Archive for 2020

WHY IS THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY SUCH A CESSPIT OF SEXISM? Hot take from HuffPost: Elizabeth Warren Could Never Escape The Baggage Of Being A ‘Female Candidate.’

As Jim Geraghty notes, “For once, Warren fans can’t blame Republicans or Donald Trump or Fox News or conservatives. This was a contest among their own. If sexism indeed tanked Warren’s campaign, it means the Democratic Party and its voters are a much an obstacle to women’s advancement as that dastardly GOP is. The sexism is coming from inside the house!”

Exit question from Geraghty: “Is possible that maybe, just maybe, the qualities and positions that dazzle the newsrooms and editorial boards of the country’s most powerful media institutions don’t impress anyone but those reporters and media voices? That the ability to wow the New York Times editorial board does not translate to an ability to wow Democrats of all stripes, much less a majority of Americans?”

MASCOT OF THE ANOINTED: New EU ‘Climate Law’ Isn’t Good Enough for Greta Thunberg. “As always, I don’t blame Greta Thunberg herself for this nonsense. She’s just a kid, and kids say lots of stupid things. No, I blame the adults who keep exploiting a confused child for political purposes: her parents and these politicians and ‘journalists.’ They’re using her as a human shield against criticism, and they’re not doing her or their movement any favors. I hope that when they all inevitably abandon her, she can move on and make some sort of normal life for herself. The world isn’t coming to an end, and she’s got the rest of her life to cope with it.”

A decade or so from now, her “Mommy Dearest” style memoirs will be required reading.

POUNCE OR SEIZE? “Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer took direct aim at two sitting Supreme Court justices — calling out Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh by name — but the Washington Post’s story focused on the GOP’s response. ‘GOP Seizes On Schumer’s Remarks,’ WaPo’s print headline blared, addressing the backlash Schumer had faced after speaking at a Wednesday rally outside the Supreme Court.”

Related: Senator Hawley to Introduce Motion to Censure Chuck Schumer for SCOTUS Threats.

TRAIL OF TEARS: Warren suspending presidential campaign after Super Tuesday wipeout.

Related: Warren stops persisting: “Be sure to console a journalist today. Many of them had no reservations about their open support for America’s mother-in-law. Even though she is no longer on the trail, don’t expect the media adoration for her to cease. Their love for Warren will persist, even if her campaign won’t.”

Flashback: Critics target Elizabeth Warren for accepting $3 donation from ‘broke college student.’

TORPEDOES CIRCLING AROUND: Missouri case that toppled GOP governor boomerangs on Soros-backed prosecutor: St. Louis circuit attorney faces grand jury probe, chief investigator indicted in echoes of Trump-Russia collusion reversal in Washington.

St. Louis city’s first African-American chief prosecutor on a campaign funded heavily by the liberal mega-donor George Soros. Four years later, she finds herself under investigation and her chief investigator already indicted for a prosecution gone bad, one that forced Missouri’s Republican governor to resign in what some now believe may have been a political attack.

Gardner, a Democrat and the city’s circuit attorney, was forced in 2018 to withdraw her indictment accusing Gov. Eric Greitens of felony invasion of privacy for allegedly taking a picture of his scantily clad girlfriend and threatening to release it if she talked about their affair. Gardner’s office dropped the charge after admitting she did not have proof of the photo or its transmission.

Investigators now allege the Greitens prosecution, which forced the governor to resign less than two years into his tenure, was built on lies that included perjury and hiding exculpatory evidence that would have helped demonstrate Greitens’ innocence, court documents show.

Most significantly, testimony transcripts and court records obtained by Just the News show the woman Gardner built her case around, beautician Katrina Sneed, testified she was asked unsolicited by Gardner’s office to come forward as a witness and that she was actually reluctant to accuse Greitens because the entire story of a photo on his mobile phone may have been a dream.

We need to make examples of these political prosecutions. Jail time all around. Plus:

The magnitude of alleged holes and potential misconduct in the case that Gardner brought against Greitens have been laid bare in subsequent court filings, which include a seven-count felony indictment against Gardner’s chief investigator in the case, William Tisaby.

The new evidence has not only engulfed her office in controversy; it has also drawn comparisons in Washington to the Russia collusion allegations against President Trump that were leaked and investigated, only to be debunked after a nearly three-year drama.

“Ms. Gardner tampered with the integrity of the grand jury and our judicial system by feloniously causing an indictment of a man for whom she did not have the evidence,” said Dwight Warren, who worked for 40 years as a prosecutor in the St. Louis circuit attorney’s office before he was fired by Gardner in 2017. “If the system is to command the respect of its citizens, they need to trust their prosecutor to be fair.”

Well, we can’t extend that sort of trust now.

MEDICARE-FOR-ALL A GODSEND FOR HEALTHCARE FRAUDSTERS: Democrats are all about Medicare for All  to expand the 55-year-old federal health care program to cover all Americans. But judging by the program’s equally long record of waste, fraud and corruption, might we expect the biggest supporters of Medicare expansion to be those who expect to rip it off on a grand scale?

KURT SCHLICHTER: The Democratic Disaster Just Got Even More Hilarious. “So, now the Democrats are choosing between a pair of doddering crustaceans. The Crusty Commie Curmudgeon and the Crusty Comedy Relief both did well enough Tuesday to keep going. Big Chief Warren, whose actual people call corn ‘corn’ and not ‘maize,’ may still go on because she’s an insufferable monster whose transcendent yearning to nag us into schoolmarm’d submission knows no bounds, plus because the establishment wants her in the race siphoning Chablis socialist votes away from her Marx brother.”

Don’t get cocky, kid. But yeah.

MOROCCO BUYS ISRAELI: A StrategyPage “Procurement” update on Morocco’s purchase of French-made but Israeli-designed Harfang (Eagle) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. The update discusses the Harfang, the Israeli Heron Shoval and several other UAVs, but it’s also a commentary on improving Israeli-Arab relations.