Archive for 2021

HMM: Hillary Clinton Emails Surface.

Broadly discussing China’s biological weapons program, Clinton’s cable noted:

“The U.S. believes AG members would be interested in any information you can share related to China and North Korea, specifically information related to:

• China’s Institutes of Biological Products (locations in Beijing and Wuhan), to include overhead imagery analysis, if possible.

• Your perceptions of the CBW proliferation activities by Chinese entities.

• Your perceptions of Chinese government efforts to enforce its export control rules.”

Of course, Clinton kept these concerns to herself once the coronavirus pandemic hit, even referring to allegations that it leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology — the very lab she expressed concerns about — as racist.

She even went so far as to blame the allegations for attacks on Asian-Americans, without any evidence supporting her claim.

Whether it was because she didn’t want to let Trump be correct, or because she wanted to hide the fact that she was concerned — but did nothing — about the lab leak, it is clear Clinton was lying.

Our elites either virtually ignored China’s bio programs or actively aided them.

Meanwhile, they called Trump a racist for trying to box China in.

#JOURNALISM: “It’s as though the New York Times has devolved into Harvey Weinstein. Ah, but she turned into a conservative — ‘a pugnacious conservative’ — so no holds barred.

Devolved? That implies that it was once something better.

TOM COTTON: Recall, Remove and Replace Every Last Soros Prosecutor.

Last year, our nation experienced the largest increase in murder in American history and the largest number of drug overdose deaths ever recorded. This carnage continues today and is not distributed equally. Instead, it is concentrated in cities and localities where radical, left-wing, George Soros progressives have captured state and district attorney offices. These legal arsonists condemn our rule of law as “systemically racist” and have not simply abused prosecutorial discretion, they have embraced prosecutorial nullification. As a result, a contagion of crime has infected virtually every neighborhood under their charge.

Soros prosecutors refuse to enforce laws against shoplifting, drug trafficking, and entire categories of felonies and misdemeanors. In Chicago, Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx allows theft under $1,000 to go unpunished. In Manhattan, District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. refuses to enforce laws against prostitution. In Baltimore, State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby has unilaterally declared the war on drugs “over” and is refusing to criminally charge drug users in the middle of the worst drug crisis in American history. For a time, Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon even stopped enforcing laws against disturbing the peace, resisting arrest, and making criminal threats.

All of these cities have paid a terrible price for these insane policies. Last year, the number of homicides in Chicago rose by 56%, and more than 1,000 Cook County residents have been murdered in 2021. In New York City, murder increased 47% and shootings soared 97%. In 2020, the murder rate in Baltimore was higher than El Salvador’s or Guatemala’s — nations from which citizens often attempt to claim asylum purely based on gang violence and murder—and this year murder in Baltimore is on track to be even higher. Murder in Los Angeles rose 36% last year and is on track to rise another 17% this year.

It’s by the owner of the New York Times, so read the whole thing.

PJ MEDIA VIP ROUNDUP: Don’t forget that VODKAPUNDIT promo code if you’ve been thinking of joining us.

Kevin Downey Jr: Nine Christmas Cocktails to Trigger the Libs. “I created these drinks with what I have in my bar. I should warn you, my apartment, the Atomic Bunker, has 18 “pandemic” months’ worth of clown juice lying around. I might have things you don’t. Also, I might have developed a drinking problem penchant.”

AJ Kaufman: Joe Manchin NEVER Planned to Support BBB: Here’s Why. “Now that Sen. Joe Manchin has finally crushed Pres. Joe Biden’s profligate spending package, it’s time for Democrats to stop bullying and perhaps try to understand why Manchin rightly was never going to vote for their radical ‘Build Back Better’ legislation.”

Yours Truly: RUN AWAY! Teachers Union Trying to Rewrite COVID School Closure History. “NYT’s Goldberg provided air cover for Weingarten’s claims as parents around the nation have had it up to here with closures and half days. When Goldberg was called out, Weingarten’s big-union machinery geared up into action on Monday to push the false narrative even harder.”

Also: Give the Gift of Truth This Christmas. “When you purchase VIP subscriptions for friends and loved ones, you’ll not only be directly supporting our mission, but they’ll get access to members-only articles, an ad-free experience, and exclusive members-only podcasts. VIP Gold members get all that, plus access to the VIP content on all of the sites in the Townhall Media family—Townhall, RedState, Twitchy, Hot Air, Bearing Arms, and, of course, PJ Media. In addition, VIP Gold members have the opportunity to participate in exclusive VIP live chats with our contributors.”

SO MANY MINORITIES WILL BE BARRED FROM THESE PLACES NOW: Boston Mayor Michelle Wu announces vaccine mandate amid jeers. “Proof of vaccination against coronavirus will be required to enter city bars, restaurants, gyms, theaters and sports venues under a new mandate announced by Mayor Michelle Wu during a raucous press conference.”

UPDATE: The Boston Herald’s cover:

THE NEW SPACE RACE: Space Force celebrates second anniversary as arms race in space heats up. “We made a deliberate decision to change our operations support squadrons to combat training squadrons, and focus not just on what we do on a day to day basis, but focus on what does it truly mean to do navigation warfare to protect and defend that PNT signal?”


NEWS YOU CAN USE: Where’s the Best Place to Keep a Home Defense Firearm? My advice: Think plural here. Places, firearms. A quick-access gun safe will prevent unauthorized use. You can also have a gun on you at all times, which I’m fine with, but most people don’t like.

BIDEN SHOVING CRT INTO HEALTHCARE: Hans Bader of Liberty Unyielding brings news  that doctors who agree to conduct a “clinic-wide review” of their “commitment to anti-racism will receive higher reimbursements from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under a new proposed regulation by His Fraudulency’s minions.

“The Biden administration is essentially applying critical race theory to medicine, by treating racial disparities as having political causes — namely, being due to racism. The more extreme brands of critical race theory argue that all racial disparities are due to racism,” Bader points out.

JIM TREACHER: Louis C.K. Is Back (Again) and Libs Are Mad (Always).

Louis’ material is edgy, as always. Some people don’t like it and never have. Other people used to like it and now pretend they hate it, because they don’t want their friends to know they still laugh at his jokes. They’re not mad at him because he’s changed. They’re mad at him because he hasn’t.

I’ve always liked his comedy, and I’m not going to pretend I don’t. Here’s one of his new bits, which is very offensive:

[Click over to view video–Ed]

You might think that’s funny, you might not. I laughed. Because it’s a joke. That’s how jokes work.

And, also, in addition to that, Louis C.K. is a huge creep and I wouldn’t want him anywhere near any woman I care about. Both things are true. I can separate the art from the artist.

Not everybody can do that, or wants to. We call such people liberals.

To be fair, liberals can do that from time to time with some professions, such as employees of CNN, and politicians they wish to elect to office.

K-12 IMPLOSION UPDATE: DC Public Schools investigates after elementary students say they were forced to reenact the Holocaust.

Officials with D.C. Public Schools are investigating after third graders reported they had to reenact the Holocaust during a library lesson Friday.

In a letter sent to parents at Watkins Elementary School in Southeast, the principal says according reports he received, the re-enactment included “students being asked to portray participants from the Holocaust like Adolf Hitler, digging ditches to serve as mass graves, and simulated shootings. It was also alleged that the staff member leading the lesson also made anti-Semitic statements.”

FOX 5 spoke to the mother of a student in the class, who requested anonymity to protect her child.

“My husband picked up our child after school and there was a lot of sobbing and crying and distress,” the mother said.

She said her child was still struggling emotionally after being told to pretend to choke and die in a gas chamber and watching students simulate digging their own graves.

She said she’s also had conversations with other parents about how their kids are doing.

“They are traumatized. One parent said that their child was worried the teacher in question was hiding at their house. Children are having nightmares and generally having a very hard time,” she said.

She said the child who was told to play Hitler is “not doing well at all.”

More details here:

“The instructor allegedly made antisemitic comments during the reenactment. The parent said that when the children asked why the Germans did this, the staff member said it was “because the Jews ruined Christmas.”

The instructor asked students after the reenactment not to tell anyone about it, but they told their homeroom teacher, the parent said.”

So this educator is telling kids that Hitler hated the Jews because “they ruined Christmas”?

Don’t know much about history: The Nazis Fought the Original War on Christmas.

WELL-PAID MAKE-WORK FOR THE OTHERWISE UNEMPLOYABLE: California ‘Deputy Superintendent of Equity’ Resigns After Illegal Hiring Revealed. “If you’re like me and don’t live in woke world, you probably didn’t even know there was such a position as a deputy superintendent of equity; nor is it likely you know what such a creature does. Don’t worry, no one really knows what he does.”