Archive for 2022


PUBLIC SUPPORT FOR POLITICAL PRISONERS IS RISKY: Ottawa Police just fined a protester $1,130 for writing “FREE TAMARA LICH” in chalk! “Tamara Lich was one of the original organizers of the Freedom Convoy of truckers who drove across Canada to Ottawa protesting vaccine mandates. Lich was recently re-arrested and it is widely believed that Lich is a political prisoner.”

Whether that support is under the regime of Fidel Castro, or that of Fidel Trudeau.


Let’s see: He has replaced Roberts as the “swing” vote; we did see more Second Amendment activity; the Court was more aggressive on overturning Roe than I expected (I always figured you’d need 7 votes to overturn Roe); we’re seeing some strange new respect for judicial minimalism on the left, but mostly they just want to recapture the Court so they can engage in judicial maximalism again; and I really nailed it on increased disrespect for the Court now that it’s seen as conservative.

“MASSIVE RESISTANCE:” New York Democrats Undermine Supreme Court 2nd Amendment Ruling In New Legislation. “Among other things, lawful concealed carry of guns would be banned almost everwhere by designating much of society a ‘sensitive’ location. State governors like Kathy Hochul in New York are banking on the limited SCOTUS docket to evade the ruling, even if they ultimately lose.”

UPDATE: New NY bill: If you want to carry concealed, we’ll need to see your social media accounts.

This just sets us up for national carry/reciprocity when we get the next GOP president and Congress.

ILYA SOMIN: A Broader Perspective on “My Body, My Choice.” “It frustrates me that many who propound the principle when it comes to abortion ignore or even oppose it in other contexts. Many on the political right are also inconsistent when it comes to issues of bodily autonomy. In this post, I explain why abortion is a relatively hard case for the ‘My Body, My Choice’ principle.”