Archive for 2018

SPACE: SpaceX Has Apparently Tweaked Its Giant BFR Rocket Design.

SpaceX’s giant Big Falcon Rocket (BFR) has a sleek new look for an audacious private passenger flight around the moon. If an early rendering is anything to go by, the BFR is going to have some wild fins.

Late last night (Sept. 13), SpaceX announced that it has signed a deal to launch a private passenger flight around the moon with its new BFR megarocket sometime in the future. Details are scant — SpaceX will unveil more on Monday (Sept. 17) during a live webcast — but the private spaceflight company did unveil a new artist’s concept of a BFR passenger rocket around the moon. [The BFR in Images: SpaceX’s Giant Spaceship for Mars & Beyond]

Does that new BFR art look sci-fi? Yes. But is it actually a new version of SpaceX’s BFR? Also, apparently, yes.


DISPATCHES FROM AIRSTRIP ONE: Britain Turns Offensive Speech Into a Police Matter.

It is chilling that cops, whose only business should be fighting crime, now want to hear about non-crime. Anyone who has even a sliver of respect for the ideal of liberty, for the right of people to go about their lives without being watched or narked on, should be seriously concerned that cops would want to hear about non-criminal behavior, otherwise known as everyday behavior.

Even more perversely, these non-crimes really just mean “insulting comments.” So if you’re in Yorkshire and someone on Facebook calls you a fat slob, call the cops. If you wear a niqab and a work colleague tells you—a la Boris Johnson—that you look a little bit like a mailbox, phone the police.

In essence, South Yorkshire Police want people to report on everyday conversations. This is Stasi territory. Coppers asking citizens to file reports on things they have read or overheard really should have disappeared from Europe with the fall of the Berlin Wall. Yet here it still is, this GDR-style instruction to eavesdrop and squeal, though now it’s happening on the other side of the old Iron Curtain.

George Orwell intended 1984 to be a warning, not a how-to guide, as did the producers of The Lives of Others.

TRIGGER WARNING: “In the US, an enterprising sociology professor has devised a creative and positive way to indicate his opposition to President Donald Trump. He shot himself.”


One hardly needs to note the aptness of Chelsea Clinton coming to the defense of a wretchedly bad loser. First, you assume you’ll win; then you figure you should have won; and from there it’s a small step to figuring you did win and someone — a Portuguese umpire, the Macedonian “content farmers” — stole it from you. And so sport — in which points are won according to objective measures such as balls clearing nets and falling within painted lines — is now just another outpost of the great festering grievance culture:

No, this wasn’t just about a code violation. Rules derive, essentially, from a system, an implicit covenant that all shall be treated equally, and all shall have the same opportunities. But what happens when the covenant is broken? What happens when the system doesn’t work for you? Perhaps then, your norms diverge from mine. Perhaps neither of us has the monopoly on morality…

Indeed. Perhaps neither of us won, or lost, or played at all. Perhaps, as I had cause to remark many years ago, your ace is just a social construct.

Read the whole thing.  As Iowahawk would say:

Via Tim Blair, who dubs Williams a “Bad Sport, Sore Loser, Instant Social Justice Warrior Heroine: It doesn’t matter if you’re a whole psycho mess of millionaire entitlement. If you tick a few race and gender boxes, social justice warriors will rally to your cause.”

WILL GREG CRAIG FLIP ON OBAMA? Federal prosecutors weigh charges against Democratic powerbroker in Manafort-linked probe. “Federal prosecutors in New York are weighing criminal charges against former Obama White House counsel Greg Craig as part of an investigation into whether he failed to register as a foreign agent in a probe that is linked to former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, according to sources familiar with the matter. In addition, these sources said, prosecutors in the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York are considering taking action against powerhouse law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, where Craig was a partner during the activity under examination.”

If they go after everyone in Washington who should have registered as a foreign agent but didn’t, the jails will be full. But if they don’t, then why single out Manafort?

CHANGE: 1-in-7 US residents are immigrants, 44.5 million, most ever.

The percentage of the U.S population that is immigrant has reached the highest level in 107 years, with nearly one-in-seven being foreign born, according to new data from the Census Bureau.

An analysis of the data by the Center for Immigration Studies said that there are 44.5 million legal and illegal immigrants in the country, the highest ever in U.S. history, with the most from Latin America. . . .

“American continues to experience the largest wave of mass immigration in our history. The decline in Mexican immigrants has been entirely offset by immigration from the rest of the world. By 2027, the immigrant share will hit its highest level in U.S. history, and continue to rise,” said Steven Camarota, the Center’s director of research and co-author of the report. . . . As a share of the U.S. population, immigrants (legal and illegal) comprised 13.7 percent or nearly one out of seven U.S. residents in 2017, the highest percentage since 1910.


IT DOES LOOK THAT WAY: Intel Chair: FBI, Justice Corrupted for Political Spying: Nunes warns China, not Russia, is ‘real threat.’

Democrats and their media allies seeking to advance a liberal political agenda corrupted the FBI and Justice Department in improperly spying on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence said this week.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R., Calif.), the intelligence panel head who has spearheaded an investigation into corruption at the FBI, also warned in a speech that China has emerged as the most serious strategic threat facing the United States.

Nunes said President Trump is close to declassifying new information he believes will show the FBI and Justice Department misused their counterintelligence power to spy on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

Flashback: While Everyone Is Distracted By Russia, Chinese Spying And Influence Runs Wild.