IN LIGHT OF MY EARLIER PROMISE, I’ve uploaded some outtakes from the video I shot for my TCS column that’ll be out later. They’re not as exciting as the ones I used there, but for purposes of quality they’re pretty illustrative. You can see J.D. Lasica and Bill Hobbs talking about the Nikon D70s and the Canon Digital Rebel, as well as some better-lit footage of the documentary folks. It was all shot with this rather cheap digital still camera, and while the video is pretty good, the most impressive thing is the sound produced by the matchhead-sized microphone. This kind of thing seems like it should be a really potent tool for blog journalism.

You can see the outtakes in Windows Media format here.

A Quicktime version is here. They’re both broadband-sized, as there’s no point doing tiny dialup files when you’re trying to illustrate quality.