Archive for 2020


Republicans need a new mission.

It seems to me Republicans are somewhat lost. And that may be, in part, because they are not exactly sure where they want to go. They do not think clearly enough about their purpose or mission.

My proposal for a mission is this: To “preserve the American way of life.”

The party’s platform and rhetoric should serve this mission. To “preserve the American way of life” is not simply a bumper sticker or a talking point (though it might work well as both). It is the essential starting point for a strategy.

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Multiculturalism seeks to destroy not only our history but education more broadly, as well as the other institutions that teach the beliefs and values necessary for preserving the American way of life. The most important of these institutions is family, because it is here “that the foundation of morality is laid” as John Adams put it. In other words, family is the foundation of the American way of life.

Well, yes, which is why the far left Nation magazine is eager to destroy it (link safe, goes to Twitchy): “The family as we know it is an anti-queer factory for producing workers, rife with power asymmetries and violence, and the sole source of love, care, and protection against the brutalization of the police, the market, work, and racism…Let’s Break It.”

It’s an idea that’s Comcast approved: Your Kids Aren’t Your Own.

GOP REPS SAY IT’S TIME TO DOUBLE FEDERAL JAIL TERM FOR RIOTING: Rep. Ted Budd and Rep. Dan Bishop, both North Carolina Republicans, introduced a bill today doubling the fine from five to 10 years in federal prison.


JOANNE JACOBS: Reopening schools is safe for kids, adults. “Closing schools hurts children by depriving them of education, as well as social connections and physical activity, writes Halperin. ‘Socioeconomic disparities are exacerbated, as some families have resources to enhance online learning, while less privileged children fall further behind.’ He also worries about child abuse, anxiety, depression and isolation.”