MORE LIKE THIS, PLEASE: ‘Trudeau is Alone’: Fifth Canadian Province Abandons Vaccine Passports Amid Crackdown on Freedom Convoy.

Related: Trudeau the Thieving Bully. “Which of these limited powers is Trudeau invoking first? None of them. He’s using it to track and steal the money of people who dare to disagree with him. . . . How quickly government power went from ‘We’re only taking money from druglords and terrorists’ to ‘We’re tracking all transactions of peaceful protestors.’ Imagine if the U.S. government announced it was going to freeze the bank accounts and impound the cars of everyone marching in Selma. That’s what’s going on in Canada. All over a vaccine mandate that was never enacted into law by Canada’s parliament.”

That’s dangerous. He certainly doesn’t want anyone looking into his money.


As the US Department of Justice says, a riot is the voice of the unheard.