Archive for 2023

PAST PERFORMANCE IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS: Shot: defund the police; Chaser: I am begging for more police.

Liberals are never, ever held to account.

San Francisco District Supervisor Hillary Ronen is “begging” for more police officers in the Mission District. Crime is out of control, and the city absolutely has to do something about it.

It’s a disaster! Somebody do something!

You have to sympathize with her and her constituents. Sure sounds like things are really bad out there. I wonder how any city could allow such a degradation in its policing capability?

Hillary Ronen is the one to ask. She led the fight to defund the police, after all.

Flashback: White Progressives Shocked to Learn Black and Latino Voters Don’t Share Their Radical ‘defund the Police’ Views.


Lt. Hiroo Onoda hid in the Philippine jungle for three decades after World War II, devotedly carrying out his soldierly duties till 1974, when he returned to an unrecognizable Tokyo. Likewise, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) carries on a torch for the proletariat, long after the rest of the Left has dumped the worker for racial and sexual categories.

Even if you disagree with Sanders — and you must if you understand basic economics and human nature and have even a passing knowledge of how socialist societies have ended — you have to give the Vermont socialist senator some credit for steady commitment. Just as Onoda continued to venerate the emperor as a deity while evading raiding parties, Sanders continues to revere economic determinism even as he, from time to time, is forced to mumble new pieties on climate, sex, and race.

On March 4, Sanders harrumphed to HBO’s Bill Maher that the Democratic Party had abandoned the worker.

“When FDR was president, when Truman was president, even when JFK was president, you go out on the street and you say to people, ‘Which party represents the working class of America?’ Most people, I think … would’ve said the Democratic Party,” Sanders said. “Today, you go out on the street, and that is not the sentiment. In fact, the Republican Party probably has more adherents than the Democrats.”

Sanders predictably went on to blame corporations and Republicans for this real shift in working-class political sentiment — because if a Marxist doesn’t blame capitalism for rain, they take his Marxist card away.

* * * * * * * *

Sanders knows well how the Left dropped the worker. But he also knows that to spell out how and why this shift occurred would be political suicide.

Hiroo Onoda plays a minor role in Mark Manson’s 2016 self-help book, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. As Manson wrote:

Yet, later in his life, Onoda said he regretted nothing. He claimed that he was proud of his choices and his time on Lubang. He said that it had been an honor to devote a sizable portion of his life in service to a nonexistent empire. [Norio Suzuki, the young man who, incredibly, found Onoda in the jungle before dying in an even more preposterous quest], had he survived, likely would have said something similar: that he was doing exactly what he was meant to do, that he regretted nothing.

These men both chose how they wished to suffer. Hiroo Onoda chose to suffer for loyalty to a dead empire. Suzuki chose to suffer for adventure, no matter how ill-advised. To both men, their suffering meant something; it fulfilled some greater cause. And because it meant something, they were able to endure it, or perhaps even enjoy it.

If suffering is inevitable, if our problems in life are unavoidable, then the question we should be asking is not “How do I stop suffering?” but “Why am I suffering—for what purpose?”

Hey, those three houses don’t pay for themselves, you know.

QUESTION ASKED: Are Democrats Deliberately Making Trump a Martyr to Boost Him With GOP Voters?

Many predict that this move will backfire dramatically on the Democrats.

“If this happens, Trump will be re-elected in a landslide victory,” Elon Musk tweeted in response to a report about Trump’s potential pending arrest.

He’s not alone in thinking this way. “If they handcuff Trump, he is your next president,” Scott Adams predicts.

Trump Defense Lawyer Joe Tacopina agrees. “I believe this will catapult him into the White House.”

Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire has another theory. “They want Trump to be the Republican nominee,” Walsh tweeted Saturday, referring to the Democrats. “That’s obviously the play here. There is no other conceivable reason to arrest and perp walk him on a bulls—t misdemeanor charge. I might be overestimating the tactical intelligence of the idiot power-hungry hacks behind this. But if there is any political strategy then that has to be it.”

It’s a fascinating theory, for sure, but I think it gives Democrats too much credit and ignores some key facts. As I previously pointed out, Democrats, including the thugs in the Manhattan District Attorney’s office, have been desperately trying to pin something on Trump for years. The party base believes Trump is guilty of something, even if they don’t know what that is, so there’s enormous pressure to give the base what they want.

Matt Margolis’ article is for is just for our VIP members; please use the discount code LOYALTY if you’ve been thinking of becoming a supporter.

OPEN THREAD: Here for your delectation.

THERE’S A LINK TO GO THROUGH AND REGISTER YOUR OPPOSITION TO THIS NONSENSE:  Yes, it’s real: Joe Biden’s Department of Energy just moved to ban nearly all gas stoves.

For the record, gas stoves don’t hurt asthmatics anymore than any cooking does. The studies commissioned to prove this had to wrap the house in Saran wrap to show any rise in anything detrimental.

And while on that, as an asthmatic, this is rich coming from the people who told us our disability wasn’t a thing and we had to wear the mask, or be locked in our houses. These are my middle fingers.

OF VACCINES AND VIRUSES: Burundi officials detect polio outbreak linked to vaccine. “Health officials in Burundi have declared an outbreak of polio linked to the vaccine, the first time the paralytic disease has been detected in the East African country for more than three decades. . . . The virus that sickened the children was found to be a mutated strain of polio that initially came from an oral vaccine. The Burundi government declared the polio outbreak to be a national public health emergency and plans to start an immunization campaign within weeks, aimed at protecting all children up to age seven.”

This has been a known risk of the live virus vaccine since its inception, but it seems like we’re seeing more of this now. Or maybe we’re just hearing about it more.

AMAZING INTERVIEW WITH ST. PATRICK: Ok, shake off that headache from last night’s celebration and check out this exclusive interview by Babylon Bee of the Irish saint.