Archive for 2016

DISPATCHES FROM THE EDUCATION APOCALYPSE: Very Special Snowflakes: Harvard Refuses to Name the Student Who Repeatedly Insulted a Visiting Former Israeli PM by Saying She Was “Smelly” and Had a “Very Smelly Odor” – and removes the exchange from video of the event. “Note the efforts Harvard Law is going to here on behalf of benevolent censorship — they’re not trying to silence this ugly cur. They’re trying to protect him. He made public statements, in a public forum, but Harvard is going hyperactive to delete his statements from the public record.”

Winston Smith, call your office.

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): His name is Husam El-Qoulaq.

ARTISTS UNDER HITLER is reviewed in the new issue of Commentary by Mark Falcoff:

After the war, those who had collaborated found ways of reinventing their personal histories or pretended they had been apolitical all along. With the coming of the Cold War and the division of Germany into U.S. and Soviet spheres of influence, the Federal Republic and its sponsors lost interest in inquiring too deeply into the political records of some outstanding personalities, both political and artistic. The CIA, Petropoulos writes, “even organi[zed] exhibitions, arranging purchases for American museums, and financing artists….Effort such as this, well intentioned and well informed or not, contributed to the myth that all modernists had fought the good fight.” Only in the late 1960s did young Germans begin to wonder about the careers of the people profiled in this book, and with them, the history of their parents’ generation. Petropoulos’s Artists Under Hitler is a carefully nuanced and fair-minded treatment of a controversial and difficult subject.

It is; I reviewed Jonathan Petropoulos’ book last year and highly recommend it, particularly for its details on the period from 1933 until 1938, when the Hitler-attended “Degenerate Art” exhibition in Berlin signified the end of modern art in Nazi Germany: ‘In the Land of Faust, They Eagerly Followed a Faustian Script.’


NY Daily News: De Blasio team skirted campaign donation limits; investigators found ‘willful and flagrant’ violations ‘warranting prosecution.’

NY Post: De Blasio, aides accused of ‘criminal’ fundraising activity.

NewsBusters: NYT Excuse for de Blasio-Led Campaign Money Scheme? Law Is ‘Obscure.’

Why, it’s as if the Times would rather defend Democrats and keep their readers in the cocoon rather than run with a juicy story.

And note the Albany connection to De Blasio’s woes: As Harry Siegel of the New York Daily News tweets, “So Cuomo pick called cops on de Blasio for doing fundraising stuff that looks a lot like the stuff Cuomo’s done…”

SHE’S NOT LIKEABLE ENOUGH: Gallup: No interest in Clinton even among Democratic women.

Women are increasingly turning their noses up at the 2016 election, including Democratic women despite the likelihood that their party’s nominee will be one of them, according to a new Gallup survey of the gender gap in those closely following the election.

Women have never paid as much attention to the current race as men, but Gallup found that the attention gap has expanded in recent months.

Once just two points apart, in February, the gap is now 13 points and is seen in both Democratic and Republican ranks as men continue to be engaged in the election dominated by news coverage of Republican Donald Trump.

Well, the ZOMG they’re coming for our lady parts! hysteria has worn off, but expect new efforts along those lines. If it’s mostly men who vote in November, Hillary’s doomed.

THE WAPO’S GOT A FEVAH, AND NEEDS TO GODWINIZE DONALD TRUMP YET AGAIN: WashPost Analogizes Trump Deportation Plan to ‘Pol Pot Genocide.’

It’s a nice change of pace I guess from the earlier national socialist whom the Post was comparing Trump to.

Last month, the Post warned on Trump: Hitler was elected, too.

In February, as Tom Blumer wrote at NewsBusters, the paper ran a column written by Danielle Allen, “a political theorist at Harvard University and a contributing columnist for The Post,’ [who] wrote that with Trump’s progress towards achieving the U.S. presidency thus far has led her to understand ‘exactly how Hitler could have come to power in Germany.”

And yet, as Glenn wrote that month, “The Germans Have Spoken: 6 ways Donald Trump is nothing like Adolf Hitler. There’s also that whole having-a-Jewish-daughter thing.”

Once again, the Post won’t be deterred by those minor details. But as Kathy Shaidle quipped last month, “Hitler? Be more worried that Trump will turn out to be like that other Austrian…”

I’LL TAKE DOOR NUMBER TWO, MONTY: Washington Post’s virtual Obama museum: ‘Cool,’ or ‘cult worship’?

The WaPo “answers the question, ‘What can we do to discredit ourselves as irrationally in the tank for Obama-ism?””, but then they’re far from alone in that department. The reckoning for the MSM near-monolithically selling out to BHO in 2008 and 2012 will certainly be fun to watch.

Speaking of which, as Investor’s Business Daily — which didn’t drink the Obama Kool-Aid — correctly notes, “Only 6% Trust Media, But It Should Be Less.”

IT’S AS IF THEY CARE MORE ABOUT GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES THAN THEY DO ABOUT CITIZENS: CDC secret warning on surge of illegal kids: ‘Plan on many having TB.’

During the recent surge of tens of thousands of young illegal immigrants crossing the Mexico-U.S. border, the Centers for Disease Control warned staff that many will be infected with tuberculosis — but the public wasn’t given a head’s up.

In fact, the young adults, few of whom had received the types of vaccines U.S. children received, arrived with TB, swine flu and even Dengue, according to reports that eventually filtered out of border agents and hospitals on or near the U.S. border.

The internal warning was: “We might as well plan on many of the kids having TB.” It was included in June 2014 email guidance from environmental health scientist Alaric C. Denton as the agency prepared to handle the crisis, which was repeated in 2015 and is expected again this year.

“Most of these kids are not immunized, so we need to make sure all our staff are immunized,” said Denton, who is stationed at the CDC headquarters in Atlanta, according to a new document obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch and released Thursday.

What’s more, the documents obtained in Judicial Watch’s investigation of the flood of so-called unaccompanied minors, topping 70,000 a year, revealed that all aren’t the little children the administration has portrayed them as. Many are young adults, and gang members.

“The CDC official reveals in the documents obtained by JW as a result of the lawsuit that ‘some of these kids are not really kids they are young adults, and we should be wary of personal safety,'” said a memo.

Meanwhile, members of the public who said similar things were called paranoid racist conspiracy-mongers.