Archive for 2018

DISPATCHES FROM THE EDUCATION APOCALYPSE: The Crazy Yankees Of Antioch — From the front lines of progressivism, a visit to a neurosis factory.

THE SOUTH CHINA SEA HEATS UP: IISS provides an in-depth look at Chinese radar installations in the Spratly Islands.

GET WOKE, GO BROKE: “For the last Friday of the often-struggling PyeongChang Games, NBC and NBCSN’s combined primetime coverage grabbed a 9.2/16 in metered market results. That is an all-time low for an Olympics that is on track to be the lowest ever.”

WE’RE MSNBC, WE DON’T NEED NO STINKIN’ FACTS: Poor Stephanie Ruhle really ought to check her basic facts before tweeting. She said that:

Also remember that Reagan was surrounded by the secret service in 1981…yet, he was shot. How will teachers with guns protect students? How does the best marksman in the world with a handgun take down a shooter with an AR-15 (bullets travel 3x faster)

Let’s leave the question of armed teachers aside for a moment, and let’s even leave aside the irrelevance of “bullet speed” (what genius made that a talking point?).

What she ought have asked is whether the Secret Service carry only handguns. Um, nope. She could learned in 5 seconds that the Presidential detail carries a FN P90 submachine gun, as well as the 9mm Heckler & Koch MP5 submachine gun. So very facepalm.
** Disclosure: I used to work with her at Bloomberg, were friends (so I thought) but she was one of the folks who defriended me on Facebook for not being a Clinton cheerleader**



We note that Lawrence Bacow has been named the president of Harvard, succeeding Drew Gilpin Faust, who held the office for 11 years.

Mysteriously missing from the news coverage was the fact that Bacow was a 2007 finalist for the “Sheldon,” our coveted award for worst college president of the year. The award is a statuette that looks something like the Oscar, except the Oscar features a man with no face looking straight ahead, whereas the Sheldon shows a man with no spine looking the other way.

The award is named for the late Sheldon Hackney, the former president of the University of Pennsylvania and the Babe Ruth of modern Sheldonism.

As president of Tufts University, Lawrence Bacow looked the other way when a student-faculty committee put a conservative Tufts publication on trial and found it guilty for publishing two parodies. One was a mock Christmas carol making fun of affirmative action and the other was a satire of Tuft’s Islamic Awareness Week.

The committee accused the journal of causing “embarrassment, which we had thought was the entire purpose of satire. The committee ordered the publication not to run any unsigned articles in the future, a rule not applied to other campus publications. The committee also hinted that funding would be cut if other controversial articles were published.

FIRE wrote Tufts University President Lawrence Bacow to ask why a verdict declaring The Primary Source (TPS) guilty of “harassment” and “creating a hostile environment” still stands―despite the fact that Bacow himself has openly admitted that such a punishment could not stand under the First Amendment.

“We explained to President Bacow (again) that the only way for Tufts University to shed the dishonor of being one of three schools named to FIRE’s Red Alert list―reserved for schools FIRE deems ‘the worst of the worst’ when it comes to protecting rights on campus―was by immediately dropping the guilty finding against TPS. As we wrote:

“As long as the harassment finding against The Primary Source remains, students at Tufts are in danger of being censored and sanctioned merely for expressing unpopular opinions on campus.”

Eventually, Bacow acknowledged freedom of speech by eliminating punishment for the student journalists and praised free expression but refused to overrule the guilty verdict, leading the Sheldon committee to conclude that Bacow’s commitment to free speech ‘’shuttles between tepid and imaginary.”

Well, he should fit right in at his new job.

ABOUT THOSE ‘REPUBLICANS NEED NOT APPLY’ SIGNS ALL OVER SILICON VALLEY: No, they aren’t literally posted anywhere, but an examination of campaign contributions by workers who listed as their employer one of these 15 famous Silicon Valley firms makes clear that somehow, some way Republicans almost never get hired.

If it were just white people or only men getting the job offers, how long do you think it would be before subpoenas were flying from the Department of Justice, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Civil Rights Commission?

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): In California, it’s illegal to retaliate against an employee for “their off-duty participation in politics or political campaigns.” Seems like an opportunity for enterprising lawyers interested in deep-pocketed defendants.

A LOST IN SPACE REBOOT: “Set 30 years in the future, colonization in space is now a reality, and the Robinson family is among those tested and selected to make a new life for themselves in a better world. But when the new colonists find themselves abruptly torn off course en route to their new home they must forge new alliances and work together to survive in a dangerous alien environment, light-years from their original destination. Stranded along with the Robinsons are two outsiders who find themselves thrown together by circumstance and a mutual knack for deception. The unsettlingly charismatic Dr. Smith (Posey) is a master manipulator with an inscrutable end game. And the roguish, but inadvertently charming Don West (Ignacio Serricchio) is a highly-skilled, blue-collar contractor, who had no intention of joining the colony, let alone crash landing on a lost planet.”

Some time ago, I watched the first season of the old TV series on DVD and found it held up better than I expected: “I watched the reruns as a kid, but what I’d forgotten was the dark, Forbidden Planet ambiance of the early episodes. I’d also forgotten the meta-plot from the first episode, where the Robinson family is just the vanguard of 10 million American families heading to Alpha Centauri as part of an effort to remedy overpopulation. The shows are better than I remembered, and there are some interesting bits — such as the one in episode 3 where Dr. Robinson (Guy Williams) thanks Divine Providence for their survival, after the fashion of old-time explorers. Surely this was the last possible cultural moment for something like that on network TV.”

The second and third seasons, of course, turned into something more like space comedy.

PUNCH BACK TWICE AS HARD: NRA to Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel: ‘You were the one that didn’t protect these children.’

The National Rifle Association hit back on Friday at Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel after accused NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch of “not standing up” for the survivors of the school shooting that took place last week in Parkland, Fla.

“No Sheriff Israel you were the one that didn’t PROTECT these children and that is your job. You run the largest fully accredited sheriff’s office in the United States, yet your office failed this community,” the NRA said from its verified Twitter account.

It didn’t just fail. It failed disgracefully, then tried to shift the blame.

Related: Ouch:

UPDATE: “We need to send a box of those pussy hats to the Broward Sheriff’s Office.”

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader John Steakley emails: “I was assured that my white privilege meant that the police would always rush to my aid.”