Archive for 2020

JOURNALISTS LIED, PEOPLE DIED: Race, Riots and the Cops. The facts about police shootings and racism — and the deadly consequences of the media’s disinformation campaign.


This act of cowardice by a gourmet grocer in downtown Philadelphia should never, ever be forgotten. Di Bruno Brothers is an 80-year-old family-owned shop whose owners issued this abject, groveling apology, which amounts to the terrified Czech greengrocer of Vaclav Havel’s parable putting a “Workers of the world, unite!” sign in his shop window, to avoid trouble from the communist authorities. Look at what these lowlifes, one of whose locations was hit by looters, are apologizing for! Here is the text of their open letter (emphases in the original):

Read the whole thing.

RECALLING THE TRAGEDY OF TIANANMEN SQUARE IN 1989: I was a Washington Times editor then and distinctly recall gazing in admiration and wonder at the first AP photo of that Statute of Liberty that we received in the newsroom.


Today’s guest is Matt Margolis, who will talk with Mark about Andrew Cuomo’s nursing home policy, which likely killed 10,000 nursing home residents, and false reports of “peaceful protesters” being tear-gassed for a photo-op.

The show is from 3-4 PM Eastern, 1-2 PM Mountain, noon-1 PM Pacific, and you can listen via:

  • KLZ 560 AM in the Denver area
  • on the internet at
  • or on iHeart Radio.


BRAD SLAGER: During This Spate of Racial Outrage, Here Are Some Deeply Uncomfortable Facts for the Press, the Activists, and Even Ben & Jerry’s.

Yesterday, social media was in full excitement when a private company issued a lengthy mission statement to address the racial strife in the country. Now, normally this type of corporate posturing on social issues is easily dismissed, such as when Playboy Magazine came out this week and announced its efforts to stamp out racism. But the activist manifesto delivered by Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream is notable in that the company expresses many of the talking points we have been lectured with over the past week, and it manages to push forward many of the myths and inaccuracies concerning the uproar.

In a screed entitled ‘’We Must Dismantle White Supremacy – Silence is not an option’’ the reliably social signaling company received all sorts of applause, delivering a mission statement that strummed the tuning fork of those who are currently outraged at our society. It is a remarkable piece of agitprop in that the company both manages to say all the right things, but manages to get so much wildly incorrect. So, while not intending to vilify the company itself, there is a need to expose many of the falsehoods in its mission statement, as those are many of the same we are hearing from activist circles.

Read the whole thing.

MORE LIKE AN EFFORT TO CONSOLIDATE POWER: Andrew Sullivan: “What’s happening at the NYT is an attempted coup. . . . It’s important to understand that what the mob is now doing to the NYT is what they did to Evergreen University. They hate liberal institutions and they want them dismantled from within. These people are not liberal and they are a disgrace to journalism.”

THE GREAT REOPENING: CES will be held in-person in Las Vegas next year. “The CTA is promising new health policies for the show. The group intends to ‘regularly clean and sanitize spaces’ and offer ‘sanitization stations.’ It also plans to widen aisles and seats to increase distancing, limit ‘touch points’ by using tech like mobile payments, and provide on-site health services. The CTA says it’ll look into doing temperature scans and that it plans to issue ‘best practices,’ like wearing a mask — though it doesn’t say if they’ll be required.”