Archive for 2022

TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURE!  Biden slings ‘anti-Irish’ words, claims to be Italian in gaffe-ridden speech.

A befuddled President Biden casually maligned the Irish while botching his wife’s family history during a gaffe-filled appearance in Delaware on Friday.

“I may be Irish, but I’m not stupid,” Biden inexplicably said as he greeted 102-year-old World War II veteran Ray Firmani during a town hall on veterans’ benefits in New Castle, Del.

“I married Dominic Giacoppa’s daughter,” Biden continued. “So, you know, I got a little Italian in me now, you know?”

The audience of military veterans and federal officials received the off-script comments in puzzled silence — but critics on Twitter took comic umbrage at the ethnic slur.

Earlier: Biden Report Card: Joe concedes he’s ‘f***ing old.’


The ancients had a word for it, winter, and it’s eliciting trembles of horror from the Cassandras over at the New York Times. New Yorkers, the Times recently croaked, “are living not just among the coronavirus and its seemingly endless variants, but a bunch of other viruses too.” This “bunch” includes such baffling ailments as the common cold and the flu. One man interviewed by the Times “has been walking around town with a stuffy nose and a mysterious cough that keeps clattering in his lungs.”

Why any of this would suddenly happen just as the weather is getting cold remains a medical mystery. Yet thankfully the Times has a theory:

Although city officials have been recommending that New Yorkers wear masks in indoor public spaces, few are heeding that call. School attendance remains relatively high too, though it dipped a little recently. Restaurants and coffee shops are busy, and offices show no signs of closing. People are still going out to movies, music venues and cocktail bars.

Cocktail bars. The unmitigated gall of people thinking they can just go to cocktail bars is enough to make you think we don’t deserve Dr. Fauci. Yet surely it’s no surprise that the Times is struggling with this. For everyone else, this is set to be a season of joy and gratitude. Not only is it almost Christmas, it’s the first winter since 2019 when Covid isn’t an issue, and for those of us who caught the Omicron last winter, it couldn’t be more welcome. No canceled holiday parties; no wondering what the eggnog really tastes like. And unlike Europeans, we Americans didn’t foolishly shut down our nuclear plants and gas storage facilities, making us reliant on Russian exports. Heating this year might be expensive but it’s still on and running.

Flashback: Ignoring Them Is the Only Way Out.

A THANK-YOU FROM MARK JUDGE, in his new book: The Devil’s Triangle.

The left has a huge infrastructure for helping out its people. But this was something. And it was InstaPundit readers who really made the difference here.

OH, NO, DARN: Educator brags about indoctrinating kids, then complains about ‘right-wing’ reporting on it.

UPDATE: Reader John Steakley writes: “And her school is near the bottom of the barrel in Illinois. They spend plenty of cash per student but still churn out some of the least-qualified high schoolers in the state. I wonder if she has ever considered that she’s part of the problem, rather than part of the solution?”

GIVEN HIS TALENT BASE, THAT’S PROBABLY FOR THE BEST: Here’s Where Pete Buttigieg Actually Was During Rail Union Negotiations. “In a most unsurprising turn of events, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was not burning the midnight oil in the West Wing working on a deal with his fellow Biden cabinet members. Nope, he was on vacation — in Portugal.”

GOOD QUESTION: “Are you gonna expand this investigation” into the FBI and Twitter? “You mentioned Google, you mentioned perhaps Facebook/Meta in general with Instagram. Are you going to expand and include those platforms which we also know at least from Mark Zuckerberg, he too was contacted by the FBI. I think we only know a portion of that, are you gonna expand this investigation?”

#JOURNALISM: A friend comments, “The ones screaming to dox Musk’s immediate flight logs won’t peep about Jeffrey Epstein’s old ones.”

CRISIS BY DESIGN: ‘An Atmosphere of Lawlessness’: Attacks on Churches Nearly Triple in 4 Years, New Report Finds. “A Christian leader has blasted the Biden administration for ‘creating an atmosphere of lawlessness’ by ignoring attacks on churches and houses of worship nationwide, which have nearly tripled over the last four years, according to a startling new report. These assaults ranged from deadly to defacing, covered every region of the country and denominational background, and often sprang from pro-abortion domestic terrorism or other forms of left-wing enmity against biblical morality.”

If the authorities were as afraid of Christian nationalism as they purport to be, they’d be doing a lot more about these attacks.

OPEN THREAD: Sorry it’s late, got stuck in draft. Enjoy!


Somebody should hit the DOJ with a Freedom of Information Act request about communications with those platforms regarding content.