Archive for 2020

HEH: A short list of Biden backers who declared Trump mentally unfit for office. “There’s something especially egregious about declaring Trump intellectually incapable of governing while supporting the candidacy of a man who often forgets where he is and the office for which he’s running. In the spirit of the time we find ourselves living in, let’s name and shame the worst offenders.”

KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: Burn Commie Academia to the Ground. “The current environment was created by an academic class that’s grown fat, rich and free all the while demonizing the very economic system and country that has allowed them to do so. They spawn people like Elizabeth Warren, a pathological liar who vilifies wealthy people whilst sitting on top of a $12 million net worth.”

WELL, GOOD: Data show U.S. economy on solid footing as coronavirus fears mount.

U.S. services sector activity jumped to a one-year high in February, suggesting strength in the economy before a recent escalation of recession fears ignited by the coronavirus epidemic that prompted an emergency interest rate cut from the Federal Reserve.

The economy’s solid fundamentals were also underscored by other data on Wednesday showing private payrolls increased more than expected in February.

Sad news for Democrats hoping for a recession to use against Trump, but good news for America.

CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: United Airlines Cuts U.S., International Flights in Response to Coronavirus: Air carrier slicing domestic flying by 10%, international by 20% in April.

JetBlue follows United, announces flight cuts because of coronavirus.

China coronavirus infections spike in central city of Wuhan.

Coronavirus: Australia warns millions could become infected as China toll passes 3,000.

China’s Battle Against Coronavirus: 7 Takeaways.

How countries around the world are responding to the coronavirus outbreak.

Facebook shuts Seattle office after contractor gets coronavirus.

In drastic step, Italy bishops cancel weekday Masses in coronavirus areas.

The Coronavirus Outbreak in Washington State.

UK Will Announce Publicly Move to Next Phase of Coronavirus Battle Plan: PM’s Spokesman.

Iran reports 107 deaths, 3513 infections from coronavirus: health ministry spokesman.

Factbox: Italy’s Draconian New Measures to Tackle Coronavirus Contagion.

As the coronavirus spreads, one study predicts that even the best-case scenario is 15 million dead and a $2.4 trillion hit to global GDP.

Coronavirus death toll rises to 11 in US; N.H. man with virus ordered to self-quarantine.

Coronavirus: What happens to college students forced to leave study abroad trips?

Amid coronavirus outbreak, social interactions becoming more cautious.

Coronavirus Could Force Teams to Work Remotely.

Coronavirus: ‘Countries should be preparing for sustained community transmission,’ World Health Organization says.

Coronavirus has Apple warning stores about a shortage of replacement iPhones.

US Treasury yields drop to the lowest level in 150 years.

REMEMBER, TRUMP IS A THREAT TO OUR INSTITUTIONS AND THE RULE OF LAW: Schumer Claims Conservative Supreme Court Justices Will ‘Pay the Price’ If They Rule against Abortion Advocates.

Related: In rare rebuke, Chief Justice Roberts slams Schumer for ‘threatening’ comments. “Statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous.”

They’ll continue unless Schumer sees them as dangerous to him. But even Larry Tribe is calling Schumer out over this.

Plus: Senator To Bring Motion To Censure Schumer, Democrat Suggests He Step Down.

And SJWs always double down: Schumer Doubles Down.

Plus: To the left, all rhetoric is a threat except their own.

DELUSIONS OF GLANDEUR: Why Elizabeth Warren is staying in the race.

Pressure is mounting on Warren to drop out as well, but so far, she seems determined to stick with it, though it’s unclear how her performance on Super Tuesday, including a third-place finish in her home state of Massachusetts, may change her calculation. Warren’s campaign rolled out a lengthy memo over the weekend about her plans to continue throughout the spring and summer.

What Warren deciding to stay in the race means isn’t as clear-cut as you might think — voters aren’t super-ideological, and Sanders isn’t all of her supporters’ second choice, nor are all the Buttigieg and Klobuchar backers going to go to Biden.

“Possibly the biggest beneficiary of Pete and Amy suspending their campaigns is Elizabeth Warren,” said Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, which backs Warren. “She, in general, was people’s first or second choice, but she was also particularly Amy and Pete [voters’] second choice.”

And yet, she hasn’t placed as high as second anywhere.

EVEN CNN IS WONDERING WHY THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IS SUCH A CESSPIT OF SEXISM: Late-Night CNN Makes Excuses for Warren Losing: It’s Your Fault, Sexist Voters!

Of course, the party is still reeling from NBC exposing its homophobia earlier this week: NBC: Homophobia hurt Pete Buttigieg — as much as America wished it didn’t.

The Democrats’ loathing of a woman of color also remains a serious issue, one that the DNC-MSM isn’t quite ready to tackle, for “unexpected” reasons: You Didn’t Really Think the DNC Would Allow Tulsi Gabbard Into a Debate, Did You?