THE SHAM THAT WAS THE “RUSSIA COLLUSION” INVESTIGATION: JustTheNews publishes an excellent survey cataloging what you already suspected:
“[A]fter countless open record lawsuits, congressional investigations, sworn depositions and declassifications, there is compelling evidence that the FBI did not have justification to sustain its nearly three year-long, now debunked, Russia collusion probe or to support Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants targeting the Trump campaign.”
There is no other way to describe this other than a legislative attempt of a coup d’etat. The deniers kept bellowing, the lapdogs in MSM led the gaslighting that “there was no evidence” and painted anyone who thought it worth looking into as “loony conspiracy nuts.” Not so fast:
The latest revelations came Friday, when previously classified footnotes from the Justice Department inspector general were unmasked and showed the FBI had stunning reason to distrust Christopher Steele’s dossier when the former British spy first pitched it in July 2016.
Of course, while Russia was the convenient bogeyman, China was busy hiding the truth about COVID-19, manipulating supply chains and pressuring the W.H.O. into legitimizing their — I’ll say it — crimes against humanity.