IT’S OVER: Disney World Is Reopening in July.
Archive for 2020
May 27, 2020
MISLEADING: So you see this on Pew’s Twitter feed:
But if you break out the individual tweet you see this, which gives a rather different impression than either the headline or the truncated graphic in the feed:
A more accurate headline would have been, GOP districts flatten the curve while Dem districts fail to.
PANDEMIC PARANOIA MAKES THE LIVES OF OTHERS A REMARKABLY TIMELY MOVIE: My latest article at Ed looks at the Stasi, East Germany’s secret police, and the brilliant 2006 film which explored their brutal tactics.
COVERUP: New York health website deletes Cuomo’s order linked to nursing home fatalities.
New York officials have scrubbed Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s March 25 order requiring nursing homes to take in COVID-19 patients from the state health department website — even as Cuomo’s office insists that the order, which has been linked to thousands of nursing home deaths, remains in effect.
The web page that once contained the order now directs to a page indicating that the file is “not found.” The archive indicates that the deletion occurred sometime after May 5, around the time that criticism over New York’s nursing home fatalities intensified.
A copy of the page saved by the Internet archive Wayback Machine, however, shows that Cuomo’s order stated: “No resident shall be denied readmission or admission to the NH [nursing home] solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. NHs [Nursing homes] are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission.”
Andrew Cuomo may be a grandma-killer, but at least he has the grace to be ashamed of it.
WHAT IT’S LIKE to sweat the launch of a new spaceship.
The trouble with rockets is that when they work right they’re a controlled explosion, but the line between controlled and uncontrolled is kinda fine.
STACY MCCAIN: COVID-19: The ‘Experts’ Are Clueless.
As states began reopening their economies a month ago — led by Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott — the media’s favorite “experts” predicted doom. We were told to expect a deadly “surge” of new cases, a “second wave” of COVID-19 infections.
And then . . . it didn’t happen.
The per-capita death rate in Georgia remains 88% lower than New York’s; Florida’s rate is 93% lower and Texas is 96% lower. In Florida last week, there were 264 coronavirus deaths, an average 38 deaths daily, which is about half of what they were averaging two weeks ago. In Texas, 151 of 254 counties have never reported a single COVID-19 death. While Georgia reported an increase last week in the number of identified infections, officials say that reflects greatly increased testing, and the daily number of reported COVID-19 deaths in Georgia has continued trending downward after peaking at 55 on April 16.
The media don’t want to accept the reality that has become apparent, namely that this disease will never become as prevalent in the rest of America as it has been in New York and New Jersey, which combined have 40% of all U.S. coronavirus deaths. The specific conditions that gave rise to the epidemic outbreak in March and April — when the New York/New Jersey region was racking up hundreds of deaths daily, week after week — simply do not exist in Texas or Florida, and are not going to exist in the future. “Experts” have been reluctant to admit this.
The experts have not covered themselves with glory in this affair, to put it mildly.
THE AHMAUD ARBERY KILLING IS APPARENTLY BEING INVESTIGATED AS A FEDERAL HATE CRIME: I argued in a brief that the federal hate crime statute is (in part) unconstitutional. Congress relied on the 13th Amendment, which bans slavery, as the basis for its authority to punish hate crimes based on race. That is (I hope obviously) a bit of a stretch.
None of this is to say that the Arbery killing is or is not a hate crime as defined in the Act. But the constitutional issue is interesting, and the Supreme Court hasn’t addressed it yet. Maybe it will someday
YEAH, PRETTY MUCH: Making the World a Worse Place, One Twitter Mob at a Time.
We used to know that mob justice was a bad thing.
Now we encourage the infectious spread of toxic behavior.
CULTURE OF CORRUPTION AND/OR DEATH: Gov. Cuomo Gave Nursing Homes Immunity After Big Donation to His 2018 Campaign.
IS ANYBODY PREPARED TO DISMISS THIS OUT OF HAND AS UNTHINKABLE? China EXPOSED: Xi ‘maliciously’ spread virus with ‘unthinkable’ secret plot claims expert. “But after having seen what the coronavirus did to cripple China, if he wanted to level the playing field by spreading the disease beyond his borders, he would have done exactly what he did do.”
AMERICA’S PAPER OF RECORD: China Issues Stay-At-Home Order To Hong Kong To Prevent Spread Of Democracy.
THERE’S GOOD NEWS AND BAD NEWS: Vaccine Development Threatened as COVID-19 Infections Decline.
I’LL BELIEVE MASKS ARE NECESSARY WHEN THE PEOPLE TELLING ME MASKS ARE NECESSARY START ACTING LIKE MASKS ARE NECESSARY: MSNBC cameraman called out on live TV for not wearing face mask during segment on people not wearing face masks.
THAT SEEMS ABOUT RIGHT: Poll: 62% of college students think they will not be infected with coronavirus this year.
STANDING UP TO COLLUSION: Watchdog group files complaint over alleged UPenn Biden Center foreign gifts.