Archive for 2020

KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: Buy All the Guns Now, America. “What we have seen unfold in the past few months — and especially the last week — is beyond disturbing. Law-abiding citizens have been sandwiched between egomaniac government tyrants and lawless mobs. Lawless mobs that are being cheered on by the aforementioned government tyrants, by the way.”

GEORGE KORDA ON THE “SYSTEMIC RACISM” OF DEMOCRATS’ MONOPOLY-RULE CITIES: Are we being honest about who is to blame for systemic racism?

Minneapolis, Minn. has been under Democratic control since 1978. Chicago has been under Democratic control for 89 years; its present mayor is a black woman. Philadelphia has had Democratic mayors for 68 years; three of its last five mayors have been black men. Six of the last seven Atlanta, Ga., mayoral administrations were led by black Democratic mayors, and the present mayor is a black woman.

A city runs its police department and other services; therefore, if there is so much ‘systemic racism’ in these organizations, why hasn’t it been corrected over so many years under Democratic leaders?

Why aren’t these cities garden spots of racial tolerance, understanding, and virtue?

Because tolerance, understanding, and virtue don’t promote Democratic power.

Plus: “Unfortunately, in too many cases when people say they want an open and honest discussion about race in America, what they mean is they want an open and honest discussion only about what they say is wrong with people who aren’t them. When people talk about the need to deal with systemic racism, if they’re not willing to talk about the systems run – often for generations by the political party or politicians they support – they aren’t interested in an open and honest conversation; instead, they want only to use the issue as a club against people who aren’t them.”

BUT THAT’S OKAY WHEN YOUR POLITICAL STRATEGY INVOLVES KEEPING THE DISADVANTAGED DISADVANTAGED: Michael Barone: As in the 1960s, violent rioting hurts the most disadvantaged.

“America is burning. But that’s how flowers grow.” So spoke Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey.

“Riots are an integral part of the country’s march toward progress.” So read a statement from the Democratic Committee of Fairfax County, Virginia, the affluent Washington suburb that has a population of 1 million.

“Please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful,” asked CNN’s Chris Cuomo. He’s apparently been too busy interviewing his brother, the governor of New York, to reread the First Amendment, which protects “the right of the people peaceably to assemble.”

I take a different view. I know how violent rioting, and that’s what we’ve been seeing, despite media attempts at hiding it, can destroy a city and ruin the lives of its residents. In the summer of 1967, I was an intern in the office of the mayor of Detroit when the city suffered a six-day riot in which 43 people died. I was at the mayor’s side in the so-called command center as radio calls came soon after nightfall. Police were abandoning 1 square mile after another.

The riot finally ended after some 12,000 federal and federalized national guard troops restored order. But most of Detroit has still never fully recovered. You can still see the abandoned commercial structures and the residential streets with burned-out houses and hauntingly empty lots.

Downtown and adjacent areas have enjoyed a revival, which I hope will continue. But the lesson is clear. Violent riots destroy people’s willingness to invest their lives and money in a city. Those most harmed are those who start off the most disadvantaged. Violence and crime are a confiscatory tax on what people would otherwise earn and accumulate over a lifetime.

People are assumed to intend the logical and natural consequences of their actions.

MARINE ASSAULT: U.S. Marines assigned to Lima Company, 3rd Battalion, 3d Marine Regiment, scope out their terrain during an amphibious assault exercise at Marine Corps Base Hawaii. It’s a beautiful place to train.

COLORADO: Loveland Senator tells Polis ‘time’s up,’ files joint resolution to revoke Governor’s disaster declaration. “Because you refuse to relinquish power on your own, this is the only path to bring an end to your overreach.”

Our state assembly is pretty much a wholly-owned subsidiary of the DNC, so I doubt this will go very far. Colorado Democrats would rather tank the state than risk a recovery that might help Trump or the GOP.

FORMER OBAMA INTEL OFFICIAL HELPED BAIL MOLOTOV-TOSSING NYC LAWYER: Salmah Rizvi helped prepared the presidential daily briefing during the Obama years. More recently, according to the Washington Free Beacon (WFB), the former intel analyst signed as a guarantor of the $250,000 bail for lawyer Urooj Rahman.

“Rahman was released to home confinement over the objections of government attorneys after her arrest on Saturday for throwing a lit Molotov cocktail through the window of an NYPD vehicle. Evidence presented by prosecutors included images of Rahman holding a Molotov cocktail in the passenger seat of a van that was later found to be full of the necessary materials for making the explosive devices,” WFB reports.

But why the hub-bub? Doesn’t the First Amendment guarantee rioters and looters “protesting” racial injustice the right to toss Molotov Cocktails into police cars? I mean, it’s a civil liberties issue, right … right?

THE ENEMY WITHIN: When your school dean quotes a domestic terrorist. “With all of the protests and riots consuming the nation in the wake of George Floyd’s death, the dean of students at Stanford University decided to send out a supportive, uplifting email to all of the students to comfort them in these troubling times. And what better way to inspire young minds than with an inspirational quote? Perhaps something from Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, or even Malcolm X? Naw. Those are all too milquetoast for this occasion. Instead, Dr. Mona Hicks decided to go with something a bit more ‘in your face.’ She chose a quote from a convicted cop-killer who remains on the FBI’s top ten most wanted list to this very day.”

THE PUBLIC HEALTH COMMUNITY HAS BECLOWNED ITSELF: Public Health Experts Say the Pandemic Is Exactly Why Protests Must Continue.

Meanwhile, a friend on Facebook asks: “Where are all the ‘public health experts’ reminding us of the disastrous 1918 Liberty Loan parade in Philadelphia, that led to thousands of unnecessary deaths?”

Next time we have a major disease outbreak, nobody’s going to listen to them, even if they’re right.