Archive for 2015

LEON WOLF: President Obama, Commute Sharanda Jones’ Sentence. “Sharanda Jones is currently serving a sentence of life without the possibility of parole at Carswell Federal Prison in Texas. Life without the possibility of parole is the second-harshest sentence our justice system can mete out, short only of the death penalty, and that not by much. What, you might ask yourself, did Sharanda Jones do to merit this sentence? She was convicted of a single, non-violent drug offense involving crack cocaine. This conviction stemmed from her first ever arrest, and she was not even caught with crack in her possession.”

They told me if I voted Republican, black women would get the shaft from an harsh and merciless Department Of Justice. And they were right!

Oh, well. She may be getting hammered by the Obama Administration, but at least she’s got the folks at RedState going to bat for her. . . .

THIS WAS INEVITABLE: EU may bring back border controls, Angela Merkel suggests. “The German Chancellor says for the first time that the Schengen zone, which allows passport-free travel across mainland Europe, cannot continue in its current form unless other EU countries accept their share of migrants.” Europe will turn ugly in response to this flood. The longer it’s allowed to go on, the uglier the turn will be.

JENNY NORTH: Diversity Lesson for Today: Gender Neutral Pronouns.

I have to say, though, that while the University of Tennessee is taking a lot of lawmaker flak over the pronoun thing, that’s just a website post. The university’s new sexual assault policy, which it adopted despite acknowledging that multiple courts have already found it illegal and “ridiculous,” is a much more serious problem and is much more deserving of legislative attention.


Most of the state’s water is drawn from the Delta, protected by levees that pretty much amount to mounds of dirt, even when compared to infrastructure that infamously failed New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. Hurricanes don’t hit NorCal, but these levees are alarmingly susceptible to disaster. If enough were to breach—in an earthquake perhaps, or severe El Niño storm—sea water from San Francisco Bay could rush in, tainting the water supply serving two-thirds of the state. The worst-case scenario could cause up to three years of severely curtailed water for most Californians.

Even if you’re not a California dreamer, this affects you. Delta water keeps Hollywood in the movie business, Silicon Valley in the tech business, and 750,000 acres of farmland in the business of producing half of America’s veggies, fruits, and nuts. If the levees go, so goes the water for 25 million residents of the world’s seventh largest economy.

The Delta is a singular place, even in California’s varied geography. Most of California’s interior water flows into two river systems—the Sacramento from the north, and the San Joaquin from the south. Where they meet, just east of the San Francisco Bay, they form a muggy tidal marsh with more than 70 inhabited islands. Most of these islands sit below sea level, due to groundwater pumping and natural compaction, and are ringed by tall, earthen levees. “An island in the Delta is really a bowl surrounded by a levee,” says Dave Mraz, chief levee engineer for the state Department of Water Resources. “If that levee goes, then that bowl is filled with water.”

Since 1900, over 160 levees have breached in the Delta. Several breached islands were never reclaimed, and now exist only as levee-top lagoons.

Don’t worry. Now that that dumb cowboy Bush is gone, we don’t have to worry about government incompetence anymore.

NEW SAN FRANCISCO RESTAURANT REPLACES HUMANS WITH IPADS: Eatsa in the city’s financial district offers iPad-based ordering, with meals prepared by people whom customers never have to see:

Not far from San Francisco, a hotel in Sunnyvale, the Aloft Cupertino, recently began testing a robot that assists its human colleagues with daily tasks such as changing linens and towels and delivering amenities to guests.

Riley Thomas, a San Francisco resident who works near Eatsa, was one of the few patrons who questioned the concept at a time when more and more families are struggling to survive in the city. “I like the food and love the price,” he said. “Still, it worries me that people will begin to think that this is how all restaurants should be run and it could really hurt jobs that are needed right now.”

Co-founder Scott Drummond said: “There is a fast food business model that we need to hit and we’re looking at ways that technology can increase efficiency … That way we can get the price down.”

Gee, what could have inspired these San Francisco restaurateurs so “unexpectedly?”

POLITICALLY INCORRECT SCIENCE: More Evidence That Brains Are Not Gender Neutral. “However much we’d like to think of gender as a social construct, science suggests that real differences do exist between female and male brains. The latest evidence: a first-of-its-kind European study that finds that the female brain can be drastically reshaped by treating it with testosterone over time.”


As the United States and Russia eye new shipping routes in the melting Arctic, political and military leaders in Washington are pointing to a crucial gap in the one type of vessel that can turn frozen waters into reliable lanes for commerce or national defense.

Icebreakers — the ships that smash through sea ice, opening routes for other craft and rescuing trapped vessels — are increasingly important to navigating in the far north. Russia has 40 of them, including nuclear-powered craft painted an intimidating red and black.

Meanwhile, the U.S. icebreaker fleet? Two.

But hey, we finally got that old dead white guy’s name off of an Alaskan mountain. Priorities, people — priorities!

BLUMENTHAL URGES CLINTON TO SUPPORT IMPEACHMENT OF JUSTICE THOMAS: According to the Daily Caller, the latest batch of released Hillary Clinton emails reveals a telling one: Clinton’s top confidant, Sid Blumenthal, urged Clinton to support the impeachment of Justice Clarence Thomas, forwarding to her a 7-page “memorandum” penned by David Brock, the founder of Media Matters, and a self-proclaimed defender of Hillary Clinton.

The political left’s hatred of Justice Thomas is legendary, with the only black Supreme Court Justice routinely being called an “Uncle Tom” for holding conservative/libertarian views. But Blumenthal’s email to Clinton in October 2010 shows that the left was still actively scheming to ruin Thomas, trying to build a case for impeachment.

The utter ridiculousness of the effort is patent. Thomas’s impeachable “high crime and misdemeanor” offenses? According to New York Times and Washington Post hit pieces relied upon by Brock, women (including a former girlfriend) who were interviewed indicated that Thomas had an apparent interest–prior to being confirmed as a Justice–in pornography, and a healthy sexual interest in the opposite gender.

Um, so basically the left wanted to impeach Thomas because he was a red-blooded American male? Well, I guess that’s in keeping with the left’s utter hostility to all things male. But please, this is all you’ve got on Thomas? Yawn.

SHOCKER: French Minister: Hey, that 35-hour work week isn’t working out so well.

His comments, which echoed similar sentiments from an interview almost exactly a year ago – made a splash across front pages of French newspapers on Friday.

“The left was wrong to think that France would improve if people worked less. It was a false idea,” he said during his closing statement at the conference.

He added that “one shouldn’t ask what your country can do for you, rather what you can do for your country’s economy”.

Supporters say the flagship policy of the French left creates jobs by limiting the amount of time employees are allowed to work, thereby encouraging companies to take on more staff.

But critics at home and abroad say it is an inflexible law that hampers business and creates a bloated workforce.

Yeah, I’m going with #2 here.