Archive for 2013



DON’T TRUST WIKIPEDIA. “I find myself regularly assuring readers that I have never been a member of the Church of Satan.”


“Policymakers and the media often sensationalize teen sexual behavior, suggesting that adolescents as young as 10 or 11 are increasingly sexually active,” said lead author Lawrence Finer. “But the data just don’t support that concern. Rather, we are seeing teens waiting longer to have sex, using contraceptives more frequently when they start having sex, and being less likely to become pregnant than their peers of past decades.”

Well, good.

LIFE AS A SELF-PUBLISHING FAILURE. Getting rid of the gatekeepers just opens the gate. It doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get through.

ACTUALLY, THIS WAS THE PLAN ALL ALONG — LET THEM TAKE OVER JUST AS THINGS WERE HEADING INTO THE CRAPPER, THUS DISCREDITING ISLAMISM. Egypt becoming a nightmare for Muslim Brothers. “For the Muslim Brotherhood, the long awaited dream come true is turning into a nightmare. Having survived 80 years of persecution to achieve power democratically, they suddenly find themselves the focus of widespread popular hatred.” Of course, rapefests and Islamist yammering are always unwise in a country that imports half its calories and gets most of its foreign exchange from tourism, something that maybe should have gotten more consideration from the MB early on . . . .

IS AMERICA RAISING A Generation Of Interns? “Desperate as she is, the Department of Labor doesn’t consider her to be unemployed, because she has two jobs. . . . The permatern phenomenon points toward wider trends in the economy — namely the cutthroat competition for knowledge-economy jobs, the lack of investment in this generation, and the skills gap between what a generation weaned on a liberal-arts education is trained for and what the in-demand skills and professions are right now (i.e., not another poli-sci or English major). The result? For many in Washington, the American dream starts with a highbrow internship that pays $4.35 an hour — then another, and maybe another.”


MARRIAGE ADVICE FOR AMANDA MARCOTTE: “You’re entitled to your freedom, but freedom can only be exercised in the real world with all its limitations — including nature and, in a free society, the freedom of other people.”

Plus, from the comments: “This just in from the Gods of the Copy-book Headings: ‘She who will not when she may/ When she will, she shall have nay.'” They keep coming up these days.

UPDATE: Age and power differentials. I think Marcotte comes across as kind of “creepy” here. “Marcotte, in her capacity as a regular columnist at a prestigious, internationally read Web magazine, presently possesses a lot more cultural power and privilege than the high school boy she just called ‘creepy, accused of implicitly threatening Upton with being called a bitch, and told that his prom invitation is rooted in the same premise that stalkers and rapists operate under.” Like I said, Marcotte comes across as creepy.