman has served there, in all of U.S. history.

She came to the Congress in 1983.

She is 74 and has been a Democrat her entire voting life.

You might think she is worth listening to.

As it happens, she has a message for her party: Wake up.

Wake up or you will lose the House in the next election and maybe not regain it for many years.

Wake up or you will lose the working class to the Republicans, for good.

It is already happening.

Ms. Kaptur points out that leadership in the House is dominated by members from the two coasts and from wealthy districts.

A political realignment is taking place. Rural America is already Republican and, more specifically, Trumpian. Now more and more working-class and working-poor Americans are leaving the Democratic Party and voting Republican. Why? Because they feel their plight, their reality, has at least been recognized by Donald Trump’s GOP.

Mind you, Ms. Kaptur thinks Donald Trump did nothing for these voters, and never seriously intended to. She also thinks he is psychologically “unbalanced.” But she recognizes what he recognized: what has happened to manufacturing and the working class in places like Toledo, Lorain, Lordstown and Youngstown, Wheeling, the Mon Valley, as well as parts of Greater Cleveland, and Buffalo, and large swaths of Greater Detroit.

This being the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, there’s nothing in there to indicate the role that Democratic Party operatives with bylines have played in making the working class feel unrecognized by smug leftists such as Heffernan. Not to mention the chilling effect of the language police at the New York Times, CNN’s doxx squad, and other elite media institutions.

(Incidentally, it’s fascinating that the media aren’t going with the usual “We are All Socialists Now,” “Forty Years of Democratic Party rule,” “The Death of Conservatism”-style headlines, unlike after Mr. Obama’s victory in 2008. As Glenn wrote in November, “For a guy who supposedly lost, Trump sure had a lot of coattails. And for a guy who supposedly won, Biden sure didn’t.”)

MEDIA DISHONESTY KILLED THOUSANDS, MAYBE MORE: Roger Simon: How the Hydroxychloroquine Scandal Wrecked America and the World Along With It.

I accuse—in no particular order—Time’s ‘Person of the Year’ nominee and frequent Wuhan, China visitor/collaborator Dr. Anthony Fauci; the Democrat Party (aka the “party of science”) and their nauseating, self-congratulatory leadership; the mainstream media and all their pompous, even more self-congratulatory “ships at sea” from the New York Times to CNN; Dr. Birx and whatever bureaucrat from the CDC was showing his/her face this week; the endless echo chamber in practically every health department in all fifty states; the foreign health departments that largely echoed that echo chamber; Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York (more of him in a moment); Governor Whitmer of Michigan; that atrocious governor of Nevada whose name I can’t remember or bother to look up…. I could go on… all of whom participated in what has emerged to be what is indisputably the greatest national, no, international, health disaster of our time—the Hydroxychloroquine Scandal.

This shameful distortion of medical science was emblematic of how politics not only crept into the treatment of the CCP virus, it bludgeoned that treatment and resulted in untold thousands, perhaps millions, of deaths while simultaneously making life unbearable for an even greater number across the globe—in fact, for practically everyone.

All of those mentioned above either dismissed or heavily downplayed “hydroxy”—a cheap anti-malarial drug, also used for lupus, that had been around for decades and is known to have minimal side effects—for the treatment of COVID-19.

Why? As most of us are aware, a man they thought an ogre, whom they despised, who knew nothing of science, recommended it—President Donald J. Trump—so it had to be disdained.

And yet hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) apparently did and does work in many instances, if taken early in the illness.

This was known way back in June 2020 when the esteemed British medical journal Lancet retracted its support of a dubious study it had published opposing the use of HCQ.

“We all entered this collaboration to contribute in good faith and at a time of great need during the COVID-19 pandemic. We deeply apologise to you, the editors, and the journal readership for any embarrassment or inconvenience that this may have caused.”

This apology, made eight months ago, was largely ignored by the mainstream media because it didn’t fit their narrative. And, worse yet, it might have benefited the nefarious Trump.

At the same time, many independent doctors were insisting that HCQ was working for them with real patients. They were similarly dismissed by a rabid press that had neither the inclination nor skills to investigate. (Laura Ingraham, to her credit, featured several of these doctors on her cable show.)

Meanwhile, thousands, if not millions, died across the globe who needn’t have.

How many we will never know but it’s a safe assumption a good number could have been spared.

The pervasive use of this drug might not have entirely saved us from COVID, but it could arguably have reduced the pandemic to the level of a bad year of flu.

Whatever the truth, an apposite description for what happened might be outrageous.

And now the equally-esteemed American Journal of Medicine in its January 2021 edition has finally admitted the same thing. HCQ often worked. Immediate administration of the drug while the patient was still at home showed significant benefits, they said.

Where were they during the Year of the Pandemic?

Oh, never mind. Politics is more important.

The lesson of the past year is that politics is apparently more important than any loyalty to professionalism that anyone in our professions might possess. (I took hydroxychloroquine, doxycycline, and zinc when I had Covid, starting early.)


What we are actually confronting is the boomerang effect of political paranoia. Democrats began flinging around this weapon during the Clinton years, when Hillary claimed that her husband’s sexual affair with Monica Lewinsky was actually a plot by a “vast right-wing conspiracy.” The American Spectator played an instrumental role in that saga and was subsequently targeted by the IRS. Just a coincidence, I’m sure. Democratic paranoia further escalated after the 2000 election recount fiasco in Florida, and many Democrats also claimed that George W. Bush somehow defrauded John Kerry in the 2004 election.

Over the years, Democrats used a series of demonized bogeymen to inspire fear and loathing among their grassroots “base.” During the Clinton presidency, the chief bogeymen were the Religious Right and Richard Mellon Scaife. Once Bush was elected, liberals decided chose as their new bogeymen White House adviser Karl Rove and war-mongering “neonconservatives,” the latter term being a liberal code word for Jews. Any researcher concerned about anti-Semitism in America would do well to examine how leftists exploited the “neoconservative” conspiracy theory to demonize Jewish Republicans during the Bush era. What’s remarkable is how swiftly Democrats can switch targets, choosing a new bogeyman to replace the old one almost instantaneously. A few months into the Bush administration, the much-demonized Scaife was utterly forgotten, and the Bible-thumpers of the Religious Right faded into the background, while liberals ranted on cable TV about those treacherous neocons!

Now, 12 years after the end of the Bush era, this seems like ancient history, but the point is that Democrats must always have a right-wing enemy with which to frighten their grassroots constituency. During the Obama years, the enemy was first Sarah Palin — remember when Joe McGinniss moved in next door to her place in Wasilla? — and then it was Andrew Breitbart for a while. By 2010, however, Democrats and their media allies had decided that the Tea Party was the real enemy, which in turn led to the Koch brothers becoming the scary bogeymen. Charles and David Koch had long supported libertarian causes, without provoking any great controversy, until their sponsorship of the Tea Party movement made them a Dangerous Extremist Menace.

In November 2011, I saw first-hand consequences of the Left’s demonization of the Koch brothers, when a mob of “Occupy” protesters stormed a D.C. event hosted by Americans for Prosperity where one of the Koch brothers was in attendance. Another reporter and I found ourselves trapped between the mob and the glass front doors of the building, with one D.C. cop to protect us from hundreds of angry “Occupy” maniacs (see “The Mob Who Came to Dinner,” Nov. 7, 2011). Trust me when I say, no Democrat in Congress had more reason to fear the unruly mob of Trump supporters at the Capitol than we had to fear that screaming scrum of deranged “Occupy” protesters in 2011.

All that Democrats and their allies have done over the years to foster a climate of hatred and paranoia in America has conveniently been forgotten by the media in the two months since the last election. We are not supposed to compare the riot at the Capitol two weeks ago to the riots that wrecked several major U.S. cities last summer. The media worked overtime to convince Americans that George Floyd’s fentanyl overdose was a “murder” by racist police. Anyone who doubted that narrative was labeled a “white supremacist” — facts are now hate, according to our media overlords — and this same label has since been used to smear all Trump supporters as complicit in what CNN viewers are told was a right-wing terrorist attack on the Capitol. More than 100 participants in that riot are now facing federal charges, and at least one Trump supporter has committed suicide after he was “doxed” by left-wing activists trying to get him fired from his job as a bank executive.

Read the whole thing.

MRS. ALEC BALDWIN MORPHED INTO ROBERT “BETO” O’ROURKE SO SLOWLY, I HARDLY EVEN NOTICED: Cultural Appropriation Alert: Alec Baldwin’s Wife Torched for Faking Spanish Accent and Heritage, Megan Fox writes at PJM:

Hilaria Baldwin is married to Alec Baldwin, the mouthy star who does a terrible impression of Donald Trump for Saturday Night Live. Hilaria, or Hillary Hayward Thomas as she was known growing up in Boston, is on the receiving end of internet sleuths who seem to be out to cancel her for faking a Spanish accent and lying about where she was born. Page Six has the story.

Hilaria Baldwin has been forced to defend her fluctuating Spanish accent — and admitted that her name is “Hillary.”

The wife of Alec Baldwin took to Instagram Sunday morning after a Twitter storm erupted following a tweet which read: “You have to admire Hilaria Baldwin’s commitment to her decade long grift where she impersonates a Spanish person.”

Baldwin’s own bio on her agency’s speakers site states that she was born on the island of Mallorca, Spain, and raised in Boston. Her 2016 interview with Hola! magazine also stated: “Hilaria, who was born in Spain, has made certain to raise her children with her native language, Spanish.”

During TV appearances, she has spoken with a pronounced Spanish accent, and on one occasion during a cooking segment she even seemingly forgot the English word for “cucumber.”

Here’s an [NBC] video of her with a strong accent describing married life, and another of her “forgetting” how to say cucumber.

More here: Unpacking the Drama Around Hilaria Baldwin’s Accent.

Which is actually true: Baldwin’s family — at least her parents, Dr. Kathryn Hayward and David Thomas — do live in Mallorca, and per Page Six, have since 2011. But before that, they appeared to have lived in Massachusetts. Our Twitter sleuth dug up the following footage of Kathryn Hayward (“formerly an internist at the Massachusetts General Hospital,” per what looks like her website) speaking about her upbringing in Longmeadow, as well as Baldwin’s paternal grandfather’s obituary, which states that the Thomas “family presence in … Vermont pre-dated the American Revolution.” Baldwin’s grandfather’s professional travel to Argentina reportedly inspired his children to “become proficient in the Spanish language.”

* * * * * * * *

But Baldwin’s parents do not appear to have been Spanish, and the Cambridge School of Weston (a private high school in Cambridge, Massachusetts) names Hilaria Baldwin as an alumnus, which would suggest that she lived in the U.S. prior to turning 19. According to people who claim to have gone to school with Baldwin — some of whom, per Page Six, have tweeted that she was “fully a white girl from Cambridge” and “did not have her current accent” at that time — attest that Baldwin used to go by a different name: Hillary.

Earlier this year, Jonah Goldberg explored the concept of “Binaries For Me, Spectrums For Thee:”

At some point in the future people will look back at how the left made two contradictory arguments at the same time. When it comes to sexual identity, the word has gone forth to oppose “artificial” categories, “false binaries,” etc. People can define themselves sexually without any regard to medical science, never mind tradition or political or cultural orthodoxy. I’ve lost count of how many genders there are now. Just last week, CNN was so scared of using the word “women” it tweeted that “Individuals with a cervix are now recommended to start cervical cancers screening at 25 …”

Meanwhile, when it comes to race, it’s all about new artificial categories and enforced binaries. White people who pretend they’re black are committing theft. Heck, white people who cook non-white food or pay homage to non-white art forms are committing theft. Cultural appropriation is evil. But gender appropriation is something to be celebrated. Biological males can collect all the women’s track and field awards and that’s fine. But don’t you dare wear dreadlocks if you’re not black?

That’s just weird. But these are weird times.

The person who apparently outed Hillary Baldwin’s “cultural appropriation” tweeted:

“Grift” is an interesting choice of word, considering the trans-racialism and “cultural fluidity” of several recent Democratic Party presidential candidates. In 2019, Victor Davis Hanson explained “How Robert O’Rourke Became ‘Beto:’”

Beto seems to think that the current and continued Hispanicizing of his nomenclature (remember, at times Beto has dropped his nickname) will pay dividends in a national race. Yet according to his own logic, it should not, given his prior denunciations that America is incurably racist.

Given that all politicians entertain a degree of cynicism and opportunism, if we truly lived in a culture of white supremacy, we would more likely see candidates fabricating European dog-whistle names and identities than the sad efforts of a Churchill, Dolezal, O’Rourke, or Warren. And in fact, in a far different America of the past, many minority celebrities and politicians did assume Anglicized names on their unfortunately all-too-accurate assumption that too many white racists would ostracize them for their minority status.

Yet the opposite linguistic dynamic has been in play for some time. A young and politically ambitious Obama brilliantly understood that political reality when, in a twist to authenticity, he ceased going by his teenage nickname Barry and reverted to his actual birth name, Barack.

In terms of linguistic contortions or just simply adaptations, the force of compound names, accent marks, and ethnic sobriquets is to suggest perceived difference from, not homogeneity with, the majority population — to the extent that, in a racially intermarried and assimilated population, anyone’s ethnic heritage is clear.

In other words, O’Rourke’s use of Beto seems ipso facto to suggest that he privately believes in general that Americans of all backgrounds (including a supposed 70 percent white electorate) either do not care whether a candidate is so-called white or, more likely, are intrigued by or admire those who are not — again, sort of refuting Beto’s entire premise of an intolerant and all-powerful white-supremacist society.

Which may also explain a bit of what’s driving Alec Baldwin’s hardman shtick over his wife being outed as an apparent “cultural appropriator,” given his role over the last four years or so of playing President Trump on Saturday Night Live:

As Megan Fox asks at the first link, “Why anyone would try to pull off this hoax in the age of the internet, I have no idea. It seems so dumb to even try, yet plenty of people do it. Remember Rachel Dolezal? Or Jessica Krug? There’s no getting away with faking your heritage in 2020… I do enjoy, however, the fact that the race imposters are always ideologically far-left, even making a living on the race-obsessed culture in America. Race imposters are never conservatives. It’s always the fringe kook left that does things like this. Why isn’t anyone asking why? Has there ever been a conservative person who impersonated another race in order to be liked or to be more acceptable to their community? Who are the true racists in this country?”

DISPATCHES FROM THE EDUCATION APOCALYPSE: UW-Madison Doctoral Student Reveals Her Own Racial Fraud.

Historian Jessica Krug, who last week admitted to being white and faking being Black for her entire career, resigned from her associate professorship at George Washington University, effective immediately, the institution announced Wednesday.

But on the heels of her scandal comes another confession of racial fraud from a scholar. This time it’s a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin at Madison — where Krug got her own Ph.D.

The graduate student in question is CV Vitolo-Haddad, a Ph.D. candidate in journalism and mass communication. They (Vitolo-Haddad’s preferred pronoun) were outed last week via an anonymous post on Medium and subsequently wrote two posts of their own on the platform.

Earlier: Binaries For Me, Spectrums For Thee.

At some point in the future people will look back at how the left made two contradictory arguments at the same time. When it comes to sexual identity, the word has gone forth to oppose “artificial” categories, “false binaries,” etc. People can define themselves sexually without any regard to medical science, never mind tradition or political or cultural orthodoxy. I’ve lost count of how many genders there are now. Just last week, CNN was so scared of using the word “women” it tweeted that “Individuals with a cervix are now recommended to start cervical cancers screening at 25 …”

Meanwhile, when it comes to race, it’s all about new artificial categories and enforced binaries. White people who pretend they’re black are committing theft. Heck, white people who cook non-white food or pay homage to non-white art forms are committing theft. Cultural appropriation is evil. But gender appropriation is something to be celebrated. Biological males can collect all the women’s track and field awards and that’s fine. But don’t you dare wear dreadlocks if you’re not black?

That’s just weird. But these are weird times.

No word yet if Vitolo-Haddad went to the Gap after her struggle session-style confessionals:



At some point in the future people will look back at how the left made two contradictory arguments at the same time. When it comes to sexual identity, the word has gone forth to oppose “artificial” categories, “false binaries,” etc. People can define themselves sexually without any regard to medical science, never mind tradition or political or cultural orthodoxy. I’ve lost count of how many genders there are now. Just last week, CNN was so scared of using the word “women” it tweeted that “Individuals with a cervix are now recommended to start cervical cancers screening at 25 …”

Meanwhile, when it comes to race, it’s all about new artificial categories and enforced binaries. White people who pretend they’re black are committing theft. Heck, white people who cook non-white food or pay homage to non-white art forms are committing theft. Cultural appropriation is evil. But gender appropriation is something to be celebrated. Biological males can collect all the women’s track and field awards and that’s fine. But don’t you dare wear dreadlocks if you’re not black?

That’s just weird. But these are weird times.

Read the whole thing.


The resignations of New York Times opinion editor Bari Weiss and New York Magazine writer Andrew Sullivan effectively punctuated a week in which the center-left press went to war with itself over the notion that the atmosphere they’d cultivated might not be the most conducive to free and open debate.

Both writers—centrist but heterodox insofar as they wrote for liberal publications while being sharply critical of the identitarian excesses and groupthink to which the left has succumbed—are frequent objects of abuse. Their views, which remain well represented within the Democratic coalition, are regularly anathematized by their “very online” colleagues in opinion journalism as “controversial,” “bigoted,” “racist” “reactionary”—even targets of the left’s “hate.” As Vanity Fair’s Joe Pompeo revealingly wrote, Weiss’s conventionally liberal “commentary often appeals to conservatives”—an unforgivable sin.

Criticism of their work bordered on (and regularly veered into) ad hominem. The suppression of their work within their institutions and the internal harassment to which they were subjected simply became too much. So, they will be taking their considerable talents elsewhere.

This mounting pile of dead canaries within the liberal coal mine has inspired not introspection but withering mockery and derision. You see, goes this response, there really is no such thing as “cancel culture.” These voices are free to go wherever they want, just so long as it’s somewhere they can be easily ignored.

There is a sickness settling over the center-left intellectual landscape. It is one the left could recognize when its symptoms were observed in their political rivals: the plague of “epistemic closure.” Bruce Bartlett described it as the condition in which an intellectual movement abstains from the necessary work of questioning itself. Rachel Maddow blamed the Republican Party’s 2012 losses on the “factual bubble” in which the conservative movement was cocooned. As the right’s more self-critical voices became “marginalized, even self-marginalizing,” Marc Armbinder observed, it would only settle deeper into a self-reinforcing feedback loop that would foreclose on the prospect of representing a majority constituency.

So, lefty projection on a massive scale, in other words.


Wesley Lowery, a Pulitzer-prize-winning correspondent for the 60 Minutes offshoot 60 in 6, has the latest and perhaps loudest in a recent series of think-pieces extolling the virtues of newsroom revolts such as the one that erupted at The New York Times earlier this month after its opinion pages published a controversial piece by Sen. Tom Cotton (R – Ark.).

Lowery and his industry allies contend that the national tumult stemming from the police killing of George Floyd is a prime opportunity to overhaul journalism’s very mission statement. “Neutral objectivity” as an aspiration, he argues in a Times essay, has failed, and should be replaced by “moral clarity.”

“Moral clarity would insist that politicians who traffic in racist stereotypes and tropes—however cleverly—be labeled such with clear language and unburied evidence,” Lowery writes. “Racism, as we know, is not about what lies in the depths of a human’s heart. It is about word and deed. And a more aggressive commitment to truth from the press would empower our industry to finally admit that.”

This proposed objectivity-for-morality swap is gaining momentum in the spaces where professional journalists congregate, pontificate, and/or swarm on Twitter to get senior managers fired.

Newsrooms “are really struggling to cover…in a way that appears to be nonpartisan a kind of political landscape where one political party in many ways has gone rogue and is not following the rules,” the Times’ Pulitzer-Prize-winning Nikole Hannah-Jones said on CNN’s Reliable Sources after the Cotton flap, in which she was a driving figure. “This adherence to even-handedness, both-sidesism, the View from Nowhere, doesn’t actually work in the political circumstances that we’re in.”

We’ve been here before, of course. Flashback to 2004:

An internal memo written by ABCNEWS Political Director Mark Halperin admonishes ABC staff: During coverage of Democrat Kerry and Republican Bush not to “reflexively and artificially hold both sides ‘equally’ accountable.”

The controversial internal memo obtained by DRUDGE, captures Halperin stating how “Kerry distorts, takes out of context, and mistakes all the time, but these are not central to his efforts to win.”

But Halperin claims that Bush is hoping to “win the election by destroying Senator Kerry at least partly through distortions.”

“The current Bush attacks on Kerry involve distortions and taking things out of context in a way that goes beyond what Kerry has done,” Halperin writes.

Halperin’s claim that ABCNEWS will not “reflexively and artificially hold both sides ‘equally’ accountable” set off sparks in St. Louis where media players gathered to cover the second presidential debate.

Halperin states the responsibilities of the ABCNEWS staff have “become quite grave.”

In August, Halperin declared online: “This is now John Kerry’s contest to lose.”

That was also the year that the New York Times’ then-ombudsman admitted the obvious: “Is The New York Times a Liberal Newspaper? Of course it is.”

But that was before “Safetyism” became the law of the land on academia. In a 2018 review of Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt’s The Coddling of the American Mind, Quillette contributor Matthew Lesh asked, “Is Safetyism Destroying a Generation?

Safety culture undermines the entire purpose of a higher education. Universities exist to challenge students, to expand their worldview and develop their critical thinking. This is done by hearing and responding to ideas that make us feel uncomfortable. Efforts to censor speakers because they make some people feel ‘unsafe’ prevents the necessary process of argument and counter-argument in the pursuit of finding the truth.

Debate on campus is already undermined by the lack of viewpoint diversity – most academics come from a similar political pedigree, meaning students have fewer opportunities to be challenged in the first place. A lack of exposure to different ideas means a much more limited and weaker education. As British philosopher John Stuart Mill wrote, ‘He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that.’ In other words, to make an argument thoughtfully, it is necessary to understand the counterfactual of one’s own argument.

In 2015, Ashe Schow, then with the Washington Examiner wrote, “With all the attention being paid to college-aged social justice warriors and microagressions, one has to ask: What happens when all these delicate snowflakes enter the workforce?”

The media world is finding out, good and hard.

Related: News Pages, Editorial Pages — Who Can Tell the Difference Any More?

OUR BRAVE JOURNALISTS: In an uncertain time, the media falls back on the thing it knows best: dividing people.

Two years ago, CNN infamously tracked down a person responsible for creating a wrestling GIF lampooning their corporate logo, which just happened to be retweeted by President Trump. Reporter Andrew Kaczynski and CNN threatened  to reveal the monster’s identity unless he apologized.

CNN reporter Drew Griffen tracked down a senior citizen in Florida and parked a camera crew on her front lawn, accosting her over her Facebook group which he claimed was a Russian front group that bought ads on Facebook that swayed the 2016 election.

This browbeating of everyday people on social media by activist journalists has become all too familiar. The problem with publishing stories like Marc Fisher’s in the Washington Post is that there are more people with a voice to pushback on this kind of random targeting.

Within minutes of Fisher declaring on Twitter that he had contacted McMillen’s parents, he faced a tidal wave of backlash from people with plenty more than 495 followers.

A very well-deserved Twitter ratio; read the whole thing.

UPDATE (Charlie):

Nothing says serious journalist like “DUUDE I’m calling your MOM!”


The Iowa man who challenged Joe Biden during a campaign event on Thursday told The Post he had no regrets about the heated exchange.

“I’m positive 90% of the people there didn’t know about his son working on the board in Ukraine. I wanted it brought out there,” said 83-year-old Merle Gorman, referring to Biden’s son Hunter’s job at a Ukrainian gas company.

“If it educated them a little bit, so be it,” Gorman said. “I’m glad it happened.”

During a routine campaign stop in New Hampton, Gorman set the former vice president off when he accused him of sending Hunter to work for Burisma Holdings.

“You’re a damn liar, man. That’s not true. And no one has ever said that,” Biden, 77, raged.

Gorman said: “The exchange speaks for itself. He didn’t have the guts to explain the situation, and that’s what I wanted.”

“He got pissed off and stomped around … he wasn’t happy at all,” Gorman continued. “He started mumbling, saying it wasn’t true.”

“After today, he told me what he’s made out of … he’s got a wet noodle for a backbone.”

Biden has two modes when interacting with the press and the public — attempt to schmooze them with his fake Irish-American charm, or full-on rage when challenged, as when he locked a reporter in a closet, angrily shouted at conservative journalist Jason Mattera (and then reportedly investigated him) in 2011, and with both Gorman today and at an infamous presser during the 1988 campaign, bark at them about his Brainac-level IQ.

Given that the issue of his son will be coming up repeatedly this year, thanks, ironically enough, to the Democrats’ impeachment efforts, I’m surprised his handlers haven’t programmed him to switch into the former mode to calmly offer a quick rationale, and then immediately switch to the usual campaign trail pabulum about “looking toward America’s future.”

As for the left-leaning former Marine Gorman, he says “he voted for Barack Obama, said he liked Elizabeth Warren and would also gladly see Pete Buttigieg, Cory Booker or Andrew Yang on the ticket.”

Does that insulate him from getting the full Joe the Plumber/CNN gif-maker doxxing from the DNC-MSM, or should he start deleting his social media accounts?

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): Sorry, Joe — you’re going to be getting questions about your brother Jim, too.


Curiously, the segment was videotaped in a Los Angeles television studio*, and not, you know, smuggled out of a concentration camp.

But then, every Republican president or presidential candidate since Calvin Coolidge has been compared to a Nazi.

* To paraphrase Tom Wolfe, the dark knight of fascism is always descending upon America, and yet lands only in the studios of WarnerMedia.


The Des Moines Register reporter fired in the wake of a scandal involving offensive tweets — posted by a viral star he interviewed and then his own — broke his silence Friday, telling BuzzFeed News he had been “abandoned” by the newspaper after following standard editorial practice by performing a social media search on the person he was profiling.

“This event basically set my entire life on fire,” reporter Aaron Calvin said.

Which is what Calvin did to Carson King through what Carol Hunter, his editor at the Des Moines Register Owellianly dubbed a “routine background check” afterwards. Which prompted a million or so Twitter users who also have access search engines to perform the same “routine background check” on Calvin. The tweets discovered, some of which were written while Calvin was a student at Hofstra, were not pretty.

More from BuzzFeed:

In the tweet, Calvin apologized for “not holding myself to the same high standards as The Register holds others.”

“I regret publishing that tweet now,” Calvin told BuzzFeed News. “Because I was never trying to hold Carson to any kind of ‘higher standard’ or any kind of standard at all. I was trying to do my job as a reporter, and I think I did so to the best of my ability.”

As soon as the story broke, Calvin said he began receiving a barrage of death threats. He said HR reps at Gannett, which owns the Des Moines Register, forbade him from speaking to the media and told him to leave his apartment for his own safety. They offered to put him up in a hotel, but he stayed with a friend instead.

“I recognize that I’m not the first person to be doxed like this — this whole campaign was taken up by right-wing ideologues and largely driven by that force,” he said. “It was just a taste of what I assume that women and journalists of color suffer all the time, but the kind of locality and regional virality of the story made it so intense.”

Calvin is portraying himself as the victim here, comparing himself to “just a taste of what I assume that women and journalists of color suffer all the time.” As Stephen Miller tweets in response to the above passage, “this is how I imagine Jesus or Nelson Mandela must have felt,” adding, “Yes it’s bad when someone takes tweets out of context to paint someone as a racist, ISN’T IT. Jaw dropping lack of self awareness.”

Speaking of which, curiously missing from BuzzFeed’s article is that (a) Calvin is an alumni of BuzzFeed and (b) BuzzFeed was one of the pioneers of doxxing someone and blowing up their life via an abhorrent tweet, perhaps most prominently, Justine Sacco. Today, the man responsible for that hit is praised by his fellow Democratic Party operatives with headlines such as this one at the Washington Post in August: “Said something you’d like to forget? CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski won’t let it go.”

BuzzFeed’s chronology is also a bit off: Calvin was abandoned by the Des Moines Register before his article was published. A simple deletion of the passage mentioning  Carson King’s tweets written as a 16 year old by Carol Hunter, King’s editor, would have saved both men what angel investor Balaji S. Srinivasan dubbed “mutually assured cancellation” – as well as the destruction of her newspaper’s previously benign reputation.

CANCEL CULTURE, THEN AND NOW: At Quillette, in an article titled, “‘Cancel Culture,’ Roaring Twenties-Style,” Kevin Mims looks in detail at legendary prizefighter Jack Dempsey, and silent movie superstar Fatty Arbuckle, whose careers were derailed by moral outrages – Dempsey for rumors of draft-dodging, Arbuckle for, well, as they say in Hollywood, rumors of violating his moral turpitude clause rather badly:

The 1920s—and the cases of Dempsey and Arbuckle in particular—offer warnings in these overheated and confusing times about the dangers of trial by media and a rush to judgment. Reputations and careers, once tainted by accusation may never recover, even if those accusations turn out to be based on nothing but hearsay and lies or motivated by nothing more noble than score-settling. There are those who may argue that people like Dempsey and Arbuckle are acceptable collateral damage in the fight over values. But it is more important still to ensure that we establish the truth of the matter at hand, and that the punishment fit the crime…should one turn out to have been committed at all.

But today’s cancel culture has been working at a much faster rate of attrition, simply because of how easy it is to gin up the mob – and aim it at people with far less social standing than today’s equivalents of Dempsey and Arbuckle, often simply for kicks and grins.

Consider these recent stories:

1. Local Indiana TV reporter walks into an Walkerton (population  2,248) pizza parlor and asks the owner a hypothetical question about catering a gay wedding. When the interviewee’s traditional morals are viewed as doubleplus ungood crimethink by the local TV reporter and her bosses, her segment serves as the Bat-Signal, and then ”The Internet has unleashed its wrath.” as BuzzFeed passively described it at the time. As Scott Ott wrote, “All of those eyeballs benefit the TV station, which sells advertising on its website. It also helps several young, minor-market reporters who hustled and stumbled their way into the national spotlight. But don’t blame them. Blame the editor.” Meanwhile, “Over on Facebook, the restaurant’s 5-star average rating rapidly plunged to one star, as non-customers slammed away at Crystal’s little business.”

2. Woman tweets poorly written joke based around white privilege before boarding a plane to Africa. “‘We are about to watch this @JusticeSacco bitch get fired. In REAL time. Before she even KNOWS she’s getting fired,’ one Twitter user wrote. Sacco lost her job and endured months of harassment online and offline.”

3. Man creates a silly animated gif with a CNN logo placed atop a wrestler getting body-slammed. Silly gif is retweeted by President Trump. CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski (formerly of BuzzFeed, where he led the Twitter mob against the aforementioned Sacco) doxxes man into submission on the Fourth of July of 2017 by keeping his name private because “he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same. CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.” To paraphrase Seinfeld’s Soup Nazi, no anti-CNN gifs for you – forever!

4. And just this week, Iowa’s Carson King loses a sponsorship from Anheuser-Busch because a former BuzzFeed writer employed by the Des Moines Register digs into tweets he wrote when he was 16, which they later Orwellianly described as a “routine background check.” Naturally, the editor sacks the former BuzzFeed writer and refuses to acknowledge her own role in not striking out that passage from the article, and possibly giving Anheuser-Busch an advanced screening of the piece.

And by pillering King, her paper brags that they’ve done a great public service:

As H.L. Mencken famously wrote, “Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.”  But now, with just a click of a button on social media, Internet puritans can make that person’s life a living hell. And as Allahpundit noted last week, after Saturday Night Live creator-producer Lorne Michaels caved to the mob and fired comedian Shane Gillis, “Pity [Gillis], though, for having endured one of the special cruelties of cancel culture, having your dirty laundry aired *right after* you’ve achieved your professional dream. It’s like Kyler Murray getting zapped for offensive tweets he sent in his younger teenaged years days after he won the Heisman. No one cares about policing wokeness in people until the very moment they become hugely successful and potential cultural influencers. And so inevitably one of the best days of their lives becomes one of the worst.”

YOU STAY CLASSY, DES MOINES REGISTER: Iowa Newspaper Refuses to Apologize for Trying to Ruin Carson King.

With a stench of arrogance that can only emanate from the news media, Des Moines Register executive editor Carol Hunter published a Thursday night column expressing no apologies for their campaign to ruin viral sensation Carson King “because readers depend on us to tell a complete story” and, as per her past statement, was done for “the public good.”

Hunter also revealed reporter Aaron Calvin was “no longer with the Register” after his ghoulish hatchet job against the cancer fundraiser over tweets King sent in high school, but the damage was done. As if they had let Jay Rosen or Brian Stelter pen this, she demonstrated a holier-than-thou proclamation from on high to us peons below that the paper will do better. Yeah right.

Read the whole thing.


BuzzFeed practically invented cancel culture, dating back to Andrew Kaczynski ginning up the Twitter mob to get Justine Sacco fired over a botched joke in 2013, and in 2017, now with CNN, doxxing a pro-Trump Twitter meme maker on the fourth of July. The firestorm that Sacco faced and other Twitter shame mobs are a topic of Glenn’s new book, incidentally. (BuzzFeed is still at it, of course.)

Yesterday, Robby Soave of Reason, who frequently writes about cancel culture, tweeted, “I just saw the phrase Mutually Assured Cancellation and it was revelatory.” Possibly from this Twitter thread:

Soave also retweeted Republican pollster Logan Dobson, who responded to the Des Moines Register’s link to Hunter’s disastrous column last night, “No, you idiots, you weren’t supposed to fire the reporter for his dumb old tweets, you were supposed to not have him write about other people’s dumb old tweets in the first place You did the stupidest thing at every possible turn.”

IT’S COME TO THIS: Beto O’Rourke Campaign Claims Reporter Joel Pollak Ejected to Protect Black Students. “A Breitbart spokesperson hit back shortly after the O’Rourke campaign’s statement: ‘The false accusation that Breitbart is racist, or that its award-winning reporter — an Orthodox Jew, married to a black woman who serves in the military — is either racist or would make anyone at a black university uncomfortable is absurd. The irony of Mr. O’Rourke — who has stated himself that he is the beneficiary of ‘white privilege’ — purporting to decide for black students who should be banned from events that are open to the press, or what they should feel, is not lost on us.’”

As Bryan Preston noted in 2012 when CNN’s Jay Thomas tried to play the race card on Pollak, “Meet Julia Pollak… She’s from South Africa, actually, and her mother was a political appointee of none other than Nelson Mandela. Here she is, in video made when Pollak ran for Congress.”

Fortunately, today’s racism by the O’Rourke campaign had a happy ending: Beto O’Rourke Campaign: Breitbart Won’t Be Banned from More Events.

Of course, the number of events remaining may or may not be all that many: Beto O’Rourke Is Still Polling In Bottom Tier of Candidates After His El Paso Response.

Exit questions: “That’s pretty racist; [O’Rourke] needs to shield them from [Pollak] because they can’t take care of themselves? Because you are threat to them? Or because?”


The New York Times publisher A. G. Sulzberger said in a statement to the paper of record’s staff that such tactics were taking the president’s campaign against a free press to a new level.

“The goal of this campaign is clearly to intimidate journalists from doing their job, which includes serving as a check on power and exposing wrongdoing when it occurs. The Times will not be intimidated or silenced.”

Sulzberger’s concern over the intimidation of journalists fails to address and even excuses the racist and antisemitic views of his own staff, but also fails to acknowledge the mainstream media’s aggressive history of intimidating private individuals because they support the president or hold conservative political views.

Last February, a CNN crew showed up on an elderly woman’s lawn in Florida to publicly shame her for unknowingly sharing a “Russian-coordinated event” on her Facebook page. Consequently, the woman received waves of violent threats, abuse, and harassment online.

In June, the Daily Beast reporter Kevin Poulsen doxxed a black forklift operator from New York who doctored a video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

National media outlets have harassed countless other private individuals who support the president on social media or create memes. Yet publications such as the New York Times become outraged when conservatives point out that their own employees spew virulent, racist, and antisemitic views on social media — and remain employed.

Other conservatives on Twitter noted the hypocrisy.

Ace of Spades tried to warn the MSM in November of 2016, a week after Trump won, that the backlash was coming. “You dominate this culture. You made the rules. You now get to live in the savage world you made brick-by-brick, media…The media loves to ride the tiger of Mob Hatred when that tiger is devouring a plebeian. Well, sometimes the tiger bucks, old chaps.”

YOU’RE GONNA NEED A BIGGER BLOG: The Left’s Broad, Bigoted Politics of Vilification.

I appeared on CNN Monday night to discuss the firestorm over the president’s caustic tweets last weekend criticizing the four most progressive members of the House of Representatives. I deemed the tweets illogical and shrill, and said so on Twitter and on Anderson Cooper’s show. I also pointed out that the overreaction from Democratic politicians and their media allies revealed a hysterical attempt to castigate the president as prejudiced. I cited the incredibly incendiary accusation of my CNN colleague Wajahat Ali who retweeted an article and its headline: “Trump is a racist. If you still support him, so are you.”

Such an immense and broad condemnation of tens of millions of Americans represents, itself, an intensely bigoted tactic. After all, utterly dismissing wide swaths of our society just because they do not share prescribed political preferences represents a wholesale effort to delegitimize and dehumanize; it’s a classic tactic to “otherize,” to borrow a term from the left. Paradoxically, liberals like Ali unveil their own inherent and systemic bigotry by belittling their fellow citizens, merely on the grounds of policy differences. Rather than engage and debate and persuade, the intolerant left chooses the politics of vilification. Their rash judgment deems the “unwashed rabble” of our America First movement as deplorables and racists, simpletons unworthy of real consideration.

When I pointed out this clear chasm between their professed tolerance and real-world bigotry, Mr. Ali admonished me, stating that white Trump supporters “will never love you … no matter how hard you try to be the Latin face of Trump, they will never love you.” This CNN commentator and New York Times writer shamelessly employed an old racist trope, essentially calling me an “Uncle Tom” for daring to be brown and pro-America First. His demeaning comment attempted to remove me of my agency and castigate me as some supplicant intent on pleasing my white betters.

In actuality, I do not view all politics, as Ali does, through the narrow prism of race, and I regard myself as an American citizen and a grown man with his own thoughts. Despite Ali’s disparagement, I am not a caricature seeking the ratification of whites. In fact, I care very little about anyone’s skin color and instead aggressively argue for a new American nationalism that rejects tribalism and instead focuses on citizenship and rejects globalism.

The mainstream identity politics-driven left really are the mirror image of the fringe alt-right.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Cancel Culture Comes for Counterculture Comics. Today it’s creators, not cops, who want to banish R. Crumb, onetime king of the comics underground:

The American culture that R. Crumb and his contemporaries grew up in restricted the ways people could talk about sex, violence, race, and class. The first wave of underground comix artists reacted with metaphorical explosive violence, especially once they realized nothing was stopping them but the constraints of their own minds. That freedom, in all its messiness and ugliness, upset and unnerved and offended many. It also inspired massive amounts of interesting, strange, life-enhancing art, not just in the comics world but in such offshoots of Crumb’s aesthetic as National Lampoon, Saturday Night Live, and The Simpsons.

The attitudes Crumb satirized were real and, he thought, deserving of ridicule via crazed exaggeration. His feelings of hostility toward women are, as he has insisted in his comics and in interviews, true to him (and, he is certain, to many other men). What is to be gained by pretending they’re not? Crumb was honest about being the sort of resentful nebbish who in his pre-fame days saw women as controlling something he desperately wanted and couldn’t have—what would now be called a corrosive “incel” mentality, after the men who self-identify as involuntarily celibate.

In a 1991 interview with The Comics Journal, Crumb said art should be judged not on ideological purity but on whether it is “interesting or boring…honest and truthful and real…saying what’s really on [the artists’] minds.…If it’s really in there it ought to come out on paper.” At the same time, he reflected, “I don’t know, maybe we’re all just dragging society down. Maybe we should all be locked up.”

The paradox of liberal tolerance remains: Neither the transgressors nor the offended have a right to force the other side to just shut up about what its members think, feel, or imagine. The two are intimately linked in a mutually frustrating tango. The offended want certain expressions to go away or be universally recognized as unacceptable, and the transgressors want a social space to express themselves without feeling driven from society.

Read the whole thing. I’m so old, I can remember when the left celebrated the 1970s for all of its radical changes to society. Eventually though, all of its pop culture will be airbrushed out of existence, as left’s overculture goes full-on Mao.

ILHAN OMAR: Obama’s “hope and change” was a mirage:

Recalling the “caging of kids” at the U.S.-Mexico border* and the “droning of countries around the world” on Obama’s watch, she argues that the Democratic president operated within the same fundamentally broken framework as his Republican successor.

“We can’t be only upset with Trump. … His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies. They just were more polished than he was,” Omar says. “And that’s not what we should be looking for anymore. We don’t want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished. We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.”

In 2016, Bernie Sanders campaigned under the premise that the “real unemployment” rate under then-President Obama was 10.5 percent. AOC’s “Green New Deal” is premised on the notion that Obama’s own green-obsessed “New New Deal” (as Time magazine dubbed it) accomplished nothing. Just as Hillary campaigned in 2016 with a paradoxical ‘90s nostalgia while rejecting all of her husband’s policies that made the stable economy of that decade possible, it will be fascinating to watch the left campaign simultaneously rejecting Obama’s policies and/or telling us what a failure they were (because Democrats have to keep moving further and further to the left), while wanting his blessings on the campaign trail.

* Curiously, the DNC-MSM didn’t highlight those stories much until Obama left office.


It turns out there are still a few good-humored, politically-incorrect folks in Hollywood after all. Over the weekend, lefty-bashing street artist provocateurs publicly slammed HBO’s Bill Maher with a satirical billboard depicting him not as the thought leader he imagines himself to be, but as a rote purveyor of mainstream liberal propaganda. Specifically he was made fun of as being an “NPC.”

On Sunday  pranksters from conservative street artist group “The Faction” decided to point out the fact that Maher might actually belong to this category, going after a Real Time with Bill Maher billboard located at the corner of La Cienega Boulevard & West Holloway in West Hollywood. “The Faction” spray painted a gray, expressionless face over Maher’s  and changed the image’s tagline from “The Whole Truth and Nothing But” to “The Whole Narrative and Nothing But.” They also changed “HBO” to “NPC.”

This is the same group that put down dozens of mock Donald Trump Walk of Fame star stickers in response to the President’s real star being vandalized multiple times since his election.

Since Maher’s show airs on HBO, sister network CNN has no doubt already activated the doxx squad.