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A CERTAIN KIND OF ACADEMIC MINDSET: Sounds like a hostile environment to me . . . .

HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT BLOWBACK: I suspect we’ll see a lot more of this, coupled with a sudden increase in academics’ regard for free speech . . . .

DAVID BERNSTEIN WRITES on “hostile environment blowback:”

Now comes word, via John Rosenberg, that the University of North Carolina professor in question, Elyse Crystall, is, along with UNC, being investigated by the Department of Education for violating federal civil rights law by creating a hostile environment for white, male, Christian students. A conservative Republican Congressman, Rep. Walter Jones, helped instigate the investigation.

I don’t approve of such things, but there’s no better way to put an end to this asinine speech-suppressing body of law than to start enforcing it evenhandledly.

WHY COLLEGES ARE SHORT ON MALES: It’s a “hostile environment” for men:

However, there is another, unacknowledged reason why some males don’t go to college—rampant anti-male feminism has made college campuses a place where many males feel unwanted and unwelcome. To use a feminist term, our universities have become “hostile environments” for young men.

There are some first-person accounts.

UPDATE: Reader Melissa Davis writes:

I agree with the young man who wrote this piece. Women who witness this sort of hostility should try and speak up in defense of the men who are its target. I tried every now and then in college, but it was hard. But we owe it to them. Kind men stood have stood up for women in similarly hostile situations in the past. Perhaps not enough of them did. Maybe at some point parity will be reached. I can dream, can’t I?

Don’t give up.

HOSTILE WORK ENVIRONMENT: Warners Chief Diversity Officer: We’ll Make Dissenters to DEI Miserable Enough to Leave. “He doesn’t specify that he wants white men to self-deport, but, come on, they’re the people getting screwed by DEI, so they’re the ones most likely to oppose it.”

His name is Asif Sadiq and he seems like a lawsuit ready to happen. Employers’ Talking “About Race—Any Race—With a Constant Drumbeat of Essentialist, Deterministic, and Negative Language” Risks Racial Harassment Liability.

MAKE THEM PAY: White professor’s ‘hostile work environment’ claim can move forward: judge. “De Piero’s attorneys argued that mandatory diversity trainings and race-based grading constituted a ‘hostile work environment, in violation of Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,’ that forced De Piero to resign, according to the ruling’s summary.”