Archive for 2020

IT’S A LIFESTYLE NICHE: Are You an Anti-Influencer? Some people have a knack for buying products that flop, supporting political candidates who lose and moving to neighborhoods that fail to thrive.

The study of harbingers emerged from a 2015 analysis of purchasing patterns at a national convenience store chain. (In exchange for the data, the researchers agreed not to reveal the identity of the chain.) Drawing on six years’ worth of data from the chain’s loyalty card program, a team of marketing professors led by Eric Anderson of Northwestern University classified customers according to their affinity for buying new products that were later pulled from the shelves because of weak demand. Of the roughly 130,000 customers whose purchases were logged, a sizable fraction (about 25 percent) consistently took home products that bombed.

“It was really an accident,” says the economist Catherine Tucker of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, one of the study’s authors. “We looked in the data and saw there were some customers who were really good at picking out failures” — so good, in fact, that a newly introduced product was less likely to survive if it attracted these buyers. (And if they bought it repeatedly, its chances of survival were even worse.) Professor Tucker called these people harbingers of failure because, statistically speaking, their fondness for a product heralded its demise.

Hey, data can be useful in all sorts of ways. But it gets even better.

HOW? Conservative Blue-Checks Greet Elizabeth Warren Drop-Out with Taunts, ‘Pocahontas’ Racial Slur.

Impressive Twitter ratio on Mediaite’s clickbait, with most users reminding Mediaite of Warren’s stolen racial identity as Harvard Law School’s “first woman of color.”

Earlier: Elizabeth Warren criticized, again, over bogus claims of Cherokee heritage: 200 Native Americans issue open letter to candidate as Super Tuesday looms. “You have yet to fully address the harm you have caused.”

NANCY PELOSI: Democratic Voters Are Showing a ‘Certain Element of Misogyny.’

Please note that none of this applies to any woman who has ever run for political office as a Republican. It’s not insecure to vote against those women for any reason. After all, they’re Nazis!

Warren is now lamenting all the little girls who have to wait four more years for a woman to get elected president. If that’s the case, is Warren planning to endorse Tulsi Gabbard, the only woman left in the Democratic race?

If not, why not?

If no reporter asks her why not… why not?

Weirdly, Democratic primary voters were accused of clinging to their guns and religionand of misogyny and racism as well! — for supporting a female candidate in 2008.


Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg spent $500 million on his failed presidential campaign. That’s $500,000,000, by the way, with eight zeros.

His ads ran everywhere: No Virginian could load a YouTube video without seeing Hizzoner’s face. He bought time to playact as the president and update the country on the COVID-19 epidemic. He even bought ad time during Democratic presidential debates — padding out his arguments with unchallenged praise for the Bloomberg agenda. He hired a veritable army of staff (at good wages) and sent them out to knock on doors, flood phone lines, and ensure that voters got wall-to-wall coverage: all-Bloomberg, all-the-time.

But as Super Tuesday ended, it became Hangover Wednesday for the Bloomberg brigades. Spending $500 million, or nearly as much as Hillary Clinton’s campaign spent in 2015 and 2016 combined, managed to buy Bloomberg a solitary win — in the territory of American Samoa. There, Bloomberg won 175 votes (that’s not a typo), edging out Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D., Hawaii), a native of the territory, who picked up a whopping 103 votes.

Bloomberg inadvertently slayed another myth as well: Mollie Hemingway: If Bloomberg Couldn’t Buy 2020, How Could Russia Buy 2016?

HOW COULD BLOOMBERG, STEYER HAVE MADE BILLIONS? Judging by the incompetence of their now-defunct presidential campaigns and their records of throwing millions at advocacy groups of doubtful smarts, Issues & Insights wonders how on earth these two guys made billions in the hyper-competitive businesses in which they succeeded.

THE AYATOLLAHS’ EPIDEMIC: The Iranian government denied their country faced an epidemic and now infected Iranians have spread COVID-19 to other countries.

Senior leaders themselves may be responsible for spreading the disease. Iran’s Deputy Health Minister Iraj Harirchi and vice president for Women and Family Affairs Masoumeh Ebtekar have COVID-19. An Iranian website reported Ebtekar met with President Hassan Rouhani and other ministers shortly before testing positive. One report says 23 members of parliament have the virus.

The Chinese Communist dictatorship’s lack of transparency delayed China’s response to the epidemic. Iran’s ayatollah despots repeated that mistake.

It’s my latest Creators Syndicate column (bumped).