Archive for 2016

TO BE FAIR, IT DOESN’T WANT TO: Why The Activist Left Can’t Help Its Intolerance.

In ancient Rome, damnatio memoriae was the practice of condemning Roman elites and emperors after death. The phrase means, “the condemnation of memory,” and the idea was to dishonor people by erasing them from history, usually by seizing their property, removing their name from public monuments, and destroying or re-working their statues. As you might imagine, those subject to damnatio memoriae tended to be traitors or deposed emperors—like Maximian, who ruled Rome for a decade before he was forced to commit suicide by Constantine the Great in 310.

In other words, the practice of purging names and images was a political tactic of Imperial Rome to suppress dissent and intimidate enemies.

Now it’s back. Not in Russia or Iran, but here in America among left-wing activists.

He who controls the present controls the past, as someone or other said.

KIM PHILBY, BRITISH DOUBLE AGENT, REVEALS ALL IN SECRET VIDEO: “A previously unseen video of one of Britain’s most infamous spies describing his career as a Soviet agent has been uncovered by the BBC. The tape is of Kim Philby giving a secret lecture to the Stasi, the East German Intelligence Service, in 1981.”

Funny, I’m old enough to remember when those pointed out that Soviet double agents had infiltrated western governments would have been accused of paranoid fantasies – not the least of which, by the BBC themselves.

GOING LIVE ANY MINUTE NOW: these books come with an iron clad pledge that these, like any vampires I write, don’t sparkle unless you douse them in gasoline and set them on fire.  (And then it’s not so much sparkle as glow. But they would present a very pretty and festive spectacle.  You should avoid roasting marshmallows on them thought, because of the gasoline fumes.)  Sword and blood by Sarah A. Hoyt.

BUT ADMITTING THAT WOULD MEAN THE THEORY WAS WRONG: And Al Gore might need to work for a living. Falling Sea Level.

TITLE IX PUSHBACK from Penn State.

WELL, IT’S A BLOG ABOUT NEW EXPERIENCES, BUT THIS IS ONE YOU’D RATHER SKIP: My Skin Cancer Diagnosis—And Why You Should Get Checked Too. “I am lucky. Basal cell carcinoma is pretty treatable. It is malignant, but slow moving and rarely metastasizes. It is basically the pot head of the cancer world. . . . I hope this post will motivate you to go get a screening. If my cancer had not been on my shoulder, I might not have seen it and could have let it grow for years unchecked. It would have turned a very treatable situation into a disastrous one.”

I get checked by a dermatologist every year, as well as by my regular doctor.

JAMES TARANTO: Chalk and Awe: The new Free Speech Movement.

If you find Donald Trump’s presidential campaign a source of pure despair, allow us to offer some mitigation. The campaign is having at least one salutary effect. . . . “Thanks in large part to the Emory University students who pathetically panicked after seeing pro-Trump messages written in chalk on campus sidewalks, pro-Trump messages are now appearing on other college campuses,” the blog Legal Insurrection reported over the weekend. “The whole thing is going viral on Twitter under the hashtag #TheChalkening.”

Legal Insurrection has a series of photos, still more of which can be found at the Twitter accounts Students for Trump and Old Row. This new Free Speech Movement reinforces one of the prime arguments Trump supporters make for their candidate: that he stands against political correctness. . . .

It is possible that the left-wing cry-bullies demanding “safe spaces” are not representative of their cohort, merely good at getting attention, and at extracting concessions from administrators who generally share their political outlook.

There are, of course, narrowly defined limits to free speech, including libel, invasion of privacy, fighting words and incitement to violence. The New York Times story notes that “some students see the Trump name as synonymous with hate speech” and therefore worthy of censorship—though it fails to point out that “hate speech” is fully protected by the First Amendment.

That tells you all you need to know about the politically correct mindset. It not only seeks to censor uncongenial speech but wishes to declare an uncongenial individual ineffable—in effect, to render him an unperson. Unlike free speech, political correctness knows no limits. It is the essence of totalitarianism.

Yes, it is.

INVADING THE LEFT’S “SAFE SPACES.” Donald Trump Supporters at the University of Maryland Decorated the Testudo Statue.

The Testudo picture—retweeted over 900 times—is part of Trump’s new #TheChalkening Twitter campaign, which is centered around showing support for the GOP hopeful on college campuses in America. The campaign comes in the wake of recent controversy at Emory University, where students claimed to be upset by seeing “Trump 2016” scrawled in chalk.

Maryland students haven’t reacted in the same way yet, though some have tweeted their dismay in seeing pro-Trump messages on the way to class Monday.

Boo hoo.