Archive for 2018

I MENTIONED THIS LAST NIGHT BUT IT BEARS REPEATING: Know how to turn off your gas, and have the necessary shutoff tool handy. I have this one, which also has a water shutoff tool. You should know where and how to do that, too.

And while it’s not as urgent, knowing how to relight the pilot on your gas water heater and furnace, if you have those, is very useful.

“SHUT UP”, THEY EXPLAINED: Politico reporting that “Paul Manafort’s pro-Ukraine campaign reached the top of the White House, with one of the members of his lobbying effort meeting President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden in 2013, according to new court documents released Friday.”

Court documents and filings with the Justice Department previously revealed some of the members of Manafort’s Hapsburg Group and showed that they met with dozens of members of Congress, congressional staffers and Obama administration officials. But Friday brought the first indication that the campaign stretched to the top of the U.S. government.

Be careful what you ask for.

OPEN THREAD: Yep, we made it through another week.

GOOD GUY WITH A GUN: Licensed gunowner praised for joining cops in shootout with suspect near I-55. “The suspect kept running and shooting at the officers as Duarte and his partner returned fire, officials said. That’s when someone sitting in traffic on Cicero Avenue got out of his car and began shooting at the suspect as well, Chlada said. The suspect was hit once and taken to Stroger Hospital in serious condition, according to Chicago police. It wasn’t clear if the bullet that hit him came from the officers or the concealed-carry holder.”

IT’S LIKE THE CULTURAL REVOLUTION — THE STUDENT “REVOLUTIONARIES” ARE JUST SHOCK TROOPS DOING THE BIDDING OF AN ADMINISTRATIVE FACTION: UNC officials watched protesters closely as Silent Sam fell, texts show. “The comments, among hundreds of pages of records released Wednesday in response to a request from WRAL News, stand in contrast to official university statements released in the ensuing hours calling the actions of around 250 protesters ‘unlawful and dangerous,’ and pledging an investigation.”

CHRISTIAN TOTO: Forget Norm Macdonald, Why Won’t These Celebrities Apologize?

Norm Macdonald is breaking some sort of land speed record for his apology tour.

First, the “Saturday Night Live” alum apologized for daring to say Roseanne Barr might not be a racist and the #MeToo movement may contain flaws.

Then, he served up another mea culpa for referencing Down Syndrome in a clumsy fashion during his initial apology.

What’s next? The fact that Macdonald won’t join The Resistance with his new Netflix talk show may put a social justice target on his back. We’ll see.

It still begs the following question: why haven’t other stars apologized for saying much, much worse?

You’re gonna need a bigger blog.


WAIT, THAT’S NOT THE NARRATIVE: Average worker’s pay has actually risen much faster than average CEO pay.

On a continuing basis, Democrats, including the media, are playing the race, sex and class cards while they pretend they want to unite the country. One of the talking points is the bald-faced lie that CEOs make over 300 times the average worker and their pay is rising faster than the average worker. There are around 250,000 CEOs in the U.S., but somehow we only hear about the top few hundred.

In 2005, the median worker made $46,242 and the average CEO made around four times that amount, or around $180,000. In 2017 the median worker made a record $61,372 up around 33%, and according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average CEO made $183,270 in 2017 or just a 2% or 3% increase in twelve years. The average CEO today makes just three times the average worker, so why does media just repeat the lie? Obviously because they collude with Democrats heightening class resentments, and they don’t want the public to know the truth or they are too lazy to do the research.

Laziness and dishonesty are their hallmarks.