Archive for 2018

HUGO? HUGO WHO? Kevin J Anderson and Instaposter Sarah A Hoyt have just won the Dragon Award for Best Alternative history for Uncharted (Arcane America Book 1).

Congratulations to them both!


What do you do if you are the New York Times and 20 people show up to the white-supremacist rally that you had been breathlessly billing as further proof of the normalisation of hatred in the Donald Trump era? Expand the definition of “white supremacist” to cover a large portion of the American electorate and its representatives… It turns out that if you are for “immigration restrictions,” “ending affirmative action,” or “instituting trade protections,” you have been influenced by white nationalism and are embracing “policy issues the far right has promoted.”

Wow, I remember Bill Clinton posing as a centrist in 1992, but I had no idea how far to the right he actually was!

When Glenn embedded C-Span’s version of the same clip last year, a reader commented: “Donald Trump should televise this Bill Clinton speech from 1995 and then simply state ‘I’m Donald Trump and I approve this message.’”

BUT IT GOT SURPRISINGLY LITTLE ATTENTION FROM THE PRESS’S KEEPERS OF PUBLIC MORALITY: Louis Farrakhan Presence At Aretha Franklin Funeral Draws Strong Online Reactions. All seated right up front: Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Bill Clinton. Or as somebody said on Twitter, “three racists and a rapist.”

Louis Farrakhan, from left, Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson and former President Bill Clinton attend the funeral service for Aretha Franklin at Greater Grace Temple, Friday, Aug. 31, 2018, in Detroit. Franklin died Aug. 16, 2018 of pancreatic cancer at the age of 76. (AP photo and caption.)

NEW SOCIALIST “IT GIRL” CONTINUES TO PAY DIVIDENDS: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Praises Venezuela For Making Everyone A Millionaire Through Hyperinflation.

It’s satire – but is it really? As Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA tweets, “The problem with Venezuela is not that socialism was poorly implemented, the issue is that it was perfectly implemented.”

Meanwhile, back in reality — or what passes for it in 2018 — Ocasio-Cortez Recruits Children To Help Her Fight Trump. Lefties sure love their human shields.


Sen. John McCain’s passing last weekend has dominated the news, particularly cable news, over the past week. The life of the former prisoner of war and 2008 presidential candidate is certainly worthy of attention.

But the respect and honesty we’re seeing from the 2018 media is a far cry from the Arizona Republican’s treatment in 2008. McCain was labeled as a racist, a get-off-my-lawn grouch with a divisive temper, someone whose health should be scrutinized because of his age.

* * * * * * * *

Politico, which was part of the Pew study, did an analysis of its own coverage for one week, Oct. 21 to 28: “Why McCain is getting hosed in the press.” The result: “110 stories advanced a narrative that was more favorable to Obama than McCain. Sixty-nine did the opposite.”

When unpacking those numbers, remember this: McCain was a media darling for most of his career leading up to 2008. That isn’t meant in a derogatory way. He was more accessible than most politicians of his experience and stature. He provided good soundbites, spoke with candor, wasn’t afraid to go against the grain — hence his nickname, “Maverick.”

And he was naive enough to believe that this would insulate him against attacks from the DNC-MSM when he decided to run for the presidency, not understanding that for the media, the only good Republican is a dead one.

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Gun activists praise court ruling in favor of campus carry.

Activists with pro-gun groups are applauding a federal appeals court’s recent dismissal of a lawsuit challenging a Texas campus carry law. The ruling dealt a blow to the three professors who sought to nullify the law on First Amendment grounds.

This is the second time the professors have lost the case in court. The suit was thrown out, and the concealed carry law upheld, by a federal district judge in July of 2017. Now the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has upheld that decision, Inside Higher Ed reported, with the court stating that “none of the cited evidence alleges a certainty that a license-holder will illegally brandish a firearm in a classroom.”

Gun rights activists have applauded the decision.

As they should.

SPEAK FOR ENGLAND, ARTHUR!: Today is the 79th anniversary of one of the most electrifying moments in Parliamentary history.

It was the day after Hitler’s armies had swept into Poland. But Neville Chamberlain was still vacillating. German aircraft were screaming over Poland, but the Prime Minister hadn’t yet entirely given up on the power of diplomacy. His speech before Parliament was careful … much too careful. He declared, “the government is in a somewhat difficult position.”

Ordinarily, Clement Attlee as Labor leader would have had the responsibility for responding to such a speech. But Attlee was elsewhere that day, so the job fell to Yorkshire M.P. Arthur Greenwood as deputy. “Speak for the workers! Speak for the workers!” shouted the Labor back benchers. Greenwood began his speech by announcing that he was speaking for Labor.

Out of the chaos, rang the voice of Leo Amery, a Conservative M.P. from Birmingham South. “Speak for England, Arthur!”

Party loyalties no longer mattered. Nor did class. Greenwood was the son of a house painter. Amery was the son of a colonial officer. The two M.P.s couldn’t have been more different.

Prior to September 2, 1939, Greenwood had never been regarded as a gifted speaker (and indeed never was again). But that day was different. Uncharacteristically, he spoke off the cuff. “We must march with the French,” he declared to enthusiastic applause. “The moment we look like weakening, at that moment dictatorship knows we are beaten. We are not beaten. We shall not be beaten.”

A state of war was declared the next day.

CHANGE: Boom Times: 83% execs say business is better, 76% see more growth.

The poll, however, revealed an unexpected quirk: Despite the GOP tax cuts that have helped businesses, the executives prefer Democrats in the upcoming midterm congressional elections and also believe that Democrats are better for business.

Some 47 percent plan to vote for Democratic candidates, versus 34 percent for Republicans.

Class loyalties trump everything today, especially among the ruling class.