Author Archive: Charles Glasser

IF YOU DON’T LIKE MY PRINCIPLES, DON’T WORRY, I HAVE OTHER ONES: Look, I don’t care what side of “climate change” action you are on. My confusion is about the inconsistency of the Democrats position on “dark money.” They want to require groups to disclose their membership, but use the same tactics.

The Washington Free Beacon points out that:

“Rewiring America, one of many environmental groups that has endorsed the BUILD GREEN Act, is part of a massive dark money network run by the D.C.-based Arabella Advisors. The nation’s wealthiest liberal donors use Arabella’s $731 million activist network to secretly fund a host of liberal causes.”

I suppose one could say they are just “fighting fire with fire” but what tips the balance towards absurdity is that the genuine left won a great decision in NAACP v. Alabama ex rel. Patterson. In that case, the Attorney General of Alabama (remember, this is 1958) demanded that the NAACP disclose membership lists. The Supreme Court noted that:

“It is hardly a novel perception that compelled disclosure of affiliation with groups engaged in advocacy may constitute as effective a restraint on freedom of association as the forms of governmental action in the cases above were thought likely to produce upon the particular constitutional rights there involved. This Court has recognized the vital relationship between freedom to associate and privacy in one’s associations.”

Even NPR has noted the absurdity of this “having it both ways” behavior. Don’t Democrats realize what’s at stake?

THINK THE TIMES WILL LET HIM PUBLISH ANOTHER OP/ED? From a few days ago, but worth noting: JustTheNews reporting that Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton introduced legislation to ban critical race theory training in the military and remove what he calls “divisive” and “anti-American” ideas from military training.

Money graf:

“Our military’s strength depends on the unity of our troops and the knowledge that America is a noble nation worth fighting for,” Cotton said. “Critical Race Theory teaches that race is a person’s most important characteristic, and that America is an evil, oppressive place. That idea may be fashionable in left-wing circles and college classrooms, but it has no place in our military.”

Imagine that! “America is a noble nation worth fighting for.” How f**ked are we that this is a controversial statement?

BONUS LINE: “With Democrats in control of both houses of Congress and the White House, Cotton’s bill faces an uphill battle.”



AT THIS POINT WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE? We aren’t supposed to care anymore about how the FBI ginned up the conspiracy theory about Donald Trump and “Russian collusion.” The damage is done, and there are thousands of people who unthinkingly take as a given that Trump was a Putin puppet. They’re impossible to talk to. I’m reminded of the old saying about never trying to teach a pig to sing. (It wastes your time and annoys the pig).

That said, exclusive reporting by John Solomon shows more than a few troubling dynamics that Congress, the mainstream media, and the FBI have yet to fix. (I suppose it’s not in their interest to do so).

The report by JustTheNews is a well-reported story of how the FBI tried to play reporters, how reporters tried to play the FBI, and how the result was inaccurate stories that helped create an incorrect narrative:

“The bureau had recently terminated its primary informant in the Russia probe Christopher Steele for leaking, and several of its leads about Russia-Trump collusion were falling apart. And inaccurate stories about the two biggest scandals in Washington were cropping up everywhere, even when FBI officials tried to work with reporters.

“Yes, the headline is REALLY misleading,” then-FBI deputy counsel Lisa Page wrote a colleague in a text message concerning a New York Times article that day. The text message didn’t further identify the article but made clear the article was the result of a bureau overture to reporters that backfired.”

Why does any of this matter now? For several reasons: erroneous reporting is now branded “disinformation” and has become a newsroom commodity, with some papers even assigning reporters to a “disinformation” beat. And “disinformation” has become a buzzword that Big Tech uses to squash speech they don’t like.

Moreover and most importantly, is that the current administration (as do most prospective “nanny states”) seems to be using whatever crisis, event, accident or political incident to increase its power. Glenn Greenwald has written recently about how government uses incorrect or just false intelligence (dare I say “disinformation”?) to expand its grip:

Twice in the last six weeks, warnings were issued about imminent, grave threats to public safety posed by the same type of right-wing extremists who rioted at the Capitol on January 6. And both times, these warnings ushered in severe security measures only to prove utterly baseless.

So what difference does it make at this point? Because it’s about the unethical dynamics of a leak-happy FBI choosing to spill information not in the public interest (I’m all for genuine whistleblowers) but instead leaking in the interest of their own political agenda. I’m not particularly offended by reporters “cozying up” to sources: it’s what they do. Where it goes wrong is when those reporters help propel a narrative based on false statements provided by the self-interested leakers.

So at this point it matters because the word “disinformation” is a tool used to suppress civil liberties. IMHO, they violated Carter Page‘s rights, and probably Roger Stone’s and others as well. Even the far-left Brennan Center for Justice has issued papers about how problematic the use (or abuse) of the FISA Court can be. The result?

“Under today’s foreign intelligence surveillance system, the government’s ability to collect information about ordinary Americans’ lives has increased exponentially while judicial oversight has been reduced to near-nothingness. Nothing less than a fundamental overhaul of the type proposed here is needed to restore the system to its constitutional moorings.”

So, at this point, what difference does it make? The difference is you’re next.

AMAZON’S WHOPPER OF A MORAL FAILURE: Instapundit (and others) have been keeping an eye on the increasing appetite for censorship, of course, with “censorship” classically defined as State action. But an exclusive report by underscores the fact that the people behind these state actors are doubling down to silence dissent any way they can. The report says:

“Sometime before this week, when it removed from its digital shelves a book critical of transgender ideology, Amazon altered its content policy to explicitly forbid books that promote “hate speech,” a major rule change that could be used to rationalize action against a broader range of books sold by the digital retail giant.”

This is problematic on so many levels.  With no notice, Amazon this week yanked “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement” by Ryan Anderson, a well-respected philosopher and writer. When JustTheNews contacted Amazon, they merely referred to their “hate speech policy.” JustTheNews uncovered that Amazon has stealthily modified their alleged “policy”:

“Internet archives show that as recently as August of last year, Amazon’s book content policy did not include any mention of “hate speech.” At that time, the company stated only that “we reserve the right not to sell certain content, such as pornography or other inappropriate content.”

We have long heard “hate speech” defined downward and diluted to a meaningless standard that basically says “I find this offensive” or “this challenges my enforced orthodoxy.” There are at least two problems with this.

First, the goalposts are moved by political interest groups who have influence over companies like Amazon. Here, Anderson’s book was labelled “hate speech” by the LGBTQ community because — based on research — the book calmly criticized the notion of “gender fluidity” that has become the accepted wisdom by the elite editorial class. The book did not call for stripping people of rights or respect: it was merely scientific inquiry. Calling scientific inquiry “hate speech” is problematic, and has a chilling effect on future efforts to question the status quo.

Secondly, the hypocrisy proven by the moving goalposts ought to trouble any classical liberal. Legally, Amazon has the right to choose what books it will or won’t sell. But it’s a whopper of a moral failure. Especially given that Amazon still sells “Who Do They Say I Am: The Vindication of Minister Louis Farrakhan“, the thesis of which is “a blistering attack of malicious propaganda coming from the American media, Jewish groups, and the U.S. government.” There go the Jews, again. I thought we had moved on to space lasers, but I never got the memo.

Levity aside, the second problem is compounded by the people behind — or at least accountable — for these decisions. Amazon’s founder, Jeff Bezos proudly proclaims that “Democracy Dies in Darkness” on the banner of his Washington Post. It has less meaning than ever when the same ownership shuts writers up or demonitizes their work. An intelligent, influential man and political contributor like Bezos ought to know better.

Does anyone at either Amazon or The Washington Post have the guts to tell him?

STILL DON’T THINK DEMOCRATS ARE IN LOVE WITH CENSORSHIP?  Lenin knew that part of establishing a one-party state was to control the media. One of the first things he did in 1917 was pushing a Decree on the Press in November 1917 that gave the government the emergency power “to close down any newspapers which supported counter revolution.”

Today, the word “disinformation” has replaced “counter revolutionary” but it’s really the same thing: a set of statements that the State (and its ideologues) deem “false” and “dangerous.” You’d think the media, which unabashedly leans left (which is their right) would be wary of such power. After all, today’s “lie” might be tomorrow’s “history.” Moreover, if the First Amendment — which they claim to love — means anything, it is the notion that there must be room for error in public discourse, or as Justice Brennan put it:

“That erroneous statement is inevitable in free debate, and that it must be protected if the freedoms of expression are to have the “breathing space” that they need to survive.”

Post-Trump, we are witnessing a New McCarthyism, where lists are made, and commentators call for “detoxifying” or “cleansing” the public discourse and psyche of any remnants of the motive force behind the previous administration. Self-described “progressive” columnist Jason Sattler said in USA Today that:

“I want to believe that Biden will be able to achieve far more than just detoxing our body politic from Trump while minimizing the unpardonable harm that this wannabe dictator and his GOP co-conspirators did to this country.”

This sounds more like something from the Cheka than it does from genuine “progressivism.” The frightening part — and we should be frightened — is that lawmakers, supported by media outlets, are encouraging the purge. It’s a multi-pronged attack. Cancel culture is encouraged by the media every day, because at the end of the day the by-product of manufactured outrage is more readership. One of the other prongs is to use the power of the State to silence dissent, which can always so easily be labeled “disinformation.”

Mediaite reports that the movement of State control has begun. Democratic representatives Anna Eshoo and Jerry McNerney demanded that television providers including AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, Apple, and Amazon say whether they planned to continue providing Fox News on their platforms, in addition to Newsmax and One America News.

You’d think that any “progressive” publisher would recognize the dynamic here. But you’d be wrong. Vice News, one of the wokiest outlets on the web is ironically owned in part by The Walt Disney Company (16%); A&E Networks (20%); TPG Capital (44%); and (surprise, surprise!) Soros Fund Management (10%). And Vice is cheering on the Democratic lawmakers. In their story, the sub-head sets the tone and the narrative:

Lawmakers are demanding answers from Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, Cox, and other cable companies who have ‘done nothing’ to stop disinformation on OANN, Newsmax, and Fox News.

In what ought to labeled an Op/Ed, Vice goes on to “report” that:

“While “big tech” has received the lion’s share of criticism for doing too little to combat disinformation in recent years, less talked about has been the role traditional cable TV giants play in circulating dangerous, bad faith nonsense.” [Eshoo and McNerney wrote that] “Some purported news outlets have long been misinformation rumor mills and conspiracy theory hotbeds that produce content that leads to real harm.” Eshoo and McNerney also noted that carrying conspiratorial channels not only helps foster radicalization among the “alternative facts” set, it poses a direct threat to public health.”

Even worse, Vice, cheerleading for State control of media, plants a meme we’re sure to see repeated elsewhere. The article gives a passing nod to (OMG!) free speech by saying that:

“Largely because any new laws or restrictions intended to prevent news networks from carrying dodgy purveyors of disinformation would likely run afoul of the First Amendment. As such most wouldn’t survive a legal challenge, especially given the Supreme Court’s rightward lurch in recent years.” (Emphasis added).

You get that? Those “dodgy purveyors of disinformation” are sadly, protected by the First Amendment, and wouldn’t you just know, the First Amendment is now a right-wing thing. It can be laughed off, but I don’t think it’s funny. Much like those with experience in the Second Amendment sphere, genuine defenders of the First Amendment are more and more going to be understood by the public as “right-wing nuts”, “insurrectionists” and “purveyors of disinformation.” Be advised that failure to condemn them will brand you a “fellow traveler.”

Disinformation, indeed. The ghosts of Peter Zenger, Eugene Debs, Lenny Bruce, Mario Savio and William Brennan are surely weeping, and the ghosts of Lenin, Mao and McCarthy are grinning. (Bumped, by Glenn).

THE SILENCE IS DEAFENING: I believe Trump got much wrong about the First Amendment. As yes, he would often (not without reason) unleash his Master Troll skills on the White House Press corps, who I’ve likened to cats chasing a laser pointer.

That said, for four years we heard a drumbeat from media critics, news organizations and inside-the-bubble DC types about how Trump — and conservatives in general — are a threat to the physical safety of reporters. Remember when heads rolled at The New York Times after they (gasp!) published an Op/Ed written by conservative Senator Tom Cotton that according to Times reporters, “puts Black @NYTimes staff in danger”? Oh yes:

Nikole Hannah-Jones, who recently won a Pulitzer prize for the 1619 Project, which examines the legacy of slavery in America, tweeted: “I’ll probably get in trouble for this, but to not say something would be immoral. As a black woman, as a journalist, I am deeply ashamed that we ran this.”

Both Sulzberger and Bennet first defended the decision to run the column. Bennet wrote in an essay that “debating influential ideas openly, rather than letting them go unchallenged, is far more likely to help society reach the right answers.”

But on Thursday evening, the Times reversed itself and said the column had not met editorial standards.

Allow me to do a “whattabout” here. Allegedly sincere and intelligent adults flipped out over “allowing” their readers to see an opinion that — in only the most concatenated and gymnastic logic — could lead to a reporter being harmed.

Yet, when a genuine — not imaginary — physical assault on a journalist happens, there is no hue and cry, not a word from the Committee to Protect Journalists nor their empty-vessel mouthpiece Christiane Amanpour. Not a peep from Jim Acosta or Margaret Sullivan or Brian Stelter. Of course, the reporter (a woman, no less) identifies as a conservative:

Two men were busted for rubbing a dirty diaper on an independent, conservative reporter’s face and attacking her during a Black Lives Matter rally in Madison Square Park last month, according to authorities and police sources.

The New York Post adds that a video clip shows her being hit with an umbrella, spat on, hit with a skateboard, while the crowd says, ‘Don’t protect [her], she’s for Trump.”

Glad the NYPD caught the assailants, but the hypocrisy of the people who claim to care about protecting reporters is disappointing at best. You can bet your bottom dollar that were she a freelancer for NPR or The Daily Koz (same thing, I know, I know) we’d have heard more outrage.

Seems to me that the silence of journalism’s would-be “defenders” is pretty much saying “She deserved it for being a conservative.”

THE MOST IMPORTANT PIECE YOU MAY EVER READ ABOUT HOW MAINSTREAM MEDIA GOT SCREWED UP:  Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi continue to be the last few remaining honest (read “classical”) liberals left. Taibbi’s piece today, titled “The Echo Chamber Era” outlines what conservative and libertarian First Amendment lawyers have said for years, only to be ignored, ridiculed, and (in my case) occasionally blacklisted.

“Media critics who work in the corporate press, like Margaret Sullivan of the Washington Post, seem determined to look everywhere but inward for solutions. The dominant legend in our business is that if Republicans believe in fairy tales like Q and “Stop the Steal,” the traditional press can do nothing but stand its ground. Sullivan’s reaction to at-times “embarrassing” Inauguration Day coverage was an injunction to reporters to resist the temptation to try to appear more balanced by showing “toughness” with regard to the incoming Biden regime. If anything, Sullivan said, the press should stand even taller in its opposition to red-state lie merchants like Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz, “without fearing that they’d be called partisan.”

The coverage of Biden’s inauguration was […] a monument to groveling sycophancy. John Heileman at MSNBC compared Biden’s speech to Abe Lincoln’s second inaugural, and suggested that the sight of “the Clintons, the Bushes, and the Obamas” gathered for the event was like “the Marvel superheroes all back in one place” (this was not the first post-election Avengers comparison to be heard on cable). Rachel Maddow talked about going through “half a box of Kleenex” as she watched the proceedings. Chris Wallace on Fox said Biden’s lumbering speech was “the best inaugural address I ever heard,” John Kennedy’s “Ask Not” speech included. The joyful tone was set the night before by CNN’s David Challen, who said lights along the Washington Mall were like “extensions of Joe Biden’s arms embracing America.”

As the Good Professor says: “Read the whole thing.”™

Twitter, Facebook, Parler, Trump…I said stuff:

**Note: This link is to video clip on Facebook. The new Instapundit server/host does not seem to want to take the uploaded original file. **


BANG BANG: I have never owned anything but revolvers, so I defer to those with more firearms experience. This woman, the first female Green Beret, as reported by, was apparently “practicing dry fire training” and said “she had made a mistake and did not think the firearm had a chambered round when she conducted this training drill.” Wrong. It went off and sent a round through her neighbors wall.

The sidearm was a Smith & Wesson Military & Police Shield 9 mm handgun. Does this make sense? I’ve heard that this weapon will not “dry fire” without the magazine. Your thoughts?

HUNTER BIDEN: THE DEFINITIVE “TIK-TOK.” In journalism we use the word “tik-tok” for a story that recaps what is known for certain, what’s been alleged and what’s been proven. (It long predates the social media app). It’s not clear to me whether Joe Biden will get the four year tongue bath from media that President Obama was treated to. I’m not betting against it.

That said, if journalism is indeed history’s rough first draft, John Solomon’s has provided a treasure trove of verified information today about Hunter Biden and the ‘big guy’. Key events and emails obtained directly from the infamous laptop (not via Rudy Guiliani or another third party) are included and linked.

Current and future political scientists, journalists and observers will have this work to draw upon, and it’s a pity that in the blind zeal to drag Joe Biden across the finish line, outfits like NPR pretended the story was not newsworthy:

History will judge them harshly.

THERE MUST BE A LEGAL PHRASE FOR 100% BULLSHIT: As Ed Driscoll first raised here, Democratic Mayor of Chicago’s Lori Lightfoot actually directed her personally-appointed city lawyers to block CBS’ Chicago TV station from airing police body cam footage of them arresting and cuffing the wrong woman.

FFS, how can this woman say she believes “Black Lives Matter” when she tries to suppress footage showing potential police misconduct or incompetence? How can any Democrat say they support her and the idea of BLM? She was rightly laughed out of court. Worth noting:

“This isn’t the first time CPD attempted to shield body camera video from public view. Last year, police denied CBS 2’s FOIA request for video that would show how officers handcuffed 8-year-old Royal Wilson during a bad raid. The department said it would be “unduly burdensome” for police to collect, review and redact 16 hours of video.”

Next time some simpleton tells you all Democrats are good and all conservatives are evil, show them this and ask them to explain it. Then ask them if there should be a federal law denying federal funding to any department who does not release body cam footage to the public within, say 3 or 5 hours.

WILL NPR AND CNN FOLLOW THE FACTS? Don’t hold your breath. That said,’s John Solomon has been following and breaking news about Hunter Biden since at least October. And what the lapdogs insisted was “Russian disinformation” turns out to be pretty well-supported. Solomon details an email from Biden’s lawyer and partner at the time warning him that:

“The January 2017 email suggests Hunter Biden made anywhere from $833,614 to more than $2.5 million a year in the second term of the Obama-Biden administration as he and his partners pursued global business deals in Ukraine, Russia, China and other foreign countries. But it also raised questions about his finances and accounting beyond the alleged Burisma tax payment that was overdue. Schwerin’s email suggested Hunter Biden borrowed money from his company, and also had claimed as income monies he did not receive. “You didn’t receive this in cash and it is in reality ‘phantom income,'” Schwerin wrote Hunter Biden in explaining some transactions.”

Like the Good Professor says: “Read the Whole Thing.”™

IS THE U.S. CHINA’S BITCH? Well, adding to the “China owns us” news, The Daily Caller is reporting that:

“A Chinese academic with links to the communist party, Di Dongsheng, asserted that Beijing will re-establish its power through that group of ‘old friends’ under the Biden Administration.”

Let me show you my shocked face!

OUT OF SIGHT, BUT NOT OUT OF MIND: There’s an old sawhorse in media about the “Streisand Effect,” namely, that when someone tries to suppress a story it backfires and gets more attention than it might have without the suppression. There’s a lot about the Hunter Biden story and its suppression that proves this true.

The news that Glenn Greenwald had resigned from The Intercept because management there have joined the open conspiracy among so-called news providers to pretend that there is no substance or legitimacy behind allegations – or even asking questions – about Joe Biden’s involvement and financial interest in his son’s business dealings in Ukraine, Russia or China was stunning. NPR was surprisingly honest about their dishonesty when they “explained” that they would not cover the story because:

“We don’t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don’t want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions […] And quite frankly, that’s where we ended up, this was a politically driven event, and we decided to treat it that way.”

As has been said repeatedly, they and other legacy media operations’ newfound devotion to media ethics is both amusing and depressing at the same time. These are the same people who had no problem alleging that Justice Kavanaugh was a gang rapist on the say-so of a somewhat mentally frail woman who could produce no documents or corroborating witnesses, could not recount any details and yet, these same publications applied “woke logic” by insisting we “believe all women.”

Every insane allegation and false witness propounded by Michael Avenatti was breathlessly reported and touted as the truth by CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and Washington Post. Avenatti was convicted last year of extortion in a $20 billion scheme against Nike, and still faces trial for defrauding his client Stormy Daniels. Up until this week, these kinds of witnesses and “sources” were more than credible enough to publish defamatory and salacious stories.

If you need a reminder, this is the same media who promised you “pee tapes” of President Trump cavorting with Russian hookers based on evidence that never existed. In one of his magnificent histories of LBJ, Robert Caro retold the story of then-congressional candidate Johnson asking his aide to help spread a rumor that his opponent engaged in sex with barnyard animals:

“We can’t prove that Mr. Johnson,” the aide said.

But we can make the son of a bitch deny it!” Johnson purportedly replied.

For a story that the Biden surrogates and stenographers insist has no factual foundation, they have been rather vocal, splashing a tremendous array of defensive claims. Despite the fact that neither Biden nor his son Hunter have yet to deny the authenticity of any of the documents and emails being reported on by smaller news organizations dismissed as “conservative” those committed to dragging Biden across the finish line no matter what, have said (like NPR) that the story doesn’t pass their standards of integrity; that the timing of the story being advantageous to Trump somehow nullifies its factual underpinning (welcome to political journalism); and perhaps most laughably, social media surrogates insist that “nobody cares.”

This last chimera is perhaps the most revealing. It reveals the arrogant elitism that led the mainstream off the rails in 2016 and shows us how this small group has a genuine disdain for most Americans. Moreover, it underscores the denial they suffer about the inevitable extinction of their long-held and highly profitable grip on public opinion.

The data show how remarkably wrong our moral and intellectual betters are. In the last ten days – and before Tucker Carlson’s bombshell interview – The Daily Caller’s Hunter Biden stories drew 554,566 unique internet visitors. That’s more than half a million “nobodies.”

One of their initial stories, about the laptop left behind by a crack-addled Hunter Biden drew 16,474 unique readers; another story, about Hunter Biden’s setting up a meeting with his father (then Vice-President) and Chinese businessmen was read by at least 89,649 people. Oh, I mean “nobodies.” As JustTheNews’ Editor in Chief John Solomon pointed out:

“[C]riminality isn’t the only standard by which Americans evaluate their leaders. Judgment, ethics and transparency are also essential attributes.” has been doggedly breaking news on Hunter and Joe Biden’s “pay to meet me” scheme. Rough estimates show that JTN’s coverage of this issue has been read by as many as 7.5 million people. Moreover, Tucker Carlson’s interview with whistleblower and ex-Biden partner Tony Bobulinski broke cable news records: as many as 7.6 million viewers tuned in. That’s a lot of nobodies. I’ll bet NPR’s Public Editor Kelly McBride wishes she got a third as many “nobodies” to pay attention to her.

It’s little wonder the mainstream media is going broke. They don’t serve you: They insult you. When they say “nobody cares” what they really mean to say is that the only people who count, who deserve any say in our political process are those who agree with them. Everyone else is a nobody. (Bumped, by Glenn, because this is important).

AND THE HITS JUST KEEP ON COMIN’: Breaking in today are more emails — not “purloined”, Mr. Zuckerberg — where Hunter Biden adds further acknowledgement of his father’s knowledge of Hunter Biden’s Happy Goodtime “Meet and Greet for Money” Service.  (Of course, his father also knows that the President’s first name is George; and that the right-wing louts out there are called “the Poor Boys.“) He knows lots of stuff. And then he doesn’t.

And as for the people who are still stuck on the “Russian disinformation” loop, Biden’s emails were independently verified by Just the News with one of the recipients.

JEFFREY TOOBIN INSPIRES THE POETS OF SOCIAL MEDIA: Here, for no good reason other than schadenfreude, is a sampling of some of the Bards of Facebook reacting to the monkey business of CNN and The New Yorker’s superstar :

Toobin and Louis CK
Played pocket pool all the long day
When his neighbor they seen her
And they pulled out their wiener
Now both of them wished they were gay.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that...

CNN had a lame legal hack,
Who chose an odd time to jack,
Whipped out and seen by all,
Who said “my that’s awfully small”
Now both dicks won’t likely be back.

I dunno, I’m betting he’s back inside 6 months…

Toobin was working on Zoom,
And he booked a nice sex cam room,
He was spanking his monkey
And the cameras got funky
And now his job just went boom.

That’s on the theory he was sex-camming and mixed his cameras up. Here, I think is the best of the bunch:

A horny old journo named Toobin
Was giving his willie some lubin’
While beating his meat
His joy was complete
Until he recalled he was Zoomin’

Use Burma Shave.


MEMO TO NEW YORK TIMES: 1984 WAS NOT A HOW-TO BOOK. It’s almost as if re-writing history and secretly purging material when they go off the rails is something embedded in The New York Times’ culture.

As you’ve seen elsewhere, The Old Gray Lady has been called out for revisionism and flawed research inherent in its controversial “1619 Project.” The Times, true to form, circled the wagons and “stood by” the work. Except they didn’t. In fact, historians and journalists pointed out that The Times used undisclosed “stealth” corrections to significantly alter the original piece:

“The announced intention of reframing the country’s origin date struck many readers across the political spectrum as an implicit repudiation of the American revolution and its underlying principles […] Rather than address this controversy directly, The Times—it now appears—decided to send it down the memory hole—the euphemized term for selectively editing inconvenient passages out of old newspaper reports in George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984.”

You’d think that is bad enough. Nope. It gets worse. Bret Stephens, the house “conservative” so hated by his fellow Times editorialists was raked over the coals by the News Guild unit representing those journalists. As Glenn Greenwald explained:

“THE NEW YORK TIMES GUILD, the union of employees of the paper of record, tweeted a condemnation on Sunday of one of their own colleagues, op-ed columnist Bret Stephens. Their denunciation was marred by humiliating typos and even more so by creepy and authoritarian censorship demands and petulant appeals to management for enforcement of company “rules” against other journalists. To say that this is bizarre behavior from a union of journalists, of all people, is to woefully understate the case[…] They are demanding that their own journalistic colleagues be silenced and censored. What kind of journalists plead with management for greater restrictions on journalistic expression rather than fewer?  (Emphasis added).

Now, the big reveal: the union has deleted the tweet Greenwald refers to. It never happened:

This is to me, as a journalist, media ethicist and lawyer, indicative of a culture that is more Orwell than Murrow. It’s in their DNA. Allow my colleage to explain. Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.

**DISCLOSURE: I was for many years a member of the then-called Newspaper Guild, now the “News Guild.”**

UPDATE (From Ed): This is the since-deleted tweet from the Times’ union that Smith is referring to:

(Updated and bumped.)

WELL, IF YOUR FIRST NAME IS “MURDER”: I suppose you should expect to be apprehended. He is a mean looking fella, I’ll give him that.


LAYERS AND LAYERS OF FACT-CHECKERS, PART 758: It’s not often that the left-biased Daily Beast tells readers about bad journalism produced by other left wing organizations, but Maxwell Tani did just that here.

“Since at least 2015, the Times has heard—and, in several cases, dismissed—warnings that Callimachi got stories wrong, questions about the legitimacy of her sourcing, and concerns about her treatment of sensitive source material. Now, revelations that one of Callimachi’s biggest stories may have been based on a hoax has resurfaced old warnings and questions that colleagues, experts, and sources previously raised about her reporting.”

Instapundit readers ought to be familiar with the problem of a “superstar” being seriously questioned, only to have The Times circle the wagons (s.o.p.) and “stand by her reporting.”

“If she told me it was sunny outside, I’d double check,” one senior Times journalist told The Daily Beast[…] A spokesperson for the Times defended Callimachi’s work on Wednesday evening, saying, “Rukmini is a brave and talented reporter whose body of work has shed new light on how ISIS functioned, attracted recruits, and stayed in power…”

Interestingly, Callamachi has published several stories damaging to the “conventional wisdom” of the left-wing media, so perhaps this is something of another editorial purge against reporters who (gasp!) seek out facts and editors who “platform” un-woke ideas. It will be interesting to see what The Times does here.

OH, FER CHRISSAKES: You’d think a Harvard Law Professor would know how to style a complaint and name the appropriate parties from whom he seeks libel damages…but this is the Ivy League, where skill and understanding take a back seat to political litmus tests and identity politics.

Which reminds me: Which Yale Law School graduate and failed Presidential candidate and her surrogates convenienttly forgot how the Constitution works? Here’s a clue: “She got more votes!


SEEN ON FACEBOOK: (Yeah, I put it there. Come at me…)

CATS KEEP CHASING THE LASER POINTER: I was asked to join the Legal Talk Network’s “Lawyer2Lawyer” podcast and talk about Trump’s spokesperson claiming to be building a dossier on Washington Post reporter David Fahrenthold. My view?
Meh. Trump is very good at poking the media in the eye and they can’t help themselves  from freaking out. Moreover, they conveniently forget that previous administrations spied on James Rosen, The Associated Press and Sharyl Attkisson. In fact, bullying, badgering and bribing is nothing new with politicians and the press. So the breathless reporting and use of words like “astonishing revelation” are just silly.

FUN FACT: According to the Truman Library, in 1950 Truman — on White House letterhead — threatened to beat a music critic who gave his daughter a bad review:

“Some day I hope to meet you. When that happens you’ll need a new nose, a lot of beefsteak for black eyes, and perhaps a supporter below!”

Now that’s intimidation!

IS TEAM TRUMP LISTENING? I’ve posted this elsewhere, but cannot stress enough how powerful and resonant this ad was in 1968.
Ben Rhodes was right: The young reporters in the MSM don’t know anything, and I’d add neither do their readers. This ad could run today and still be effective. If you support Trump, you should be demanding that they start producing ads like this.