Archive for 2021


Pro athletes are the fittest human beings on the planet — and are dosed up with multiple vaccinations. Most are in their twenties. To call these protocols a “charade” would be a disservice to charades. Pro sports leagues, who have been playing for fifteen weeks to sold-out stadiums and arenas, with no mass breakouts of any kind, can and should develop the kind of common-sense measures that the NFL has adopted, and they should get their games on.

In fact, businesses, schools, universities, media companies and government agencies should all be adopting the NFL model: test the symptomatic and let them stay home. If people have no symptoms, especially professional athletes, then life has to find a way to return to normal. Omicron is here. The data shows that vaccination does not prevent infection, but rather means the illness manifests as a mild cold and cough.

The NFL model offers a path back to normalcy, out of the current media-driven malaise surrounding variants and never-ending permanent masking and lockdowns. Covid can be a tricky disease, but it’s not a death sentence for the young and relatively healthy. It’s something we are going to have to learn to live with, in life, in work, in service and in sports. Let them play.

Why, it’s as if: The COVID emergency is over. Get back to life.


PETER SCHIFF: The Era of Low Inflation Is the Only Thing That’s Transitory. “You need tight monetary policy to deal with inflation. And even if the Fed becomes less loose, nobody is looking at tight money — especially the Fed.”

Killing off inflation requires the kind of political will displayed by Ronald Reagan and Paul Volcker in 1981-82 — the willingness to risk personal political disaster for the good of the country.

That kind of concern for the commonweal is nowhere to be found in this administration.

STACEY LENNOX: Chuck Schumer’s Tough-Guy Act Could Backfire Spectacularly in 2022 and Beyond. “Unfortunately for Schumer, polls show voters are not nearly as upset that the reconciliation bill is stalled as Democrats and their allies in the corporate media are. On Dec. 17, Rasmussen Reports noted that 77% of likely voters were following the news about the BBB Act at least somewhat closely. Only 38% support the legislation, while 45% are opposed. Among Democrats, support declined to 62%, and a mere 34% of independents want the spending bill passed.”

POWERS BIG CAYMAN OOPS: Alana Goodman and Adam Kredo of the Washington Free Beacon dug into Samantha Powers’ financial disclosures as His Fraudulency’s USAID Administrator. And look what they found:

“Power lowballed the amount she held in a Cayman Islands-based investment fund by nearly $1 million. She said she held a stake in the fund valued between $50,000 and $100,000, according to a copy of her financial disclosure report filed in February ahead of her Senate confirmation and reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.

“But when she sold off the holding in June, as required by a federal ethics agreement, Power listed the sale as between $1,000,001 and $5,000,000—at least 10 times higher than the value four months before, according to the American Accountability Foundation watchdog group, which filed the ethics complaint.”

As chief of USAID, Powers has tremendous influence on the distribution of billions of dollars in U.S. aid, grants, program participation and training. What else might be found as investigators dig deeper?

XI’S GOTTA HAVE IT! Amazon deleted reviews of Chinese president’s book on government’s orders: report.

Didn’t like Chinese President Xi Jinping’s book? Keep your mouth shut.

That’s what China told Amazon, according to a new report, when the country pushed the bookseller to delete all comments and reviews related to “The Governance of China,” a compendium of Xi’s speeches and writings.

Amazon complied. It’s another example of a US company bending to Chinese pressure in order to keep doing business in the huge and growing economy.

The government edict was delivered two years ago, according to the Reuters report citing two people familiar with the matter, but had never before been disclosed.

Now, on Amazon sites accessed within China, there are no reviews or star ratings for the book.

The censorship demand was made after some reviewers gave the leader’s tome less-than-stellar marks, two people familiar with the matter told Reuters.

It was a negative review that prompted the wholesale ban on reviews and ratings on the book, according to a source. The ban was for the book’s Amazon listing in China.

Exit quote: “‘I think the issue was anything under five stars,’ one of the sources told Reuters.”

LEVIATHAN: Watchdog warns Biden can install $2 trillion Build Back Better through regulations.

Biden appears poised to expand federal regulations greatly, especially if he loses control of the House and Senate, leaving him only with executive orders to impose his liberal agenda. Former President Barack Obama called that ruling with a “pen and a phone” when he lost support on Capitol Hill.

“Despite all the talk we have from Biden and many Democrats about protecting democracy, progressives see themselves as experts, and progressivism itself is rooted in the rule of experts,” Crews said.

“It looks like Biden’s not getting his Build Back Better Act at the moment, but take it from me. They’ll be using the occasion to say, ‘Well, hell, we can do this just using the infrastructure legislation and other precedence and act without Congress,’ bringing back the infamous pen and phone,” he said.

Read the whole thing.


San Francisco’s top prosecutor on Monday pushed back on the mayor’s call for increased policing to battle rampant drug dealing in one of the city’s most vulnerable neighborhoods, urging her instead to put more money into housing and treatment that get at the root causes of crime.

The politically embattled District Attorney Chesa Boudin was joined by public defender Mano Raju and addiction specialists at a news conference announced after Mayor London Breed last week declared a state of emergency in the long-troubled Tenderloin. Open drug dealing and shootings in the neighborhood have made children and seniors afraid to go outside.

The news conference comes as Boudin, whose 2019 election was not supported by Breed, faces a recall election in June put on the ballot by detractors who say he is soft on criminals. Boudin’s office has countered the criticism with examples of successful crackdowns on retail theft and other criminal operations. But his remarks Monday made clear his position on going after people who have substance use problems or mental health issues.

Earlier: Tom Cotton: Recall, Remove & Replace Every Last Soros Prosecutor.

CAN U.S. MILITARY DEFEND US? For decades, there was no doubt about the answer to that question, in our minds or those of our adversaries. Not so today, according to Paul Gilbert.

JAMIL DAKWAR, ACLU “HUMAN RIGHTS” PROGRAM DIRECTOR, CHANNELS DAVID DUKE: Thus demonstrating the confluence of two trends: the decline of the ACLU from a principled (if often wrong-headed) liberal civil liberties organization to far-left activism, and the normalization of antisemitism on the far left so long as it can be somehow tied to Israel.


“The pandemic is potentially driving another national crisis related to its effects on behavioral health,” a recent Government Accountability Office report to Congress began, “with people experiencing new or exacerbated behavioral health symptoms or conditions.” Among the many “behavioral” maladies plaguing the public as we approach the pandemic’s third year are depression, exhaustion, and hypochondria.

That seems to have been confirmed by a New York Times dispatch this week chronicling the “overwhelming anxiety” suffered by those who do not have Covid, but who obsessively behave as though they do even when “they actually have a more mundane illness.” To hear some in the public health sphere tell it, those mundane illnesses are as much a menace as a disease that is responsible for taking 800,000 American lives. “If it is not Covid, we still don’t want these other viruses spread around,” said New York State Department of Health’s Dr. Emily Lutterloh. “It is still prudent to stay home, and the same mitigation measures that will help Covid from spreading are likely to help stop these.”

It wasn’t all that long ago that Dr. Fauci was, like so many of his colleagues, aware that the public’s tolerance for extraordinary interventions into their day-to-day lives was finite. “This will end,” the doctor said. “I promise you.” Apparently not. The groundwork is being laid to extend the pandemic’s emergency measures in perpetuity and apply it to conditions that were once a banal part of daily life. At least they’re being honest about that now.

There is an alternative, of course: The COVID emergency is over. Get back to life. “Even as certain Democratic governors attempt to lock down and impose mask mandates on their states once again, their hearts are no longer in it. They know that nobody is going to respect these rules, and indeed, in most places, they do not. This is why governors such as California’s Gavin Newsom and New York’s Kathy Hochul acknowledge that they will not be enforcing their own bans this time around. People simply wouldn’t accept it. Moreover, even hospitals and medical providers are realizing they cannot afford to enforce vaccine mandates on their employees. Ideological rigidity on this question could leave no one in place to care for the sick or even to administer much-needed vaccinations and treatments. The emergency is over. So is the excuse for soft tyranny.”

BET YOU DIDN’T KNOW: He “has been the topic of more songs, hymns and symphonies than any other figure in history. [His] followers innovated and changed the nature of music forever, and musicians and singers in every musical style continue to sing about him.”

And that’s just one of dozens of amazing facts about Jesus documented and compiled by J. Warner Wallace in his “Person of Interest.” It’s doubly amazing because, even in this most secular age ever, and no matter your particular opinion of Him, Jesus remains the single most influential individual who ever lived.

Just think: If you were writing a story about a guy you wanted to be remembered 2,000 years later, would you have his birth be to a couple of poor peasants in a backwater land of the greatest empire the world had ever seen and in a stall with a bunch of horses and cows? Merry Christmas to all of my Instapundit friends, critics, and skeptics. I treasure all of you.