LEON WOLF: President Obama, Commute Sharanda Jones’ Sentence. “Sharanda Jones is currently serving a sentence of life without the possibility of parole at Carswell Federal Prison in Texas. Life without the possibility of parole is the second-harshest sentence our justice system can mete out, short only of the death penalty, and that not by much. What, you might ask yourself, did Sharanda Jones do to merit this sentence? She was convicted of a single, non-violent drug offense involving crack cocaine. This conviction stemmed from her first ever arrest, and she was not even caught with crack in her possession.”

They told me if I voted Republican, black women would get the shaft from an harsh and merciless Department Of Justice. And they were right!

Oh, well. She may be getting hammered by the Obama Administration, but at least she’s got the folks at RedState going to bat for her. . . .