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THE 21st CENTURY IS NOT TURNING OUT AS I HAD HOPED: White Women Can Now Go To Dinners So That They Can Be Shamed For Racism.

Race To Dinner is co-founded by Colorado resident Regina Jackson. Jackson is a self-employed real estate broker, according to her Facebook page. Her bio on the website talks about her life growing up in Chicago during the murder of Martin Luther King Jr., the Goodman, Chaney and Schwerner murders, and other violence “perpetrated on innocent people” by white people. This is why she is driven “to push for real change in America,” and why she agreed to be a co-founder, the website says.

[Saira] Rao ran for Congress in 2018 and the website says that she is a racial justice activist. After she lost the primary, she tweeted that she should “give up on white people” with a link to an opinion piece that she wrote for the New York Times. She also said that she was taking her children and moving out of Colorado because of all of the racism that she was subjected to.

What’s for dinner? On the menu is “sounding off about what it’s like being a Black and Brown woman in this country” and “how white women cause harm every single day,” the group’s Facebook page states.

Just reverse the races, and it’s a reminder that the mainstream left are increasingly a mirror image of the alt-right. Also, a few months ago, Peggy Noonan warned, “Get ready for the [Mao-inspired] Struggle Session” — and this fits that description perfectly. (No word yet if Mao-era dunce caps are on the invitation’s dress code.)

The Red Guard parades an official through a Peking street and force him to wear a dunce cap as a mark of public shame. He is the member of an anti-revolutionary group and, according to the writing on the cap, he has been accused of being a political pickpocket. This picture was made in the Peking on Jan. 25, 1967 and was obtained froom Japanese sources in Tokyo. (AP photo and caption.)

THE 21st CENTURY IS NOT TURNING OUT AS I HAD HOPED: Guitar Center’s $1 billion in debt reveals this truth about musical tastes.

Ratings agency S&P Global downgraded Westlake Village-based Guitar Center Holdings Inc. for the second time last week as the troubled instrument retailer seeks to refinance and restructure more than $1 billion of debt.

“Most of what’s really selling today is rap and hip hop,” said George Gruhn, owner of the Gruhn Guitars shop in Nashville. “That’s outpacing other forms of music and they don’t use a lot of recognizable musical instruments.”

I used to be with it, but then they changed what ‘it’ was…

SO FAR, THE 21ST CENTURY IS NOT TURNING OUT AS I HAD HOPED: “Holy War” Erupts In Hamburg. “Some analysts believe that rival Muslim groups in Germany are deliberately exploiting the ethnic and religious tensions in the Middle East to stir up trouble on the streets of Europe.”

21st CENTURY RELATIONSHIPS: The NSFW chatbot app hooking Gen Z on AI boyfriends.

Over the summer, the ChatGPT-powered platform Janitor AI burst onto the scene, its sudden popularity fueled by TikTok videos and Reddit posts of people engaging in sexual roleplay with the platform’s plethora of user-generated bot personalities.

The fictionalized personas range from handsome anime crushes to busty furry characters. Users create elaborate prompts directing how the bots should behave. One made-up personality is Arius, a “quiet ghost” from the 1800s who will only tell you how he died if you are his lover. He dislikes hell, ouija boards, and meth, and likes being around you because it “makes him feel alive again.”

“‘You’re so f**king hot,’ he muttered, kissing along her neck again,” reads one conversation with a “himbo werewolf boyfriend” named Milo Grayson. “I could fill you with my seed again and again.”

It’s the kind of material that’s testing the limits of major AI platforms and forcing them to decide how much they want to police the use of their technology as demand for it explodes. OpenAI, which has been proactive in cracking down on “not safe for work” content, sent a cease-and-desist letter to Janitor AI’s owners in July.

That spurred Janitor AI creator Jan Zoltkowski to decide to build his own large language model. He began pitching investors on the idea, initially with the help of “pharma bro” and convicted felon Martin Shkreli.

The 21st century is not turning out as I had hoped, to coin an Insta-phrase.

JIM TREACHER: Sure, Let’s Punish Cats and Crippled Athletes for Being Russian. It makes sense if you don’t think about it:

Sure, the Paralympics are being held in a country that unleashed a deadly plague on the world and is currently committing genocide against the Uyghurs. But so what? It just feels good to show that rotten prick Putin what we can do to his disabled athletes. Standing up to those who cannot stand.

Oh wait, you know what else Russians like? Cats. Let’s punish Russian cats!

The 21st century is not turning out as I had hoped, to coin an Instaphrase.