Archive for 2018

THE IMPORTANCE OF VOTING RIGHTS … as illustrated by the behavior of two politicians in history.

OPEN THREAD: Comment like it’s Saturday night.

JON GABRIEL: No, Trump isn’t ‘normal.’ Neither are the Democrats who protested Brett Kavanaugh:

No one on either side of the aisle would call this political moment “normal.” Even the most enthusiastic members of Team MAGA would call our chief executive’s comments and actions, ahem, “unusual.”

In truth, that’s a big reason they voted for him. After all, undermining norms is a two-way street.

Republicans have seen every party nominee since Reagan smeared as racist, sexist, this-ist and that-ist. By the time those attacks were rolled out against Trump, they had lost their moral impact. The donkey cried wolf too many times.

Trump has proved worthier of those epithets than the other presidential candidates, but GOPers know that any generic conservative would be called the same, deservedly or not. And the unhinged reaction to Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court is just more proof.

And as Steve noted way back in July, it’s all just a dress rehearsal for Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s eventual replacement.

NEW CIVILITY WATCH. Arizona Senate: Kyrsten Sinema’s anti-war group blasted ‘U.S. terror,’ depicted soldier as skeleton in 2003 flyers.

I eagerly await Paul Krugman’s condemnation of this eliminationist clip-art:

As Veteran Twitter user “Comfortably Smug” writes, “Reminder: Sinema is running against [Martha McSally] who is the first woman to fly combat missions in the Air Force. This is going to hobble Sinema’s campaign. She’s finished.”

JACK DUNPHY: LAPD Video Shows Female Officer Being Shot at Point-Blank Range During Traffic Stop.

“What would happen,” asks The Week columnist Matthew Walther in a Sept. 13 piece, “if American police officers carried whistles instead of guns?”  He muses further: “Would the country descend instantly into a chaos of looting, arson, and mass murder?  Or would we just go on with our lives, commuting to jobs, raising children, watching sports, whatever — the same routine, albeit with a little bit less of the low-key anxiety that comes with seeing cops with weapons?”

I invite you to read Mr. Walther’s entire piece, but be warned you might take it as a parody.

Read the whole thing.