Archive for 2021

INTERESTING: Prior SARS-CoV-2 infection rescues B and T cell responses to variants after first vaccine. “They found that people who had previously had mild or asymptomatic infection had significantly enhanced protection against the Kent and South Africa variants, after a single dose of the mRNA vaccine. In those without prior COVID-19, the immune response was less strong after a first dose, potentially leaving them at risk from variants.”

JUST BACK FROM THE 2021 DALLAS INTERNATIONAL GUITAR FESTIVAL: Downsides: Surprisingly little mask wearing (I’m glad I’ve had my vaccination), and with the exception of online music retailer Sweetwater, not many of the big players in the music industry had a direct presence there, beyond what their dealers had on display. Upsides: A glimpse of a return to normal, with live music events (both an indoor and outdoor stage), and enough people attending that the dealers said it was the best turnout in three years. And I did I say it was glimpse of a return to normal? Watch for a more detailed report, and many more photos soon. There’s one more day of the festival, if you’re in the D-FW Metroplex area on Sunday.

This little guy could absolutely shred on Jimi Hendrix’s “Voodoo Chile” on a Fender Strat that’s bigger than he is.
Les Paul Forum alumnus Tom Wittrock of Third Eye Music, holding one of his ultra rare late 1950s sunburst Gibson Les Pauls, which routinely trade in the six-figure range these days.

WHY IS THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY SUCH A CESSPIT OF RACISM? Texas Democratic Official Called on to Resign for Calling Senator Tim Scott an ‘Oreo:’

Liberals believe that because of their “solidarity” with black people, they can criticize white people as if their own skin is of a little darker hue. Take Lamar County Democratic Party Chairman Gary O’Connor. The Texas Democratic leader did his best Jesse Jackson impersonation in describing Scott’s statement.

“I had hoped that Scott might show some common sense, but it seems clear he is little more than an oreo with no real principles,” Lamar County Democratic Party chair Gary O’Connor wrote in a now-deleted Facebook post, referring to Scott’s rebuttal to President Biden’s congressional  address on Wednesday.

A screenshot of O’Connor’s Facebook post can be found here.


ROGER SIMON: I Dreamt of Richard Pryor Last Night.

I wonder what Richard would have made of critical race theory, Black Lives Matter, and all that.

As far as I could tell there wasn’t a racist bone in his body. Like the best comedians—and he was the best—he was an equal opportunity destroyer. I recall practically falling on the floor in laughter when he imitated a black person and white person walking through the woods.

The obvious subtext of what to me was his best movie—“Stir Crazy” with the also brilliant Gene Wilder—was that a black guy and a white guy could love each other. Who makes a movie like that these days?

Who lives a life like that these days? Well, a few of us still, but the world is conspiring against us.

Another factor that may have been running around in my head when I had this dream was the treatment of Senator Tim Scott after he had the honesty to declare, during his speech after Biden’s tedious litany of social engineering, that “systemic racism” did not exist in our country.

The “Uncle Tim” hashtag onslaught that immediately appeared on Twitter was but another display of pathological hate on a noxious social media outlet that has long since outlived its usefulness.

How would Richard have reacted to all this? Of course, I can’t say. I want to believe he would’ve thought it all an apt subject for satire, but the sad truth is that many of the most creative and insightful black people (cf. Morgan Freeman) have been forced to walk back sensible statements by the victimology-addicted people in their community and their white elitist allies.

I never thought I’d say it but…. oh, for 1980.

Much less opportunity for corporate grift in a world where we judge men by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. Speaking of which, guess which famous quote by Martin Luther King isn’t present on the walls of his iconic DC memorial.

ACTUALLY, IT’S A TRUST PROBLEM: PEOPLE DON’T TRUST THE EXPERTS OR AUTHORITIES ANYMORE. Vaccine Skepticism Was Viewed as a Knowledge Problem. It’s Actually About Gut Beliefs.

Or maybe one of the relevant “gut beliefs” is that the people running things are incompetents who often lie and manipulate. I mean, here’s how the NYT disposes of concerns about the vaccines: “Manufacturers of the three vaccines approved for emergency use by the Food and Drug Administration say they are safe.” I mean, you don’t have to be a paranoid science-denier to find that less than fully reassuring.

Related: The Suicide of Expertise.

YES. NEXT QUESTION? None Dare Call It Socialism?

Stephen Collinson is well-known among conservatives as the most hackneyed of the hacks at CNN. The CNN Politics Twitter account promoted his latest online essay with the words “President Biden to showcase his moderate radicalism in his big congressional address.”

“Moderate radicalism”? Doesn’t that make about as much sense as “quiet loudness”?

Collinson argued “Biden’s quiet radicalism is expressed through a huge pandemic rescue bill, a larger proposal that redefines the concept of infrastructure, and a massive health and child care blueprint.” In other words, a socialist blueprint.

Politico gushed with this headline “Biden Just Gave the Most Ideologically Ambitious Speech of Any Democratic President in Generations.” Our socialist media won’t use the S-word. They use words like “bold” and “ambitious” and repeat phrases like “go big or go home.” As if you couldn’t say a Soviet five-year plan was “go big or go home.”

Just think of the media as Democratic Party operatives with bylines, and their gaslighting makes perfect sense.