Archive for 2021

AND SPEAKING OF TEXAS: If you think your kids or grandkids are safe in public schools, think again, according to The Federalist’s August Meyrat. Unfortunately, while Meyrat’s focus is on the Lone Star State, the situation is as bad or worse in states across the country. The seeds sown by the progressives who have dominated public education for decades are sprouting and shooting upwards.

HOW THE LEFT’S LOVE OF RIOTS LED TO KYLE RITTENHOUSE: When You Condone Chaos, You Condone the Consequences of Chaos.

At the time of the Kenosha riots, many many people along the left-of-center, including otherwise reformist liberals, endorsed riots to some degree or another. I know quite a few people who were willing to say that riots were just good on the merits, and there were also many saying in some terms or another that these particular riots could not be judged by progressive people due to what had inspired them. This sentiment stretches back a long way but has picked up steam in the last decade and the past year and a half particularly. Here’s a pro-riot piece and here’s a pro-riot piece and here’s a pro-riot piece and here’s a pro-rioting interview and here’s a pro-looting interview and here’s a riots-aren’t-necessarily-good-but-they-do-good-things piece and here’s a both-sidesy rioting piece and on and on. (And this is merely hilarious.) Pro-rioting sentiment is perfect for our edgelord media; it makes for good, click-farming headlines and engages in the kind of moral simplicity and righteous hectoring that defines our current culture.

Well, look: chaos is chaotic. Bad shit happens when people riot. When you create environments where anything can happen… anything can happen. Some people are going to take advantage of that opportunity to do things that you don’t like. You can’t endorse spasms of directionless violence and then complain when some of it plays out in a way that you hadn’t intended. This seems totally obvious to me, and yet so many out there want to both condone riots and condemn their chaotic outcomes. It’s like putting on music and getting mad when people dance.

Plus: “The left-liberal stance towards political violence, at present, is beyond confused. . . . For many posers on the left antifa is less the expression of authentic political strategy and more a tool to define oneself as an aesthetic radical. If you go to various protests and riots and encounter the self-defined antifascists there, I can assure you very few of them will be remotely interested about what happens in the courts at all. Because – and I’m sorry to break this to you romantic types – most people who self-select as antifa in 2021 are just bored white people attracted by the possibility of an excuse for mindless violence.”

NEW DATA ON THE FLOOD OF ILLEGALS: Charlotte Culbertson of The Epoch Times obtained Texas Department of Public Safety reports on the scope and depth of the illegal immigrant flood unleashed by His Fraudulency, and the numbers are staggering. Remember, these are just for Texas:

“Just shy of 22,000 illegal aliens were apprehended on average per week in Texas over the past four weeks—68 percent of whom were from countries other than Mexico. Extrapolated for a year, that would mean more than 1.1 million illegal alien apprehensions along the Texas–Mexico border alone. The report doesn’t estimate how many individuals evaded apprehension,” Culbertson writes.

By way of comparison with the situation a decade ago, Culbertson describes the data for that period:

“During the reporting period of June 15 through June 21, 2011, the number of illegal aliens apprehended near the Texas–Mexico border was 2,258 — one-tenth of the current number, although the volume of drugs seized was significantly higher.”

This is just a sampling of a mountain of data Culbertson obtained. The flood is deep, wide and continuing.


KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: Democrats’ Lust for Baby Killing Is Really Creepy. “Abortion — that most contentious of all issues — is front and center in a way that it hasn’t been since the abominable Roe v Wade decision was handed down in early 1973. American lefties are melting down over the fact that their ability to kill babies in the womb with impunity might — heavy on the might — be restricted a bit. They’re so twisted they act as if the very survival of the species depends on the ability to commit infanticide.”

WATCHING THE DETECTIVES: US government agencies bought Chinese surveillance tech despite federal ban. “Purchasing records seen by TechCrunch and video surveillance news site IPVM show the agencies collectively spent thousands of dollars on purchasing video surveillance equipment manufactured by Lorex, a wholly owned subsidiary of Dahua Technology. Dahua is one of several China-based companies banned from selling to the federal government under a 2019 defense spending law over fears that the technology could help the Chinese government conduct espionage.”

A NATION OF SERFS: Own Nothing and Love It.

I’m not actually sure that a nation of people who own nothing will be as easy to control as the powers that be seem to believe.


When he was hired on to the Diamond H Ranch, the stranger gave his name as Dane. After seeing his skill with rope and gun folks started calling him “Lightning Dane”.

Was he a gunman? An outlaw? *Why* was he here? Nobody knew except Dane himself. And he wasn’t talking.

PJ MEDIA VIP ROUNDUP: Don’t forget that VODKAPUNDIT promo code if you’ve been thinking of joining us.

Matt Margolis: Republicans Take Note: Never Apologize to the Left. “Ilhan Omar recently called Boebert ‘an insurrectionist who sleeps with a pervert.’ Omar, who reportedly married her brother and had an affair with a staffer, obviously knows how to dish it.”

Kevin Downey Jr: Holy Overreaction Batman! South African Doc Who Discovered Omicron Tells the World to Relax. “Dr. Angelique Coetzee, the South African doctor who discovered the omicron variant of COVID the Chinese sneeze, released a statement telling the world to hit the Bat-chute on the manic panic response to the new variant. Especially England.”

Yours Truly: Soros-Backed DA Larry Krasner Freed a Suspected Carjacker to Become a Suspected Murderer. “During his first campaign, Krasner ran as the anti-establishment candidate promising to end cash bail and scale back prosecutions of suspected felons. He ran as a civil rights attorney who defended Occupy Wall Street astroturfers pro bono and also supported (and represented) Black Lives Matter. Nevertheless, the vast majority — 85% — of Philly’s exploding number of murder victims are black.”