Archive for 2020

KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: Trump’s Twitter Trolling Is the Greatest Entertainment in America. “The thoroughly leftist Twitter has a love/hate relationship the president, of course. He brings them the kind of publicity that they couldn’t possibly buy. If he weren’t the president and just a regular conservative, he’d be shadow-banned or suspended immediately. They have to keep the President of the United States around, much to their chagrin, no doubt.”

The real question is how much longer Trump keeps Twitter around.

COMMUNISTS ARE MURDERING GARBAGE (CONT’D): Hong Kong, Coronavirus, and the Specter of Tiananmen. “Over the past year, Beijing’s quisling administration in Hong Kong has made copious use of tear gas, water cannon, threats, bans, beatings, and arrests (more than 8,000 to date). All this has failed to quell Hong Kong’s democracy movement. Is it likely that China’s dictator, President Xi Jinping, brandishing his new security law, would go so far as to reprise in Hong Kong his Communist Party’s 1989 Tiananmen tactics, and default to wholesale gunfire? Don’t rule it out.”

STOP THE REPEAL OF PROP 209:  The San Francisco Chronicle has (finally) printed a story (or rather an op-ed) on the California Legislature’s effort to engineer a repeal of Prop 209.  It’s by my friends Wen Fa & Alison Somin:  Preserve Prop 209:  Don’t Let Racial Discrimination Return to California.  (Alison is my former special assistant at the Commission on Civil Rights.)

ANNALS OF KAREN AUTOPHAGY. Cooped up: A shameful Central Park encounter demands all New Yorkers be better people.

The fallout has been typical. Despite apologizing, she’s since been fired. Her dog’s been taken into protective custody. (I’m not joking). Those are pretty high prices to pay.

But while Christian’s video evidence (and his sister’s Twitter account) damn Amy’s actions, Christian’s Facebook post is actually the best evidence that he is not guilt-free here:

“ME: Ma’am, dogs in the [Bramble] have to be on the leash at all times. The sign is right there.

“HER: The dog runs are closed. He needs his exercise.”

At this point, Christian performs a self-own for the ages:

“ME: Look, if you’re going to do what you want, I’m going to do what I want, but you’re not going to like it. HER: What’s that? ME [to the dog]: Come here, puppy!

“HER: He won’t come to you.”

“ME: We’ll see about that… I pull out the dog treats I carry for just such intransigence. I didn’t even get a chance to toss any treats to the pooch before Karen scrambled to grab the dog.


HISTORY: Lessons From Operation ‘Denver,’ the KGB’s Massive AIDS Disinformation Campaign. “Historian Douglas Selvage sheds light on a conspiracy theory that reverberates to this day.”

In September 1985, the Soviet State Security Committee (KGB) informed other Warsaw Pact foreign intelligence agencies that it had launched a new, major disinformation campaign. “We are carrying out a complex of [active] measures in connection with the appearance in recent years of a new dangerous disease in the USA known as AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome).” The KGB explained that “the goal of the measures is to create a favorable opinion for us abroad — namely, that this disease is the result of secret experiments by the USA’s secret services and the Pentagon with new types of biological weapons that have spun out of control.” Most likely, the KGB had initiated the disinformation campaign as early as 1983, but the September 1985 document — obtained by Christopher Nehring from the former Bulgarian State Security archive — is the earliest conclusive evidence that has turned up so far.

This is a fascinating read, and Communist China’s similar propaganda effort on the Wuhan Virus just goes to show that commies never change.

ROGER SIMON: The Mainstream Media’s Malignant Moral Narcissism.

We are now a nation divided as never since the Civil War and these media lies are largely the instigator of that. This is especially bad because, coming out of a pandemic, the likelihood of our society to have the ability to work together is seriously undermined, perhaps for years to come.

We may never be the same.

Many, influenced by their moral narcissism, consciously or unconsciously, don’t want us to succeed. They are the media’s children.

It’s literally pathological.


President John Adams signed a law making it a crime to criticize the government; 20 newspaper editors were imprisoned. Andrew Jackson not only had his own paper, edited by a member of his cabinet, but it got government subsidies. Kayleigh McEnany hurting your feelings is not a constitutional crisis.

You buy ink by the barrel, fill the airwaves 24 hours a day and get millions of clicks on your websites. Victims? Get over yourselves.

Earlier: Boom: Kayleigh McEnany Dropkicks Chris Wallace Over Suggestion That Journalists Shouldn’t Be Questioned.

Related: CNN Analyst to McEnany: How Many Deaths Are Okay for WH by November? “I answered your question once. But if you ask it twice, it doesn’t make it any better of a question, so I’ll respond in kind.”


Politico reports that Barack Obama’s former economic adviser, Jason Furman, has been terrifying Democratic colleagues with predictions that the next few months could bring “the best economic data we’ve seen in the history of this country.” The downside of millions of Americans rejoining the workforce, Democrats fear, is that President Donald Trump could take credit in the final weeks of his reelection campaign.

Furman has been making his case to Democratic policymakers who served in the Clinton and Obama administrations, as well as senior members of Joe Biden’s presidential campaign. Many are understandably panicking at the thought of the American economy starting to rebound.

“This is my big worry,” a former Obama White House official told Politico, adding that positive economic data heading into November was a “high, high, high, high,” concern among Democratic Party leaders. The official said a growing economy was the biggest challenge for the Biden campaign and said, “If they can’t figure this out they should all just go home.”

Biden’s campaign is reportedly “very much aware” of the devastating impact a booming economy could have on Democratic politicians. Recent polling suggests that, even amidst the economic turmoil caused by the pandemic, Trump is still viewed as the better candidate when it comes to handling the economy.

This is the prism through which you should view all their policy proposals for the next six months or so.

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The Remains of an AdministrationObama’s policies are in tatters, and the worst scandals of his White House are coming to light.

We were supposed to see a fundamental transformation of the country between 2009 and 2025, as the Obama-Clinton 16-year regnum finally made America right and correct. Instead, we witnessed eight years that ended in scandal whose full dimensions of criminality will take years to process.

Read the whole thing.

LOOKS THAT WAY: Trump wins the lockdown wars.

President Trump has won the lockdown wars as coronavirus-related restrictions on businesses are eased across the country, so far with few signs of dire health consequences for the population.

Just weeks ago, the question was whether to reopen, with the first states to press ahead accused of engaging in human sacrifice and killing their residents to appease the “Trump death cult.” New York Times columnist Paul Krugman asked, “How many will die for the Dow?” as recently as Thursday.

Now, the debate is primarily over how quickly and to what extent reopening should take place, with the stragglers mainly blue states. Anthony Fauci, considered by many the public face of stay-at-home policies, now says the country can’t stay locked down forever. When Trump’s Easter target date was deemed unrealistic, Memorial Day weekend was floated as another possibility — and the grand opening is beginning.

Whether Trump wins reelection now depends substantially on how the reopening is perceived. Voters are still nervous about returning to normal too quickly, including key Trump demographics such as senior citizens, who have been trending Democratic during the pandemic, and religious voters, among whom there has been some slippage in favorability for Trump. But a Harvard/Politico poll found that 60% of Republicans now want nonessential businesses to open up in their states, following the president’s lead. Trump is betting heavily that reopening will lead to an economic rebound without deepening the public health crisis.

I think that’s a good bet, but not a sure thing, because nothing is.


When does Trump deliver the death blow by leaving Twitter for Gab? That it will happen is inevitable, it’s just a question of timing.