Archive for 2022

PRONOUN POLICE GO AFTER MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS:  I got called the “Hairy It” (a play on my surname) in elementary school even though “it” was not my pronoun of choice.  That was before Title IX, so I wasn’t able to turn it into a federal case.  Instead, I had to come up with similar epithets for my rowdy playmates … which, upon reflection, was kind of fun.

THE LEFT CREATED ‘GREAT REPLACEMENT THEORY:’ Hans Bader describes the history of the “Great Replacement Theory” the Left has been peddling for decades. That’s the idea that immigration and the passing of the Boomer generation are bringing a new non-white majority to power in American politics. And no, Tucker Carlson is not the originator of GRT, contrary to a chorus of the prevaricating suspects on CNN and MSNBC.

QUESTION ASKED: Are you sure you want to call the Roe protests “the summer of rage?”

Thus far we haven’t seen any serious incidents of violence associated with these protests, so keep your fingers crossed. But when you start inflaming your followers by tossing around words like “rage” and “outrage,” don’t act surprised if some of them start taking your advice to heart. The very first BLM marches in 2020 actually were “mostly peaceful” and the media happily picked up the phrase. But then they insisted on continuing to use it even as the demonstrations quickly devolved into riots, with federal buildings and police stations being set ablaze, mass looting destroying retail areas, and law enforcement officers being assaulted.

Yes, that was the “summer of love.” And now we’re being warned to prepare for the “summer of rage.” Some liberal activists aren’t waiting for anyone else to issue marching orders, by the way. At Yale University, liberals are demanding “unrelenting daily confrontation.” And the subject in question on any given day doesn’t really matter. They simply want any of their fellow students or faculty members who express any sort of conservative opinions to be physically driven from the public square. (Free Beacon)

Members of the law school’s conservative Federalist Society, first year law student Shyamala Ramakrishna said in an Instagram post, are “conspirators in the Christo-fascist political takeover we all seem to be posting frantically about.” Why, she asked, are they still “coming to our parties” and “laughing in the library” without “unrelenting daily confrontation?”

Some of her classmates were less moderate.

“It’s not time for ‘reform,’” first-year law student Leah Fessler, a onetime New York Times freelancer, wrote on Instagram. “Democratic Institutions won’t save us.” It is unclear how Fessler will apply that view as a legal intern this summer for federal judge Lewis Liman. Judge Liman did not respond to a request for comment.

While it might fit on a bumper sticker or a t-shirt, “democratic institutions won’t save us” isn’t really a very good message, particularly if you’re in the process of seeking a law degree. Also, even if you believe that unsavory maxim, please enlighten us as to what the alternative to democratic institutions might be? I hope I’m wrong, but the only thing that springs to mind is mob rule. Is that where you think this is all heading?

Err, yes? As Jon Gabriel tweets, “Gonna be tough to top 2020’s Summer of Rage, but let’s see what you got.

Read the whole thing — the last paragraph is a hoot.

CHRISTIAN TOTO: Midler, Colbert, Kimmel and More: The ‘Let Them Eat Cake’ Celebrities.

“TRY BREASTFEEEDING! It’s free and available on demand,” [Bette Midler] Tweeted, ignoring the countless women who struggle to breastfeed for often heartbreaking reasons. Surely a 70-something woman has met a few moms in her life who shared their motherhood struggles.

The Biden administration claims it’s been working on the problem for some time, apparently with little or no net results. Tell that to the mothers scrambling to find formula for their infants.

That collective suffering doesn’t bother Midler. Why?

It might negatively impact President Joe Biden specifically and Democrats as a whole. So Midler pushed their concerns aside to land some cheap partisan points.

Let them eat cake.

* * * * * * *

And Colbert championed another “cake” closeup earlier this year following more gas price hike headlines.

“Today, the average gas price in America hit an all-time record high of over $4 per gallon. Okay, that stings, but a clear conscience is worth a buck or two … I’m willing to pay. I’m willing to pay $4 a gallon. Hell, I’ll pay $15 a gallon because I drive a Tesla.”

Mary Antoinette would be proud, assuming you believe the historical myth.

Colbert morphed into Paris Hilton so slowly, I hardly even noticed:


JEFF JACOBY:  “Who’s Afraid of Liberal Media Bias?”  (I’m not half as confident as he is that liberal media bias has been overcome.)

ON THIS DAY IN 1940:  Two brothers named McDonald–Richard and Maurice–opened the first McDonald’s restaurant in San Bernardino, California.  Ray Kroc, then a milkshake mixer salesman, became involved in 1954 and purchased the company in 1961 for $2.7 million.

QUELLE HORREUR! “Our Daughter Lied to Us and Went to a Pro-Life Rally. I seriously thought she was a feminist.” A Slate reader emails their “Care and Feeding” column on Friday for advice:

Yesterday, my 17-year-old daughter, a junior in high school, told us she was going to her boyfriend’s house. It turns out she lied.

I only found out because today, I casually mentioned Roe v. Wade may be overturned, and she replied, “I can’t wait. So many innocent lives will be spared.” We got into an argument in which she ended up confessing her actual whereabouts—she went to a “pro-life” rally with her boyfriend.

We’ve grounded her and taken away her phone for going behind our backs, but she’s showing no remorse. I just can’t believe it. This is the girl who dressed up as Ruth Bader Ginsburg for Halloween when she was 10. She’s heading to law school in a couple years. I seriously thought she was pro-choice and a feminist. I’ve been taking her to rallies and protests since she was a baby. We’ve been educating her about safe sex and consent. We donate to Planned Parenthood every year for Christmas. I’m fine with her disagreeing with us on other topics, but I had an abortion years ago. We live in a conservative state. I don’t want her right to choose to be taken away.

And I’m furious at her for going behind our backs. I’m suspicious of her boyfriend—I know he’s a conservative-leaning Christian and I don’t want to have raised a daughter who votes for whomever her boyfriend does. How do I convince her being pro-life isn’t helping her in the long run?

— Just Trying to Raise a Feminist

In a 2007 article by Norman Podhoretz, he quoted a Commentary staffer who said at a (very early) anti-Vietnam War protest in 1960, “Do you realize that every young person in this room is a tragedy to some family or other?”

It was of an evening in the year 1960, when I went to address a meeting of left-wing radicals on a subject that had then barely begun to show the whites of its eyes: the possibility of American military involvement in a faraway place called Vietnam and the need to begin mobilizing opposition to it. Accompanying me that evening was the late Marion Magid, a member of my staff at Commentary, of which I had recently become the editor. As we entered the drafty old hall on Union Square in Manhattan, Marion surveyed the 50 or so people in the audience and whispered to me: “Do you realize that every young person in this room is a tragedy to some family or other?”

The memory of this quip brought back to life some sense of how unpromising the future had then appeared to be for that bedraggled-looking assemblage. No one would have dreamed that these young people, and the generation about to descend from them politically and culturally, would within the blink of a historical eye come to be hailed by many members of the very “Establishment” they were trying to topple as (in the representative words of Prof. Archibald Cox of Harvard Law School) “the best informed, the most intelligent, and the most idealistic this country has ever known.”

More incredible yet, in a mere decade the ideas and attitudes of the new movement, cleaned up but essentially unchanged, would turn one of our two major parties upside down and inside out.

And now that the American left has had decades of being the once-dreaded ”Establishment,” they seem shocked when their kids rebel to the other side, as teenagers universally are wont to do.

BUT THE YEAR IS STILL YOUNG: Dana Milbank Writes the Most Morally Atrocious Column of 2022.

On September 11, 2001, terrorists tried to murder me and destroyed my office. They killed 3,000 of my fellow Americans. A decent human being would be respectful of the dead and the traumatized from that event in drawing comparisons of domestic political controversies to 9/11.

Dana Milbank of the Washington Post is not a decent human being. He is a moral monster, and he advertised that in today’s column, entitled “Roe’s impending reversal is a 9/11 attack on America’s social fabric”: “Assuming little changes from the draft, overturning Roe would be a shock to our way of life, the social equivalent of the 9/11 attacks (which shattered our sense of physical security) or the crash of 2008 (which undid our sense of financial security).”

Evergreen flashback: That Dana Milbank column is even dumber than you think.